Predator Ooze

Creature — Ooze

Predator Ooze is indestructible.

Whenever Predator Ooze attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on it.

Whenever a creature dealt damage by Predator Ooze this turn dies (is put into the graveyard from the battlefield), put a +1/+1 counter on Predator Ooze.

Epicurus on $60 Competitive Mono-Green Aggro

1 year ago

Is Predator Ooze too slow for the deck? I think it would fit nicely if not. Sorry if that's already been addressed, there's a gagillion pages worth of comments on this deck, hahaha.

Epicurus on ¿Mono green control?

1 year ago

Awesome build!

Personally, I would take Gyre Sage over Manaweft Sliver, and Leafkin Druid over Tangled Florahedron  Flip. But they're all pretty close in power level, so that's a matter of opinion.

I'd also take Predator Ooze over Managorger Hydra.

Drestlin on G/W +1/+1 counters exile

2 years ago

Chasmolinker the Panglacial Wurm seems great, since you don't even have to draw it, you'd need one or two at the most. i'll probably keep it in mind if i ever try to build this weird ramp counter deck we are discussing about now ahah

lhetrick13 what you found is what i suspected - unfortunately, cards should come next week so i won't be trying much apart from maybe very small changes - i don't want to print more proxies :D

i'll let you know as soon as i try out the new version.

or maybe i'll get around to print the few cards and will be able to try it tomorrow.

FYI, this is what i put together for next try:

Creatures - 4 Conclave Mentor - 3 Duskshell Crawler - 2 Hopeful Initiate - 2 Iron Apprentice - 2 Lion Sash - 2 Oran-Rief Ooze - 2 Savior of Ollenbock - 2 Scavenging Ooze - 4 Servant of the Scale - 3 Willow Geist

Lands - 4 Forest - 1 Karn's Bastion - 2 Llanowar Reborn - 3 Oran-Rief, the Vastwood - 3 Plains - 4 Razorverge Thicket - 2 Sunpetal Grove

//Enchants/Sorc/Instants - 2 Dromoka's Command - 3 Enter the Unknown - 4 Hardened Scales - 3 Swallow Whole - 3 Tezzeret's Gambit

//Sideboard - 2 Gaea's Blessing - 2 Gleeful Sabotage - 3 Mistcutter Hydra - 2 Predator Ooze - 4 Savage Summoning - 2 Wildwood Scourge

lmk if you have any comment on this one

BlackoutX on Lathiel's got gains

2 years ago

Lets start with a list of easy cuts from a deck like this, Nearheath Pilgrim, Predator Ooze, Abzan Battle Priest, Archon of Sun's Grace, Oketra the True, and Pounce.

Legion's Landing  Flip This card is good in white decks since they need ram, your in green so it doesn't matter nearly as much. Dawn of Hope is another card good in white bad in green (even with the synergy) and the same with Cosmos Elixir.

Some good card draw for your deck would be cards like Greater Good, Rishkar's Expertise, Momentous Fall, and Life's Legacy these all work very well with a big creature strategy and especially well with cards like Ajani's Pridemate or a less budget option Ajani, Strength of the Pride.

Greens most powerful attribute is its land ramp due to it being very hard to interact with. Unless you are running a three-drop commander that you really need out right away you shouldn't be relying on mana dorks. Cards like Harrow, Three Visits, and Primal Growth are exemplary due to getting untapped lands while still being on curve for a four-mana commander. Cards such as Rampant Growth or Roiling Regrowth are still good but come with the downside of getting tapped lands.

I also personally like Wild Growth and Utopia Sprawl although they aren't actually land ramp, they can be used with Arbor Elf (one of the only man dorks that I would still suggest running) to get even more value.

Another thing that you should get for this deck is some protection for your commander, the easiest options for this are Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots.

Lastly I would suggest running, Daxos, Blessed by the Sun, Nesting Grounds and Karn's Bastion due to the synergy with your deck

nbarry223 on Glittering Company

2 years ago

I was actually thinking unforgiving one was a nice option, but I guess that isn't what you want the slot to do. I'll see if any more aggro cards come to mind that would fit in here.

