Price of Glory


Whenever a player taps a land for mana, if it's not that player's turn, destroy that land.

trey12321 on Lathliss, the Hungry Queen

8 months ago

Azoth2099 thanks for the suggestions!

I think I'm more inclined to include rocks than rituals, I am a green player at heart and always prefer continual rather than burst ramp! Thran Dynamo is definitely one I'll be looking at, but I've also considered Heraldic Banner and Throne of Eldraine as solid options. The biggest issue I'm having is generally what to cut for them, the same issue I have for most of these options. Any suggestions there?

Treasonous Ogre isn't one I'd seen before, I'm definitely interested in that. Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip seems more relevant if I'm trying to cast more than 2 spells in a turn, which in most cases I'm not and even then, the payoff seems too small for what the deck does generally speaking, I.E. ramp into Lathliss, then overwhelm the field with every dragon dropped after. Even most of the artifacts and enchantments currently tend to have pretty immediate effect.

I do tend to prefer to have my lands hit the field, though, so Tectonic Reformation seems mostly situationally useful. I tend to need more land draws than action draws with my current high curve, as I'm usually only doing 1 or 2 spells a turn and they're 5-8 CMC. Gamble for sure I'll be looking into, but to be honest I don't regularly find myself looking for any specific cards in the deck, my Sarkhan's Triumph is usually just finding my Utvara Hellkite, so a "win-more" situation generally, but I could see using it particularly for something like Sol Ring early to ramp more consistently. For those same reasons I couldn't really see justifying Fervent Mastery or Reckless Handling. I like being able to plan, and the random discard would be bad enough with Gamble. And yeah, Imperial Recruiter is fantastic but not so much here.

Molten Echoes 100%, I totally spaced that one. Sneak Attack seems good as well but I'd been running in mostly casual circles so I hadn't seriously considered including it before. Mana Echoes=better Birgi? Absolutely interested in this one now, I'd forgotten it existed as well! I'll be honest though, the Underworld Breach+draw spells/wheels is definitely outside of my desired playstyle with the deck, I don't tend to need anything differently than what I have in hand other than making sure I have a good mix of mana/spells in practice. I am running the Blood Moon, mostly because I happened to open the fancy foil one! My playgroups don't tend to justify a Price of Glory and all of my cards tend to be about equal in value, so I don't mind a few getting countered here and there. It tends to be board wipes that are the most impactful to me, or repeated removal of Lathliss, Dragon Queen. Stranglehold does seem good though, I may pick one up.

As far as Universal Automaton, I avoid changelings where possible mostly due to personal preference. I play a lot of tribal decks and it always feels a bit like cheating haha. I use it in decks that want multiple tribes though, like Rin and Seri, Inseparable. I assume you suggest Wandering Archaic  Flip in monocolored to specifically cover what the chosen color can't do? I.E. a red deck and Naturalize? I could see it being good, but also giving my opponents the ability to choose doesn't tend to work out too well for me, they tend to focus fire me no matter the game because I play politics whether I'm ahead or behind.

Thanks again for the suggestions, and if you have ideas for what to take out please let me know!

Azoth2099 on Lathliss, the Hungry Queen

8 months ago


You need way more ramp in this list if you want it to be consistent with it's curve. Pyretic Ritual, Desperate Ritual, Seething Song & Battle Hymn are all great here. A few more rocks would do you some good as well, like Thran Dynamo & Basalt Monolith. The ones that you usually see in multicolor decks like Arcane Signet & Fellwar Stone are still pretty solid in monocolor builds that aren't .

Treasonous Ogre & Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip are classic bangers that can help ramp you out, with the added benefit of pseudo card-draw on Birgi's flip side.

More card draw and tutors never hurts, either. Tectonic Reformation is pretty nice here since you're running so many lands, & Gamble is one of the best tutors in the game. Fervent Mastery is worth considering, but can obviously be especially punishing for non-graveyard decks. Reckless Handling is pretty nice if you're running some dank artifacts, which you are! Imperial Recruiter is another classic that I wouldn't necessarily recommend for this iteration of your list, but may come in handy later.

