Prince of Thralls

Creature — Demon

Whenever a permanent an opponent controls is put into a graveyard, put that card onto the battlefield under your control unless that opponent pays 3 life.

plainsrunner on Good Vibrations

3 months ago

How often are you able to steal things with Prince of Thralls? Your build doesn't seem removal heavy, are you relying on your opponent chump blocking your big demons?

SirFowler on "Happy Little Accidental Murders"

1 year ago

I like the deck. I have been wanting to make an Anhelo deck, but I just have so many decks already that I don't know if I'll have room for another. (Not like that's stopped me before though)

You already have Talrand, The Sky Summoner, but more effects like Metallurgic Summonings, Saruman, the White Hand, Chrome Host Seedshark, and Baral and Kari Zev would be handy. I also feel like a couple of magecraft triggers such as Archmage Emeritus, Deekah, Fractal Theorist, or, if you're willing to pay a little more, Storm-Kiln Artist would be good. Role Reversal is nice because it could steal any permanent, not just creatures if you're willing to get rid of some of your stuff. Cryptic Pursuit seems perfect hear since casting instants and sorceries creates a 2/2 for casualty, but also, when you sacrifice it, if it was an instant or sorcery, you get another card! A 3 for 1 seems like a pretty good deal. Also, your mana fixing needs a little work. The signets (Arcane Signet, Rakdos Signet, Dimir Signet, and Izzet Signet) are really cheap, so I would replace those for the 3 mana rocks. Creating colorless mana is pretty detrimental, especially if you're trying to cast spells with multiple mana symbols.

Some stuff I would replace. Blood Tyrant is too bulky since it doesn't benefit from casting/copying spells. Imminent Doom is a little too situational for my liking. There are times when you might not have the right cmc to trigger the doom. Theater of Horrors isn't really that great because it's really mana intensive for the payoff. Prince of Thralls is just too pricey for the curve. Prismari Pledgemage is just a 3/3 for 2, but doesn't do much anything else. Soul Seizer  Flip is too clunky, when you could just do Control Magic for 1 less and is an immediate payoff. Firemind's Foresight. I like this card, but it's just a little pricey for my liking. Elder Mastery. Again, a little too pricey for the payoff. Sedris, the Traitor King is really only good in a more creature heavy build with a mill subtheme. Since you only have 15 creatures, it doesn't seem worth it.

These are just a few of my opinions on the deck. Hope any of this helps.

legendofa on Commander without the Legendary Rule

2 years ago

I'm going to go with, as always, Alara. TypicalTimmy already mentioned Godsire and Maelstrom Archangel, and I'm going to add Prince of Thralls, Hellkite Overlord, Blood Tyrant, and Magister Sphinx.

(For the curious, Empyrial Archangel and Sphinx Sovereign are the other two cards in the MNNO cycle. Either of them would work as well, I just don't find them quite as interesting.)

Yesterday on Does Prince of Thralls have …

3 years ago

I was playing on MTGO and controlled a Prince of Thralls . An opponent owned and controlled a nontoken creature enchanted with a Kaya's Ghostform they also owned and controlled, and the creature died. They paid 3 life twice for each of my Prince's triggers, then didn't get an opportunity to return the creature with the Ghostform's ability.

I know Prince doesn't have standard replacement effect wording, but I'm not sure why else the creature wouldn't have returned.

what happen how to trigger work

DemonDragonJ on Commander Legends Spoilers

3 years ago

I forgot to mention that both Cabal Coffers and Imperial Seal were cards that many players were hoping to see in Double masters, so they were very disappointed that those cards were not in that set, so such cards would be awesome in this set.

Rhystic Study was recently reprinted (finally!), so it very likely shall not be in this set, which is very unfortunate, since that reprint did not lower its price, by a significant amount.

Natural Order would be very nice for this set, as would Hunting Grounds and Aura Shards; also, while they are not in high demand, I would like to see both Prince of Thralls and Empyrial Archangel reprinted, as well, because they are both awesome creatures.

Inferno has not been reprinted in a long time, so I would like to see it, again, preferably with new artwork. Also, while both Mirari's Wake and Privileged Position have been reprinted, they are still expensive, so additional reprints of those cards would be very nice.

MindAblaze on None

3 years ago

My first magic experience me and my two buddies were baked out of our trees, and it was Shards of Alara block. My buddy had a couple Shards decks built up, Naya Godsire, Jund Hellkite Overlord and Grixis Prince of Thralls and they all used the same mechanic with Demon's Herald et al. I honestly don’t remember the rest of the decks at all but by the end of the night my buddy was on top of the fridge taking a picture of the battlefield littered with these three clunky beginner decks. There’s a reason I value my Japanese foil Godsire so highly.

Bloodthrone Vampire was the centre of this janky aristocrats deck I built during Zendikar/Scars of Mirrodin for the Mirrodin Besieged Game Day, my first real build for a tournament. I remember running out the first day Rise of the Eldrazi was out between (or possibly instead of attending) my uni classes to specifically buy a playset of these vampires. Anyway, the deck also starred Abyssal Persecutor and Sarkhan the Mad, but the real power came from Act of Treason and the vampire. I stole just enough wins in a pre-Batterskull CawBlade world to Top 8 and still have my Black Sun's Zenith promo to show for it, which is another one of my favourite cards.

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