Putrid Goblin

Creature — Zombie Goblin

Persist (When this creature is put into the graveyard from the battlefield, if it had no -1/-1 counters on it, return it to the battlefield under its owner's control with a -1/-1 counter on it.)

Dabsolux on Pauper and PDH combos

3 weeks ago

I would like to create a list of all Pauper and PDH deck combos. Most of them are created by NateDiggity7 (Moxfield) and PenguinPete (MTG Salvation). Here some:

BG - Golgari

BR - Rakdos

C - Colorless

G - Green

RG - Gruul

UBG - Sultai

UB - Dimir

UG - Simic

URG - Temur

U - Blue

WB - Orzhov

WG - Selesnya

WR - Boros

WUB - Esper

WU - Azorius


W - White

Taida on golgari something or another

1 month ago

The idea of the deck looks good, but it is torn between landfall and zombies, I would recommend going for either one, but maybe not both. For zombies I cannot help you, I barely play with them, but if you want, there is a fun combo using Putrid Goblin and Thran Vigil, then killing the goblin. This will make it come back without the -1/-1 counter from persist, so if you have a sac outlet, you have basically infinite etb effects (and any other bonus the sac outlet gets you). You could also use some Deadly Dispute, drawing you cards and getting the Gravecrawler on the graveyard.

For landfall, get some fetchlands. They double the number of triggers.

Also, you might need some interaction. I do not think Pick Your Poison is enough, and getting some instant speed removal might be nice

K4nkato on death by 1000 papercuts

7 months ago

Some thoughts:

1) Troll of Khazad-dum should be in some of your land slots to fix your mana. He should be fetching Geothermal Bog

2) The deck doesn't have a timely win condition. I ran some test games with your list against Goblin Combo, Grixis Affinity and Mono Blue Faeries. If a creature deck plays out a creature every turn then your removal absolutely runs them over at first, but there comes a point around turn 7 or 8 where you simply run out of cards. There's no draw cards in this list. It can wipe every card drawing Ninja, Faerie and Myr that hits the table but those decks will draw an addition 2, 3, even 5 cards over the game. Faeries wins out by holding all their Ninjas until the middle game, casting Of One Mind for full price to pull ahead, then casting a single Ninja and attacking into an empty board. Goblins wins by doing nothing until they have the whole combo in their hand / graveyard then they just win on the spot. Affinity draws cards until they can play two/four Myr Retrievers in one turn and defend them with Metallic Rebuke.

Fang Dragon costing seven mana puts him too far into the future to cast as a timely threat. By the time this deck reaches seven lands your opponent will have a removal spell, counter spell or other answer waiting for him. Gurmag Angler is big but most top decks can answer him. Thorn of the Black Rose refills your hand if you can watch the throne, but attacking for 1 isn't a reasonable clock.

I think Ichor Drinker is a good choice for the deck. It gives you a reasonable early turn play & some recursion post-board wipe, but I wonder if something like Nested Shambler, Persistent Specimen or Putrid Goblin would be a stronger choice for a threat. They naturally replace themselves on their own.

3) You aren't running enough support for You Are Already Dead in my opinion. I'd love to brew a deck built around these removal spells but they need a lot of support going for them. Someone else has recommended Crypt Rats but if you're looking for an interesting card with a lot of potential, have you considered Cuombajj Witches? One damage to any target, then you immediately pick it off. Fits the deck, provides a win condition, etc.

jarncards on Dead WOMan Walking

1 year ago

Fiend Artisan is green

I think Sidisi, Undead Vizier is awful unless you use a lot of reanimate effects, it's just so expensive to tutor. Geth, Lord of the Vault is crazy strong, but he's a totally different deck most of the time. I'd dump Liliana's Steward too. You and one other player go down a card, putting the rest of the table ahead of you by one card, but they also get to choose, so you're never going to get the card you want out of their hand.