Other enchantments to consider here in my opinion are Molten Echoes, Sneak Attack & Mana Echoes as grease for your deck engine. Running Underworld Breach would allow you to more comfortably run draw pieces like Faithless Looting, Thrill of Possibility, Cathartic Reunion, Tormenting Voice, Wheel of Fortune, Magus of the Wheel & Wheel of Misfortune. Also certain stax pieces like Blood Moon, Price of Glory & Stranglehold to help shut down whatever your opponents are trying to do.

Universal Automaton seems like great value here as well, but I could understand not including it. Wandering Archaic  Flip on the other hand I would 100% recommend for any & all monocolor decks.

Good luck refining your list!

NV_1980 on Imodane’s Flames

10 months ago

This is pretty nice. I'd add a bit more protection for Imodane though, as he's pretty vulnerable and will likely be a primary target. Some more equipment perhaps (Darksteel Plate, Mask of Avacyn, Champion's Helm), some cards that prevent (blue) players from countering him when he appears (Red Elemental Blast, Pyroblast) or maybe some cards that mess with opponents' mana bases when they try something against him (or you). I'm thinking Price of Glory, Tectonic Instability and War's Toll.

thefiresoflurve on Raining Lava

1 year ago


So, for prioritizing cuts: I'm starting with anything > 1 CMC, since your 1 CMC instants/sorceries are free. Next, I'm thinking of anything that doesn't synergize with instants and sorceries.

Defiler of Instinct - pretty self-explanatory: only interacts with red permanents.

Professional Face-Breaker: Combat damage isn't what this commander/deck/Storm does. For this reason, I'd also drop all 3 of your Battles. Your other opponents certainly aren't going to help you get Invasion of Karsus  Flip to flip.

Ignite Memories: can go. There are better ways to deal damage to players, most of which are already in here.

Goldspan Dragon: this could almost work, but I don't think you have enough instants that target creatures. It's also a bit too tempting of a build around in the 99, IMO. (With it and Urabrask  Flip, you can target it with 2 CMC spells and break even...)

Possibility Storm: am I missing something here?

Price of Glory - depends on how much blue you face, I guess. I wouldn't run it in a deck built around Storm or Instants, but YMMV.

Sunbird's Invocation - just horribly overcosted for what it does, IMO. For comparison, Approach of the Second Sun is 1 more mana to literally win.

Caged Sun - seems like overkill with your commander doing what it does, and probably vastly too slow at 6 CMC.

Helm of Awakening - you barely use generic mana here. I get the feeling this would benefit you least in most matchups.

Liquimetal Torque - ? Yes, you Have Galvanic Blast. Is there anything else I'm missing here?

Hope that helps, GL and happy building!


2 years ago

hi! cool deck!

I'm a huge fan of Laelia - my own Laelia Deck is the one I've put the most time and energy into.

I wanted to thank you for running Uba Mask and Silent Arbiter, since I ended up adding them to my own decklist. really awesome card choices.

in terms of recommendations: Fiery Emancipation is a game winner, and pairs hilariously with Brash Taunter and any burn spells you happen to drop. Blasphemous Act, for example, does 13 damage to Brash Taunter, which becomes 39 damage via Fiery Emancipation, then Brash Taunter does 39 damage to target opponent, which becomes 117 damage, again, via Fiery Emancipation. it's a really funny way to nuke someone off the board.

aside from that, Smoke, War's Toll, and Price of Glory are all great hate spells; they can slow the game down and give you enough time to voltron for the win. Tempered in Solitude is a great, cheap exile engine, and Chaos Warp provides red some sorely needed spot removal.

if you wanna go for broke on mana ramp, Gauntlet of Power, Caged Sun, and Mana Flare are all good choices, and Crackle with Power gives you a win con to pour all that mana into.

hope this helps!

