Priest of the Wakening Sun

Creature — Human Cleric

At the beginning of your upkeep, you may reveal a Dinosaur card from your hand. If you do, you gain 2 life.

3WW, Sacrifice Priest of the Wakening Sun: Search your library for a Dinosaur card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.

lhetrick13 on Gishath Spared No Expense!!!

1 year ago

SpeedOfLightning - Secluded Courtyard and Unclaimed Territory are pretty nice that they provide any color mana for specific creatures but I usually am not casting my dinosaurs thanks to Gishath. I am usually using the mana for support or ramp. You did bring to my attention that the deck is extremely heavy on followed by and has very little so I should adjust my lands a bit to fit that mana curve. I have not adjusted the lands in a while but have tinkered with just about every other aspect of the deck.

The one card I am really interested in trying out is Runadi, Behemoth Caller in exchange of one of the support humans...likely Priest of the Wakening Sun or one of the dorks. I would love to get that in my opening hand and when Gishath is cast, she enters with as an 11/10 instead of a 7/6. Pretty much any dinosaur cast will reap the benefit of getting a +1/+1 counter and getting Haste...has some merit!

lhetrick13 on Gishath Spared No Expense!!!

1 year ago

NV_1980 - Thanks for the compliments. As the deck mentions, I have transitioned from MTGO to paper and from primarily playing Modern to Commander so the mana curve and average CMC was something different than what I was used to for sure. Finding that happy medium between dinosaurs that are good to add to the deck and support is pretty key. Lots of Gishath decks out there that are similar, this is just my flavor of it :) I am super excited for the Caverns of Ixalan set scheduled to come out late this year...hoping for some more dinosaurs with Enrage as that really is an underrated ability unique to dinos!

I am aware of the two dinosaurs that came out in the All is One set, Tyrranax Rex being the a very honorable mentioning, but I ultimately decided against it as Infect/Toxic are something I feel like you do not dabble in but go hard into. It would be the only card in the deck that adds poison counters unless I added in Triumph of the Hordes, which I have considered for an easy knockout! There are a several cards I feel that maybe are not carrying their weight like Priest of the Wakening Sun that I am considering changing out for other things. I am not to worried about raising the average CMC to much as the local community I play against tend to be casual commander with many of the decks not hitting a stride until like turn 6ish.

If you have any other thoughts on the deck or a deck you would like some fresh eyes one, let me know! Just nice to have someone else provide some well-thought criticism/feedback AND provide possible solutions/changes. Easy to go nose-blind to some things with brewing...Thanks again!

ClockworkSwordfish on Tyrannosaurs in F-14s!!

2 years ago

Very fun concept-wise, and you've got no shortage of top-end bruisers, but I get the sense this deck won't have a lot to do in the early turns of the game. You might want to swap out some of your super mana-intensive critters for the likes of Drover of the Mighty, Marauding Raptor, Otepec Huntmaster and Priest of the Wakening Sun.

Of course, there are plenty of non-dinosaur-related cards worth considering to get you on track, including Birds of Paradise, Nature's Claim (what's 4 life in this format?), Hull Breach and Sylvan Scrying, which can grab your most useful nonbasics. Hopefully some of these gives your F-14s a smoother ride!

TheoryCrafter on Dinosaurs go wild!

2 years ago

One drops for your dinosaur deck include, but are not limited to, Snubhorn Sentry, Kinjalli's Caller and Priest of the Wakening Sun.

Also, have you considered Marauding Raptor? The mana cost cut and the damage it inflict is great for enrage decks like your.

I hope this helps. Happy Hunting!

Optimator on Jurassic

3 years ago

Your list looks pretty good so far! Solid ramp, but your land-count seems a bit low. The conventional wisdom is that 37-38 lands is the sweet spot. If you have a extremely low curve or lots of low CMC or one-mana rampers (Llanowar Elves, Wild Growth etc) you can go lower. I almost always run 36 lands; it's just what I do. Anyway, dinosaurs and your commander are expensive so you might want to bump up your lands a bit. Gishath has a huge target on her head so you should expect and plan to recast her over and over. I know from experience; my brother has a Gishath deck and it's terrifying: Dig Up Her Bones check it out and up-vote it if you have the chance!