Hobbling Zombie and other cards like it, like Putrid Goblin are excellent at keeping attacks away from you while you build up your board. and the pseudo revival effects let you abuse a lot of other zombie mechanics. Butcher Ghoul, and Geralf's Messenger or Doomed Dissenter are ok too. i wouldnt use Sightless Ghoul though. They are all better than Reassembling Skeleton though. Keep Relentless Dead. Im not sure if they make the cut, but they arent scary, but that means they are good at keeping a target off your back til youre readyfor one.

Magus of the Bridge is great for a non-zombie. Probably use it over Tainted Adversary, i feel like that one just costs way too much before its good. Dreadhorde Invasion is incredibly good, as is Mikaeus, the Unhallowed. i'd put those in for sure.Tormod, the Desecrator is still really good. Zombie Trailblazer is devastating to the person sitting to your left in particular or anyone playing five colors/ not black. When you REALLY need someone to not cast a spell. make all their lands swamps during the upkeep. almost every board wipe is a sorcery.

I think you might want to dump Thought Vessel for Mind Stone or even Blood Pet. In many cases discarding is beneficial to zombies. If you want to keep infinite hand size, Zombie Infestation and discard at will cards are pretty helpful.

I think Noxious Ghoul is the single best zombie card in the game, in this deck it basically says, tap your commander, wipe everyone else's boards. Use it.

Sutured Ghoul is runner up. If you include it and other high power zombies like Rotting Regisaur you can put him out as a 20+/xx easily, and then get 2/2s. HE doesnt play nice with mass reanimate, but he's an alternate win condition on his own. also its a great tool since youre probably gonna sac the dino and Phyrexian Soulgorger pretty quickly. If you sacrifice him on the end step before your turn i think you will almost always have a game ending horde.

Gray Merchant of Asphodel is utterly stupid. The absolute best reanimate target you could hope for. and since your card draw is gonna cost a ton of life, hes always going to be valuable. Whip of Erebos is probably the only other reasonable lifegain choice.That one makes aggressive attacking suddenly super safe

Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia is really cheap at making zombies if you dont have any other sources of decayed zombs. they cant block, but you get so many death triggers

Graveborn Muse is great card draw.

Hatred is usually better than Endless Scream

I think Gempalm Polluter is fantastic. its card draw, puts a big zombie into your graveyard, and hurts a player if things are going well.

I don't think Endless Ranks of the Dead is that great, but it certainly is cool. Wand of Orcus is really cool too. I'm not sure if its good though.

Board wipes will shut you down as you have things right now. Crowded Crypt and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet, that way, even if there's a board wipe you still have a whole army of zombs to multiply even after everything is dead. Rise of the Dread Marn is another fantastic option that you can abuse if you run things like Carrion Feeder too. Run Carrion Feeder, period. It lets you loop gravecrawler and saves yourself from control magic and exile spells.

Consider Toxic Deluge and STRONGLY CONSIDER Nevinyrral's Disk. Single target removal like tragic slip is ok because you can choose when things die, but other cards like Malicious Affliction are going to miss a lot of key targets. And you absolutely need to have a way to clear artifacts and especially enchantments.

Dark Salvation is pretty cool. not sure if it is good enough, but i'd use it rather than some of your spot removal.

Liliana, Dreadhorde General is really absurdly strong if you can get it out, and even if it dies the next turn you can draw a bunch off of it. Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip you already know is great.

If you diversify your black lands, Field of the Dead is the best land. its silly how good it is. I'll start you off with the autoinclude Unholy Grotto. Malakir Rebirth  Flip is too.

I'll see what you make and see if i find anything else. later

meinzel on Abzan Blasting Solemnity

1 year ago

Thanks for the insight jdogz32!

I actually even have a version of the deck with Thran Vigil where I replaced Young Wolf with Putrid Goblin to utilize Thran Vigil's effect. However it massively alters the mana-curve from from a 1-drop, two 2-drops and two 3-drops to literally zero 1-drop but four 2-drops. Taking into account the Profane Tutor you have way to many options for turn 2 while completely giving up the chance to do something significant on turn one. With Thran Vigil you eventually even give up on the chance of a natural turn-3-win.