Rivel on (retired) Mono red Dragon Deck V2

2 years ago

Protection: It feels bad when I get my lathliss out, and the poor queen of dragons gets subjected to a Murder or a Path to Exile, or caught up in a Blasphemous Act. It feels even worse when I attempt to play her and just get a Counterspell, effectively throwing away a turn. I would love some more protection in my deck, not just for my Lathliss, Dragon Queen but perhaps other important Dragons I will have in my deck like Terror of the Peaks, Scourge of Valkas, Hellkite Tyrant, etc etc you get the idea.

Currently, I only have 4 protection cards. Lightning Greaves, Pyroblast, Red Elemental Blast, and lastly Reverberate (for potentially duplicating pyro/red ele blast if they try and use yet another counter spell). I feel like I do not have enough protection. However, should I even worry about protection and just focus on ramping and rushing down my opponent? If the game starts to drag out or I am facing a lot of control, I believe it would come in handy.

I would like to add in Darksteel Plate for destroy/damage protection. But then, in order to protect that (and all of my mana ramp+discount arts) I would like Darksteel Forge. While it wouldn't save them from exile, I face a lot more destruction than exile in my playgroup. If I do run into exile, I wouldn't mind a Sword of War and Peace due to a lot of exile being white colored. Id also like to run Swiftfoot Boots but seeing as I already have Lightning Greaves is it too much? Lastly, in terms of protection, I would like to run Conqueror's Flail, and Price of Glory as those would prevent/discourage control players from using counter spells, instant destructions and what not during my turn when Im trying to do some big plays.

Ultimately, my biggest issue is there are lots of cards that I like, but not enough deck space. I am not sure which ones I should focus on, what cards I should take out to fit them in, or if I shouldn't worry about getting more protection in my deck and just focus on running down the opponents.

metuhs on Not hot enough for you?

2 years ago

I really like the build. There's quite a few cards I can think of that might be nice in here. Basilisk Collar is cheap alternative to Loxodon Warhammer, Blasphemous Act and Toralf, God of Fury  Flip have very interesting reactions with Repercussion and Chandra's Incinerator goes infinite with it, Heartstone decreases the cost of Ashlings ability which can really boost her once it's mixed with mana doublers, Leyline Tyrant would let you hold up mana for Ashling on opponents turns and stockpile it for later use, Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle seems like a nice choice given your land count and the presence of Vesuva and Thespian's Stage, Walking Atlas, Sword of the Animist and Ghirapur Orrery might help with ramping up for big plays, Stigma Lasher is a bit niche but if you can target it with Chandra's Ignition Lifegain decks are done for the rest of the game. Smoke and Price of Glory are nice stax pieces that shouldn't impact you too heavily given your low creature and instant count. Any one of Mogg Maniac, Brash Taunter and Stuffy Doll should all fit nicely given Ashlings explosive potential. Arcbond is a near guaranteed win against creature heavy decks. The Immortal Sun is a nearly strictly better Staff of Nin. Scrap Mastery might be a nice recovery from late game artifact wipes, or intense mill strategies. Sanctuary Blade is just as good as any of the swords at protecting Ashling and Hammer of Nazahn is nearly essential in such an equipment heavy deck, The Ozolith would help recover if Ashling gets popped before you can blow her up yourself. Harsh Mentor and Spellshock can keep infinite combos out of reach of those pesky combo players. Brass's Bounty and Reiterate can get you to infinite treasures/mana with enough lands in play and of course Ruby Medallion fits in nearly every red deck.

Sweve76 on Vial Smasher’s Guide to Masochism

2 years ago

This is a well thought out deck, I like it. I also have a Vial Smasher deck, paired him with him Ikra to help ramp, a lot of fun to play. You might want to consider adding Price of Glory and Mindlock Orb on the oppression/protection category.

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