Pore Over the Pages

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Pore Over the Pages


Draw three cards, untap up to two lands, then discard a card.

plakjekaas on Would Seedborn Muse Be Blue …

9 months ago

In pioneer there's a deck making good use of Hidden Strings and Pore Over the Pages to storm off with Lotus Field mana.

The thing they used to do with Turnabout and Frantic Search, or maybe even Time Spiral or Treachery, anything to untap Tolarian Academy for insane amounts of mana.

And Twiddle of course, can't forget that one.

That's in addition to the extra turn argument I tried making in my last post.

Blue untaps a LOT of lands, more with spells than, permanents, although Fatestitcher and Vizier of Tumbling Sands aren't new cards either.

Sheld on I cast at thee

2 years ago

Hey! You've given a suggestion on one of my decks, so I've thought I could return the favor. :)

I'm not sure how casual/competitive this deck is aimed to be, so I will give suggestions for both.

For a more competitive deck, I'd suggest:

The first three help you create disgusting solitaire turns while the last one may be the easiest win with Mizzix there is.

For a more casual deck, I'd suggest:

General card suggestions:

Mizzix's Mastery, Epic Experiment, Chaos Warp, Commit / Memory, Volcanic Vision, Invert / Invent, Prophetic Bolt, Frantic Search, Pore Over the Pages, Rewind, Solve the Equation and once again Bonus Round (this card is seriously good)

Also, I invite you to have a look at my old Mizzix deck and/or my up-to-date Zaffai deck for some inspiration.

I'm sorry for the long comment in case you didn't wish for suggestions. Just wanted to help. :^)

TriusMalarky on

3 years ago

Lotus Ramp Example List:

Example curve:

  • t1 land, Elvish Reclaimer

  • t2 land, sylvan scrying

  • t3 land, Kiora

  • t4 use Reclaimer to jam Lotus, untap lotus with Kiora, Pore over the pages and Vizer to sift through your deck a bunch of times until you can jam Pelakka wurm.

That is, of course, a rough draft.

Wishclaw Blink exmaple deck:

Plus some stuff, get to 80 cards, add Yorion in SB as companion, eventually win with token flood.

I want you to look at those too first-draft fairly optimized decks. Take a really good look. I want you to count the number of cards that are in both decks.

Now, I want you to do this exercise: guess how many cards in the lotus ramp deck can go in the wishclaw deck, and how many cards from the wishclaw deck can go in the lotus ramp deck.

Tell me your answer, and we'll see if you're right.

HybridPK on Channel the Tempest

4 years ago

What I would consider cutting:

  • Epic Experiment - Anecdotal evidence shows that this spell usually whiffs. Also, you gain 0 benefit from revealing any spells with X in their cost.
  • Mizzium Mortars - I like this spell, but it isn't that effective of a boardwipe. You can deal more damage in red for less mana.
  • Pore Over the Pages - Maybe if this untapped more lands, or was at instant speed. But spending 5 mana to basically do nothing is pretty weak.
  • Volcanic Vision - Paying 7 mana to return an instant or sorcery is a bit much, and there aren't a lot of high CMC spells that would do more than an overloaded Mizzium Mortars. There are cheaper recursion effects. However, if copied this is a little spicier.
  • Burnished Hart - I think you're better off replacing this with another rock.
  • Evolving Wilds - It thins your deck a bit, but I think it would be better to just have another basic land in its place.
  • Terramorphic Expanse - See above.
  • Thaumatic Compass  Flip - Maybe if it put it directly on the battlefield, but to hand? Eh...like Burnished Hart, this could be replaced with another rock.
  • Expansion / Explosion - Explosion is neat, but it comes with a steep cost. It is a minimum of 5 mana before anything happens.
  • Fact or Fiction - I know this is a blue staple, but I can't get behind it. I don't like giving my opponents options over what cards I get.
  • Underworld Breach - Admittedly, I don't see the hype with this card. It might actually be super good, but I'm not seeing it.

Flooremoji on WURx (New Concept Jeskai Control)

5 years ago

Still looking, but maybe Pore Over the Pages ?

ZendikariWol on Tasigur Reanimator

5 years ago

Dark Petition is a weak link. Sure it gives you mana back but you have to cast it on TURN 5 (probably turn 4, given ramp), and those are the turns you should be playing Tasigur so you'll probably be casting this on 6 or 7.

Decree of Pain is a really sad wrath. It's either being cast for eight mana or you're cycling it and the cycle is garbage. It's just wicked expensive, and by the time it could be cast, you probably don't need it anymore.

How often do you have a creature for Diabolic Intent or Eldritch Evolution?

Pore Over the Pages is too costly, you want to be doing your looting BEFORE Tasigur hits the board to get the most use out of him. Same deal with Probe.

This deck runs very similarly to most Feldon of the Third Path decks, but red has a LOT more/better discard than sultai. All of your looting should be replaced with stuff like Satyr Wayfinder and Grisly Salvage, imo.

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