I like the idea to add either Zulaport Cutthroat or Blood Artist at least to the sideboard to circumvent hexproof/shroud. When checking for reasonable or expectable hexproof effects in modern, only Leyline of Sanctity came to mind, which I can get rid of rather easily with maindeck Boseiju, Who Endures or Prismatic Ending. I can ignore Veil of Summer since both win conditions are artifacts.

In the mentioned alternative version I actually considered Kitchen Finks. However it doesn't constitute a win condition in itself and therefore will still falter to e.g. mill or decks with other unconventional win conditions. It might be interesting against burn-type, but even then I rather win the game directly.

RoyaleWithCheese on

1 year ago

After some playtesting I made some changes to the deck trying to make it more dinamic and interactive. I also picked some cards that I wanted.

Tried to streamline the deck by removing some alternative combos. Removed Pawn of Ulamog, Pitiless Plunderer, Phyrexian Altar and Reassembling Skeleton. This one was too convoluted I think. Changed for Geralf's Messenger, to have another option that combos with Yawgmoth and Nest of Scarabs. Putrid Goblin can combo with Mikaeus and Altar of Dementia (wich by itself serves as a sac outlet and selfmill aswell). Also added one more tutor in Dark Petition to pick the pieces and more reanimate in Incarnation Technique. Still testing this reanimate card but seems that can be quite nice in the right moment, as I have a bunch of removal and some grave hate.

Ill take this deck to a tournament in my LGS next saturday and post the results here!

Any suggestions are welcome! Thanks!

keizerbuns on You Know What They Say, Persistence Is Key

1 year ago

Idk if you wanted an update on how the play testing was going, jags, but in case you were, here are the results.

I did some play testing the other day, both with and without Finks in the deck, and I’ve realized just how much better the deck runs with a lower average CMC (obvious in hindsight lol). I play tested a total of 70 times (35 with Kitchen Finks in place of Safehold Elite and 35 without) and recorded the results.

A good 80-90% of the time I won with either Bombardment or with Altar but I did end up using Finks almost as much as I did Putrid Goblin as the persist creature used to pull off the combo. So Finks was actually a part of the game winning combo and/or was in itself the game winning combo piece about 40-45% of the time, which was way higher than I was expecting.

I was hesitant to replace Safehold Elite with Kitchen Finks because I didn’t want to raise the average CMC of the deck, but turns out I didn’t have to. After all of that play testing I realized just how useless Murderous Redcap was in my deck. Redcap only won 4 out of the 75 games played because he was just too hard to cast reliably on turn 4. So I took out all copies and replaced them with Finks and the deck is running a lot smoother now.

So thanks for the Kitchen Finks suggestion, it actually improved the deck a lot!

DawnsRayofLight on But, it's no sacrifice No sacrifice

1 year ago

I mean, it seems strong. It should do rather well, the only worry I see is how it will do against

1) very strong aggro based decks like Isshin, Two Heavens as One, Jetmir, Nexus of Revels, and Godo, Bandit Warlord--> board wipes should help keep these under control to an extent, and fortunately board wipes work with your strategy.

2) Combo decks--> these can be trickier as turbo decks can go off quick and other combo decks can have infinite life strategies. (though I think your commander gets around that, I think the life loss he triggers is counted as commander damage, someone correct me if I am wrong)


3) games that go too late: I can see a deck like this running out of steam

Lurrus is a helpful piece to the list but it may be worth considering dropping the companion requirement after testing to relieve yourself of the restriction which gives you access to more cards that I think would honestly make the deck stronger. (combos like sac outlet + Karmic Guide + Reveillark for infinite sac loops, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed (especially with Putrid Goblin and Puppeteer Clique with a sac outlet for another loop), one of my favorite things to do back in the days of zombie pod was Geralf's Messenger + Restoration Angel)

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