Punish Ignorance


Counter target spell. Its controller loses 3 life and you gain 3 life.

DemonDragonJ on Eislinda and Vernalia

8 months ago

I have designed my own character inspired by the Snow Queen from Hans Christian Anderson’s fairy tale of the same name, a rival for her, as well as several cards associated with each of them. I assure the users here that my posting of an ice queen shortly after WotC revealed theirs is pure coincidence, as I had this idea in my head for some time, but simply never had sufficient free time to post it, before now, so here is what I have produced.

Eislinda, the Ice Queen Show

Eislinda represents calm logic and deliberate, methodical action, as evidenced by how her ability is an activated ability, and her name contains the word "eis," which is German for "ice."

Eislinda's Disdain Show

This card is a smaller version of Punish Ignorance in the same way that Countersquall is a smaller version of Undermine.

Icy Rebuke Show

I modeled this card after non-blue counterspells, such as Dawn Charm and Rebuff the Wicked, because I found those spells to be too limited but I do not believe that this spell is too powerful or a color pie break, since it still is fairly limited in what it can do.

Eisheim, the Frozen Palace Show

Most utility lands do not produce colored mana, so I wished to make one that did, and I ensured that it also had an ability for each color of mana that it could produce. I hope that this land is not too powerful, but, if it is, I certainly would appreciate feedback on how to better balance it.

Now that I have displayed Eislinda and cards associated with her, I shall introduce her rival.

Vernalia, Herald of Spring Show

Vernalia is the opposite of Eislinda; she represents growth, rebirth, and passion, while Eislinda represent death, darkness, and apathy, but she also represents instinct, intuition, and unconscious action, as demonstrated by her abilities being triggered abilities, while Eislinda's abilities are activated abilities. Her name contains the word "vernal," which is Latin for "of, or relating to, Spring."

Vernalia's Grasp Show

I am very surprised that WotC has not yet printed a card that combines Artifact Mutation and Aura Mutation, so I have made such a card, and I feel that it is perfectly balanced at costing 3 mana, while the other two cards have a combined mana value of 4.

Grunwald, Cradle of Spring Show

I had contemplated having the green ability put a +1/+1 counter on a creature, but that would require that there be a creature on the battlefield, so I changed it to always be useful. "Grunwald" is German for "green forest," which, I suppose, is somewhat redundant, in the context of this game.

What does everyone else say about these cards? I spend a great amount of time and effort designing them, so I welcome any feedback that anyone has to offer!

amicdeep on My gains are your losses

3 years ago

been trying something similar, i've not come to a place where im happy with it yet.

but a few cards i found that will probably end up in the list are Lone Rider  Flip, Kaya's Guile, Lurrus of the Dream-Den.

more in the maybe slot Basilica Bell-Haunt, Cling to Dust, Silversmote Ghoul, Revitalize, Survival Cache

feel like there's also a argument for mardu for, Lightning Helix and Smiting Helix

or esper with Absorb and Punish Ignorance, Ojutai's Command

discipleofgary73 on Crime and Punishment {Merieke Primer}

4 years ago

Fenryr Haha mana rocks are something one might find in a pawn shop after murdering its broker... I had some signets in originally, and honestly might put some back in because getting Merieke out by 3 is critical. I agree on the counters- thinking Arcane Denial , Insidious Will , Summary Dismissal or even Punish Ignorance , though Rewind and Cryptic Command would be better at 4 mana. Definitely keep the others you mentioned in mind as well. Thanks for the upvote!

legendofa on What Issues Exist that May …

5 years ago

kanokarob Thank you for the clarifications, and my apologies for jumping on you. But could I please ask you to explain further what you meant by "a narratively necessary threat bigger than Bolas/the end of the world"? If my inference that you were suggesting that Alara would be most successful if it was nearly destroyed is incorrect, what were you going for? I understand it's not your main point, but it's a point I would like to understand.

I also agree that some people will hate New Alara for not being Old Alara. I think, and I admit to drawing from a small sample, that more people will respect and understand the necessary changes than condemn them.

Arvail I'll respond with continuing your example of Esper as the cards. The idea of mana in new shards was briefly touched on in Alara Reborn (Necromancer's Covenant comes to mind), but shard identity hasn't seen much if any development since. The idea of in Grixis or in Bant should allow for sufficient room to explore new meanings for without confining it entirely to artifacts. Punish Ignorance can only appear on Esper, thanks to its set and color identity, but has no interaction with artifacts. It could well be reprinted as part of a influenced Grixis. Breya, Etherium Shaper is from a -influenced Esper, in four colors. What would she look like without ? The mana influx to new places creates the room for exploration needed. As long as there is some artifact identity, some graveyard identity for Grixis, and so on, similar to Magic Origins having Lorwyn, Innistrad, and others' identity, the spirit of the original can be kept without unnecessary restrictions. If it was spread into two sets instead of condensed into one, I don't see any reason why the shards color identities couldn't be fully developed.

