Radha, Heart of Keld

Legendary Creature — Elf Warrior

As long as it's your turn, Radha, Heart of Keld has first strike.

You may look at the top card of your library at any time, and you play lands from the top of your library.

: Radha gets +X/+X until end of turn, where X is the number of lands you control.

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TypicalTimmy on What makes a deck-worthy commander?

2 years ago

I tend to look for a Commander who does one thing extremely well that I can build off of. While multi-faceted Commanders such as Kenrith, the Returned King are really nice in their flexibility, for me personally, I struggle to draw their potential in. Some of the Commanders I have built in the past are:

  • Karametra, God of Harvests as an ETB Matters theme. Because she brings out lands, Landfall was a strong subtheme of the deck, since Landfall itself is limited. And yes this includes cards with "Landfall" not under such a name, such as Tireless Tracker and Zendikar's Roil. However, because I am also casting creatures, creature ETB is important, too. So Hornet Queen and Soul Sisters had their stay. Some cards, such as Avenger of Zendikar really exploded as they drew these two elements together. Lastly, because I wanted continuous use of my ETB effects, return-to-hand was also important. So Jeskai Barricade and similar effects were in play. What resulted was a, slow, well-oiled machine that could cast multiple ETB creatures per turn and explode a boardstate from nothing.

  • Oros, the Avenger was built as a Wrath's Matters build. This is because if you put deathtouch on Oros, his activation wrath's the board of all non-white creatures. To protect myself, every single creature in my deck had to have , in part or in whole. Then, the deck used every single card available in the game to permanently give Oros his deathtouch. In this way, I never had to hold back because I didn't have an instant or sorcery to cast. Or perhaps I did, but not enough mana to cast it and activate Oros in the same turn. So auras, equipment and permanent effects such as Deadly Wanderings. While cards such as Maze Abomination might sound good, being non-white meant it died the moment Oros resolved. So it becomes a one-time deal. Now, because of the sheer volume of mana required, the deck ran an absolute absurd amount of mana sources. I think I had like 17 mana rocks alone. For filler cards, any other wrath was used. This way, against decks, I could still hit the board hard.

Sidenote: If there are 7 creatures on the battlefield that Oros can hit, and he has lifelink, you just gained 3(7), or 21, life. That's how the deck stayed ahead. After I gained +200 life and nobody has any creatures left, I essentially could not be stopped.

  • Radha, Heart of Keld was a Voltron-esque build who focused on as many land tutors as I could possibly get out, focusing on all basic lands so nothing ETB tapped. She was given ample protection. And then I topped it off with giant doublers, such as Xenagos, God of Revels and Unleash Fury. What resulted from here was a deck whose goal was to TKO any opponent in a single shot. Yes, infect was used as well. The deck name was Thick Thighs Save Lives. Lol.

So, as you can see, what I look for is a Commander who focuses on ONE mechanic or ability, and I tie in two or three supporting elements to ensure it runs smoothly. By implementing the deck construction in this way, I absolutely ensure I never draw into duds. It's either a useful land, ramp, or synergy support. No card every becomes wasted in my hand.


nbarry223 on Nifty Shifty Titan

2 years ago

Have you considered Courser of Kruphix / Radha, Heart of Keld / Augur of Autumn to help filter your draws away from lands, or maybe even Lotus Cobra to ramp you?

Courser of Kruphix is probably the best due to the lifegain and being bolt proof, but if you vary your manadorks power enough, Augur of Autumn becomes nice, since you already have Sakura-Tribe Elder at one power. Radha, Heart of Keld can also become a win-condition on its own, due to its ability to pump itself.

I'd say your two top options are Courser of Kruphix and Radha, Heart of Keld for your current list, if you wanted to play lands from the top of your deck, eliminating "dead" draws and essentially generating card advantage.

I've found 2-3 of this functionality works best in a list, as duplicates aren't the greatest (lifegain stacks if you have duplicates though, so Courser of Kruphix is better as a duplicate).

Coward_Token on Innistrad: Midnight Hunt. A Good …

2 years ago

Augur of Autum: Neat alternative to Courser & Radha, Heart of Keld. Achieving Coven so that you can do Creature card-based card advantage is a bit "win more", but it's still a neat bonus to the default extra land-playing.

As a side note, I'm a bit worried over the lack of new EDH-decent Gruul-inclusive Werewolves. Aside from Tovolar, there's just Kessig Naturalist  Flip. The actual Wolves aren't very impressive either.

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