One option I can think of is Predator Ooze / Undergrowth Champion to just be a pain to deal with.

Another idea is maybe some type of generic hate. How about something like Thalia, Heretic Cathar?

EnbyGolem on Mono-Green +1/+1 counters

2 years ago

This reminds me of a deck I had for a long time. It focused on using as many Green Mana Pips as possible. It had a handful of mana dorks like Llanowar Elves, Birds of Paradise, and/or Elvish Mystic to help ramp late-game win cons. The early threats included cards like Avatar of the Resolute, Predator Ooze, Leatherback Baloth, Strangleroot Geist, Garruk's Companion, and Steel Leaf Champion. Later in the game, I would use Primalcrux, Khalni Hydra, Aspect of Hydra, and Overwhelming Stampede to close out games. It was a lot of fun and made some huge attacks!

PlanetBob on Eat. Sleep. Slime. Repeat.

2 years ago

Those are some good suggestions and my group does play Planechase and Archenemy regularly to spice things up, they can be great fun. I've debated making this into a Commander deck because my group likes it allot and I only have two decks for it. But I'm not a huge fan of the format myself which is where the black and golgari colored maybes came from, So I don't think I'll ever pull that trigger.

Predator Ooze is in because it usually lasts until mid game and works as a really good early game shield (plus it's one of my cards because of the art work) but I agree about the other smaller ones. I think I agree with your assessment of Aeve, Progenitor Ooze and swapping it for another Consuming Blob would probably be the best move. Parallel Lives does allot of good work for this deck, especially with Ochre Jelly. Even more so if I slot in a Biogenic Ooze.

The rest are some real food for thought and I'll be considering them if I ever decide to do a shake up this old deck. As an aside I've also considered discussing using proxies with my group because there are some cards I'd love to try out but definitely can't afford, such as Gaea's Cradle, Cavern of Souls and Vampiric Tutor. I was looking at some from Taurus Proxies but they're currently taking a break of some sort.

Kazierts on Eat. Sleep. Slime. Repeat.

2 years ago

Well, since you didn't hate what I said, I'm goona talk about some of the creatures now. But before that I just wanted to say I completely understand that you don't want to optmize this deck to the maximum, that's why I mostly suggested budget cards and avoid some bullshitly expensive cards such as Gaea's Cradle or Cavern of Souls. I'm trying my best to focus exclusively on your tribe. With that out of the way, let me proceed.

There a few less expensive, manawise, Oozes but you seem to be going for the heavier and more resilient ones. So there's quite a few that could be a blast.

  • Since your deck seems to want to play a longer game, I'd disconsider the smaller Oozes like Corrosive Ooze, Inexorable Blob and Predator Ooze. Since most of your creatures are big mana sinks, having smaller ones that want to attack doesn't seem like a good ideia (but if your experience says otherwise feel free to correct me)

  • I'd cut one Aeve, Progenitor Ooze because, even though it kinda cares about Oozes, it's more of a Storm card. However, I'd still keep one because I think it's pretty neat.

  • I think maxing out on Mitotic Slime and Consuming Blob would be hilarious. Imagine the amount of tokens that there would be on the battlefield. Additionally, Biogenic Ooze would crank your token production to eleven.

  • Scavenging Ooze is perfectly fine. However, if you ever want to just vary, Ravenous Slime could be fun but it's definetly not necessary.

  • Gelatinous Cube is a card I really, really love. The only problem is how to make space for it in the deck. Since you already have kind of a snow theme, maybe including Woodland Chasm + Into the North should make things easier to cast.

  • If, and only IF, you want to be really janky and make your friends laugh a lot, you could have some copies of S.N.O.T. and Vile Bile just for shits and giggles.

Again, I'm gonna say things little by little to make things easier to digest. Let me know what you think. I love casual thematic decks. If you want to have extra fun with your friends, try playing planechase and use this deck. I promise you it's gonna be ridiculously fun for everyone.

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