Cloudius on Approach Aminatou, See What Happens

5 years ago

+1 for Approach of the Second Sun idea. I made a Creatureless Yennett deck with it as one of the wincon too! Without interruption, the deck can consistently combo off between turns 6-8 usually.

We Love Freebies! *Primer*

Commander / EDH Cloudius


I see much similarities in our deck cause we run alot of instants and sorceries. You've some interesting card choices.

I'd take out Punish Ignorance and put in counterspells with lower CMCs like Arcane Denial, Counterspell, Mana Drain, Disallow or even Cryptic Command at 4 CMC but with wider applications.

Keep in touch and feel free to give suggestions for my decks too.

Tyrant-Thanatos on None

5 years ago

Favorite Shard: Grixis

Manipulative, cruel, powerful. Edicts, burn, bounce, counterspells, everything control can be found here, and with a handful of evasive, aggressive creatures to swoop in with once you've established control of the board, or you can play the slow-burn game with effects like Nekusar, the Mindrazer. Put your opponent(s) on a clock and deny them the ability to stop it. Plus their ability to run some of the meanest creatures in the form of things like Kederekt Creeper, Baleful Strix, Master of Cruelties, etc. So much fun to be had.

Honorable mention to Esper for similar reasons. Oloro, Ageless Ascetic, Punish Ignorance, etc. Good shit.

Favorite Wedge: Abzan

Relentless power. I love Abzan because of its resilience, strength, and versatility. I'm not a huge fan of a lot of Abzan specific cards, but being able to run things like Animate Dead, Sun Titan, Brave the Sands, alongside gigantic green creatures like Ghalta, Primal Hunger, Ghoultree, Avatar of Might, etc is just incredible. The incredible suite of removal that B/W brings to the table in the form of Vindicate, Anguished Unmaking, Utter End, etc, combined with the might of Green creatures, further compounded by the volume of powerful reanimation effects these colors all have, builds a powerful, versatile deck that just never gives up. I've run Abzan decks that have had their most crucial cards hit with Slaughter Games type effects, and they still didn't stop, didn't slow down, and pulled out a win.

Another Honorable Mention to Sultai. Muldrotha, the Gravetide is amazing, Damia, Sage of Stone is probably one of my top 10 favorite cards ever, and Sultai Charm works wonders.

Favorite Allied Guild: Rakdos

Rakdos just knows how to throw a party. Every time I've built Rakdos I end up having fun, win or lose. Chaotic game-changers like Everlasting Torment, Havoc Festival, and Sire Of Insanity just bring a lot of shenanigans to the table that people just aren't prepared to deal with. Terminate is one of the kings of removal. Cards like Backlash, Delirium, and Rakdos Charm punish a variety of opposing playstyles. The individual colors also contribute a lot to your ability to handle creatures, and create even more chaos. Endless Whispers, Scrambleverse, you name it.

I cannot wait to get my hands on Last One Standing.

Favorite Enemy Guild: Simic

This one is simple, these two colors compliment each other so well it's insane. There is almost nothing that exists in this game that Simic cannot do. Green's weakness is its inability to manipulate the board much without combat. Blue's weakness is in its board presence and creatures. They are ideal together. Ramp, removal, aggro, counterspells, creature control, resilience. Simic has all its bases covered, and with just two colors. Mystic Snake, Trygon Predator, Kiora's Follower, Plasm Capture, Voidslime, Simic Charm, these cards are amazing, and that's without getting into the mono-color cards.

I'd also like to throw out some love for "Growth", the combination. The only pure Growth cards we have thus far are Atraxa, Praetors' Voice, and Witch-Maw Nephilim, but boy what cards they are. But the colors themselves are awesome together. G/U's flexibility, W/B's removal, much less other multicolor synergies, access to Abzan cards, Sultai cards, Esper cards. Obviously the mana base gets complicated fast, and it can be hard to handle, but if it works, it works.

FutureWitness on Chromium, the Mutable EDH

6 years ago

There is a neat combo that could work with the Enchanted Evening, Aura Thief. I'm not sure about your play group but could work out! Other than that the deck looks fun, maybe include Archfiend of Ifnir? Also optimizing some removal and counters for subjectively better cards in my opinion dropping maybe Infernal Reckoning or Punish Ignorance? Hope the deck works out!

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