Prowling Pangolin

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Prowling Pangolin

Creature — Beast

When Prowling Pangolin enters the battlefield, any player may sacrifice two creatures. If a player does, sacrifice Prowling Pangolin.

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

On Gatherer, there is an option to search for Anteaters. When you do, zero results queue. The only "anteaters" in Magic are Spitting Gourna, which is (as Kirbster points out on the page) is directly inferior to Swallowing Gourna. And then there is Prowling Pangolin.

This one will be for Ikoria, because why the heck not.

Of the "35" mono-red creature cards in Magic that contain the word 'Reach', only 20 of them actually have it. The rest are either in their reminder text for the keyword 'Flying', or are the reversed / transformed / flipped sides of cards that contain either of the two stipulations. Given that mono-red accounts for 2,218 creatures in total, this means that mono-red creatures with reach only make up 0.9% of them, as 1% would have been 22 cards (rounded, of course).

So, a mono-red creature with reach definitely fits the bill, here.


Creature - Anteater Dinosaur (One of those Rares that are awesome for Draft and will never see play elsewhere, ever again)

You may cast Lenguraptor as though it has flash during the declare blockers step if you are the defending player.


When Lenguraptor enters the battlefield or mutates, you may destroy target artifact, tapped nonbasic land insect, or creature with flying.

The name, meaning 'tongue-thief', is derived from both Spanish and Latin, referring to their means to endlessly take and devour with their impressive half-meter long appendage.


Reach, flash and destroys flyers? Yeah, just snapped the color pie in half on this one.

Really made it overly complicated, which is what I was aiming for.

And that's the next challenge. Make a card that is way more complicated than it needs to be.

Amulet of Quoz clocks in at 325 characters, including spaces, punctuation and the , .

So that is your reasonable limit. 325 characters.

Spell_Slam on "Toss A Coin"

4 years ago

Crossbow Ambush for Geralt's crossbow.

Silverglade Elemental and Boneyard Lurker remind me a bit of a Leshen.

Ridgescale Tusker and Prowling Pangolin are like a Shaelmaar.

Giant Warthog is a... well a boar.

Ravenous Chupacabra reminds me a lot of the rabid, mangey dogs you find across Velen.

Screeching Harpy is pretty self-explanatory. There are lots of others, but the art on this one is pretty on-point with the Witcher.

Chorts and Fiends kind of look like Baloths and those kinds of beasts in Magic. Nessian Demolok is particularly close, but there's also Baloth Woodcrasher, Blastoderm and Garruk's Companion, among many others.

Werewolves... Take your pick. However very few werewolves in Magic depict them quite like they are in Witcher. They're so gross, painful and deformed in that game, so maybe you can choose some based on that.