You're a bit light on removal, but that's actually quite normal for such ramp- and creature-heavy decks. Just the way it goes. That said, you might want to squeeze in Swords to Plowshares and/or Path to Exile. Not only are they just good, but--as you pointed out--Polyraptor and Marauding Raptor draw the game unless you have a way to instantly stop it. I suppose Collateral Damage and Momentous Fall help there, but the latter is pricey (mana-wise) and might not work.

You may want more creature tutors or Enlightened Tutor IF you want the Polyraptor stuff to be a major strategy. If it's just something fun in the deck to stumble upon then more power to ya. If you do consider it a core tactic then perhaps adding Purphoros, God of the Forge and/or Impact Tremors to go with your Warstorm Surge would make it more reliable and prevent the game drawing with Marauding Raptor. Might not be worth the slots though. Gishath stompy works fine as-is!

You have a lot of great utility cards, but you may be a bit heavy on them. If you're looking to free up slots perhaps look there. I wouldn't drop any creatures in a Gishath deck. You have a very solid amount of card draw and card advantage, which is actually kind of impressive for a beginner deckbuilder! Good job!

Personally, I would cut Coat of Arms and Door of Destinies. You're not going wide enough to make them as impactful as they can be. A bit win-more, as opposed to an actual win-condition. Incremental Growth is solid but one of your weaker cards. Priest of the Wakening Sun is a bit on the weaker side too. I don't hate it, but if you're looking for another cut you could do worse.

All in all you've got a great thing going. Gishath is fun on a bun. Play some games and note which cards get stuck in your hand.

SynergyBuild on Fixing White in EDH

3 years ago

enpc And with newer colorless card draw becoming much better, modern playable Mazemind Tome, EDH specific Endless Atlas, and older Sensei's Divining Top/Scroll Rack always being powerful options!

Things that synergize with white's effects like counters with Mindless Automaton, lifegain with Well of Lost Dreams, and tokens or small dudes with Skullclamp, that or Sword of Fire and Ice for equipment strategies, Smuggler's Copter and Bonders' Enclave for other strategies.

And in white, after looking it up for Omniscience_is_life, here is my new, semi-educated package:

Land Tax, Mangara, the Diplomat, Alms Collector, Weathered Wayfarer, Mesa Enchantress, Kor Spiritdancer, Sram, Senior Edificer, Stonehewer Giant, Dawn of Hope, Puresteel Paladin, Mentor of the Meek, Bygone Bishop, Luminarch Ascension, Emeria, The Sky Ruin, Sun Titan, Sevinne's Reclamation, Ranger of Eos, and Castle Ardenvale

Not to mention tutors being Weathered Wayfarer/Ranger of Eos being tutors, alongside Steelshaper's Gift, Open the Armory, Recruiter of the Guard, Ranger-Captain of Eos, Academy Rector, Arena Rector, Call the Gatewatch, Idyllic Tutor, Enlightened Tutor, Heliod's Pilgrim, Quest for the Holy Relic, Three Dreams, Boonweaver Giant, Auratouched Mage, Djeru, With Eyes Open, Taj-Nar Swordsmith, Thalia's Lancers, Totem-Guide Hartebeest, Relic Seeker, Priest of the Wakening Sun, Forerunner of the Legion, Ignite the Beacon, Plea for Guidance, Kithkin Harbinger, etc.

Oh, and there is more, just look!

Jack-Frost on Who You Calling A Fossil?

4 years ago

Actually, I will give a few thoughts.

The Immortal Sun - What does this do for your deck or game plan? It tries to do a lot but instead only does a little of a bunch of things for too high of a cost.

Lifecrafter's Bestiary - Doesn't do enough and costs extra every time you want to activate it. Instead run Elemental Bond or Guardian Project .

Rishkar's Expertise - Most of your creatures are going to cost more than it can provide, so it's honestly not worth it. Look into Sylvan Library and Colossal Majesty instead.

Harmonize - I'm not a fan of paying mana to draw cards as it tends to kill most of what you were going to do on your turn. Instead look into cards like Defense of the Heart or Descendants' Path .

Decimate - Zacama, Primal Calamity should take care of most of your artifact and enchantment destruction on his own, making this redundant, but this card also comes with the unfortunate problem that you can ONLY cast it if you have viable creature, artifact, enchantment, AND land targets. If you are missing any one of the 4 it's a dead card, and if one of those 4 is your own then you're forced to destroy that. Now, if you find that you really need more artifact and enchantment hate look into cards like Krosan Grip or Force of Vigor .

