Primal Order

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Primal Order


At the beginning of each player's upkeep, Primal Order deals damage to that player equal to the number of nonbasic lands he or she controls.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on

4 months ago

This looks like a great starting point for a Goreclaw deck! Depending on what you wanna do with it, it could easily become a creature storm deck. Looking at what you have here, my suggestions are these:

1: Add in some mana doublers. I really like Zendikar Resurgent for it's potential to survive a boardwipe.

2: Rishkar's Expertise is a powerhouse draw spell you should try to include.

3: With only one nonbasic, Primal Order is an unexpected way to deal quite a lot of damage.

Enjoy the teddy deck!

HippoFalcon on Paws of Power / Bear Token / Budget

6 months ago


I like the way you think. I've added Primal Order and Gaea's Touch to the maybeboard because I don't have the brain power to figure out what I'd remove right now. But both suggestions are fire!

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Paws of Power / Bear Token / Budget

6 months ago

With that land base, Primal Order would be a neat addition for additional damage. Also, how about Gaea's Touch?

Aosana on

9 months ago

SufferFromEDHD Thank you for the recommendations! I think I'll keep Primal Order in the Sideboard for now, and I also put Hall of Gemstone in there thanks to your advice. I don't know how I missed Lure of Prey! I'll have to cut something for that as soon as possible.

As for Argothian Wurm and Endless Wurm, I feel like their respective drawbacks make them a bit less reliable than some of the other big Creature cards I've already included. However, the latter's 9/9 stat line is incredibly tempting; for now, I'll put Endless Wurm and Rancor in the Sideboard for anyone who wants to try them out together.

Thank you again! :D

SufferFromEDHD on

9 months ago

Get that Primal Order in the main board.

Hall of Gemstone is a mono green all star.

Dust Bowl is brutal late game with a lot of basic lands.

Natural Order and Lure of Prey are neat.

Running wurms but no Argothian Wurm?

Endless Wurm + Rancor

eliakimras on Sytphilis (give it to your opponents)

1 year ago

Hello! I went through your list looking for spots to upgrade, but I found almost none: congratulations, it is really optimized!

Still, I believe you might want to consider some of these cards to increase your engine:

Ramp: Cultivate and Llanowar Elves could be Starfield Mystic, Bear Umbra, Burgeoning or Exploration instead, to stick with the Enchantments theme.

Draw: Don't forget the other enchantresses (Satyr Enchanter, Verduran Enchantress). I would take out Hyena Umbra and Cartouche of Solidarity for them.

Tutors: Heliod's Pilgrim might be better than Moon-Blessed Cleric, since it puts the card in your hand.

Pillowfort: Raking Canopy is probably more effective to deflect fliers than Spider Umbra. Elephant Grass could take White Sun's Twilight's place, since the former does not blow your own field.

Evasion: You might want Unquestioned Authority for extra evasion. It might replace Aegis of the Gods. (In my experience, players' spells do not usually target other players.)

Hate pieces: Rest in Peace, Ground Seal, Solemnity, Authority of the Consuls, Blind Obedience are some cards you might want to include.

Win conditions:

Ammonzy on

1 year ago

Cool deck. Always been a fan of stax & tax.

Maybe work in Primal Order? It's a pet card of mine and works well with the deck theme

seshiro_of_the_orochi on I need help coming up …

1 year ago

I'll answer this from another angle. I build my Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma with as few non-basic lands as possible to have the ability to play Primal Order. The stronger decks get, the highe their usual number of non-basics will be, so Primal Order will punish these decks hard. This would even fit your passive playstyle. You could remove everything that's dangerouns to deal burn damage to your opponents.

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