Savage Stomp - Why would you risk your creatures with this? If you are able to target them then you already have removal in the form of Path to Exile or Swords to Plowshares , not to mention Zacama, Primal Calamity ability to deal damage to creatures. If your opponent has a combat trick then you just lost your creature. It's a gimmicky card and I think there are better things you can do with the card slot in your deck. For example, Aggravated Assault or Reckless Assault will give you multiple combats which will really let you bring the full power of your dinosaurs to bear without giving your opponents time to recover.

Commune with Dinosaurs - A waste. Run Sylvan Library or Sensei's Divining Top for much better and more consistent effects.

Priest of the Wakening Sun - Why? If you need a fetch then run cards like Worldly Tutor , Finale of Devastation or Chord of Calling . If you need lifegain there are plenty of better sources. This just reveals cards in your hand to your opponents, gains a tiny bit of life, and kills an entire turn with your expensive fetch.

Atzocan Seer - Skip the returning Dinosaurs. You're a creature deck, and a big one at that. Just focus on constantly dropping big creatures and hitting your opponent, putting so much pressure on them that they don't have time to worry about strategy. Aggro decks don't really worry about their graveyard. As for the mana, you'd be far better served with Birds of Paradise or Sylvan Caryatid , or if you go non-budget then Bloom Tender .

Drover of the Mighty - Why do you care how big your mana dork is? You shouldn't be swinging with him anyway. Grab a Birds of Paradise or a Sylvan Caryatid instead.

Gigantosaurus - I'm honestly really not a fan of anything that costs 5 of the same color. This pretty much kills anything else you were planning on doing on your turn, which is absolutely not what you want to have happen. Sure it's a 10/10, but it's really not worth that downside, especially without trample. Look at Carnage Tyrant for a fantastic alternative.

Kinjalli's Sunwing - This draws unnecessary hate and really doesn't help your game out that much. You have a deck of giant dinosaurs. This shouldn't be an issue. If you really feel you need it then look into Authority of the Consuls or Urabrask the Hidden instead.

Runic Armasaur - Too specific and unreliable. There are better uses for the card slot.

Sakura-Tribe Elder - While a good card, your deck can't take full advantage of this and would be better off running land fetches like Tempt with Discovery , Nature's Lore , or Skyshroud Claim , all of which are better and come out untapped.

Samut, Voice of Dissent - Why in heaven's name are you running this? This card is awful? If it's for the haste then there are tons of better cards. Look at Fervor , Rhythm of the Wild , or Fires of Yavimaya . Even Urabrask the Hidden would be a better way to spend 5 mana. Is it for the untap effect? There are still much better options such as Seedborn Muse . This card burns 5 mana for no good reason. No. Just no.

Shalai, Voice of Plenty - Meh. I'd run Leyline of Sanctity or Privileged Position instead. Asceticism , Archetype of Endurance , and Sterling Grove are other good options. All are harder to hit and kill. It's nice but overall i'd run the alternatives instead.

Shifting Ceratops - Doesn't do enough. It's nice but not good enough overall.

Territorial Hammerskull - While not inherently bad, it's also just "meh". It's okay. I'd rather have cards that give your creatures trample and just march your dinosaurs through your opponents, and/or bigger and better creatures.

Thrashing Brontodon - This is redundant with Zacama, Primal Calamity and you'd be better served with instants like Krosan Grip or Force of Vigor .

Hull Breach - Force of Vigor is a better alternative to this that also has instant speed.

Jaya, Venerated Firemage - Why? This is a waste of a good slot. Run Warstorm Surge and get a far better effect than her. If you want more damage then run Dictate of the Twin Gods . She's really not worth it.

Samut, Tyrant Smasher - This card is awful. Run any, and I mean any haste enabler instead. Her negative is awful and her passive is better on any other card. Honestly, run Xenagos, God of Revels . He's amazing, gives haste, doubles a creature's power, and add's their power to their toughness.

Temple of the False God - I've taken this out of most, if not all, of my decks by now. It's not great honestly. It seems really good, but if you get it early game then it's a dead land that stares up into you and slowly seeps the joy out of your soul, and if you get it late game then it's just an extra mana that really doesn't matter to you.

Trein on Naya-Saur Thicc

5 years ago

Have you considered Priest of the Wakening Sun...just always was a card I thought had a lot of potential.

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