Plow Under

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Plow Under


Put two target lands on top of their owner's library.

nbarry223 on Green...Control?

1 month ago

Manamorphose is just a filler card to let me run under 60 cards essentially. Boseiju and PYP both didn't exist back when I made this deck, guess it is time to update it.

Also, as far as the lands to cut, Gemstone Caverns is amazing in here, as we just want to go fast, since the sooner we get to 5 mana, the better. Boseiju, Who Shelters All is also really needed against control, and we are actually a spell based deck, the creatures are only there to ramp or eventually be a win-con, but the main goal is to get to Plow Under or Primal Command to start topdecking their lands and forcing them to redraw them.

nbarry223 on Colorshift Land Control

9 months ago

I just want to elaborate on above, forcing them to redraw the land you just made them topdeck is a lock in and of itself. It's a softlock, that shuffle effects can get around, but then they are just denied that mana as well. That's why Plow Under is disgustingly powerful against non-aggro decks. It's just a shame that almost the entire meta is aggro since MH2.

I really don't think any other land denial strategies are build around enough unless we see some hate cards become modern legal through MH3 or something to help slow down the format. Things like Back to Basics and Contamination come to mind as potential land hosers, but those are global effects like Blood Moon.

nbarry223 on Colorshift Land Control

9 months ago

Don’t forget Choke + Quicksilver Fountain as a really convoluted option.

It’s not a super viable strategy in my opinion because it is slow and can be played around. Land hate like this hits certain decks hard, as some are super greedy. It is more viable as a sideboard option than a build around strategy in my opinion.

A more realistic option if you want to attack lands is probably Plow Under + Primal Command.

SufferFromEDHD on Treva, the Squirrel Opposition '01 (ODY)

1 year ago

This deck generates mana quick and with ease. Stunted Growth and Plow Under early game can finish an opponent before they even start.

Catastrophe is Armageddon #2

Capsize do it.

SufferFromEDHD on Autumn Enchantress '99 (ULG)

1 year ago

I'm a big fan of themes/gimmicks/deck building rules. I've never done an era/year restriction. This is really cool! You picked arguably the most legendary block in the games history as the cut off point. I have very fond memories cracking boosters and building broken decks with old friends.

Thran Tome green draw was few and far between back then. I remember using this occasionally back in the day.

Conch Horn is colorless Brainstorm

Defense Grid and/or City of Solitude anti blue/anti combo.

Plow Under and Stunted Growth tempo removal. Ruins 1 potentially 2 turns.

Willow Satyr blue effect for your mono green deck.

Wild Growth and Carpet of Flowers high quality ramp and easy card draw off Argothian Enchantress.

Katabatic Winds might be one of the most evil stax cards if 1999 is the cut off point! I appreciated seeing this in the maybeboard. Slot out Storm Front and test it out.

nbarry223 on Lantern Control with Land Destruction

1 year ago

What do you mean by attacking their mana? I've made a green control deck with Plow Under and Primal Command which makes them redraw their lands, is it a form of "attacking their mana" like that, or some other route? Want to clarify what you mean by that a bit?

legendofa on Would City of Solitude Be …

2 years ago

TL;DR: It would not be mono-green.

It might have been a green effect in the past, but it's not anymore. The aforementioned Dosan the Falling Leaf is already more than fifteen years old. Manglehorn and Root Maze affect artifacts, and the latter also affects lands. Root Maze also was originally printed in Tempest and hasn't seen any reprint in almost fifteen years.

Mono- control, at this point, seems to be largely limited to:

Every card that forces discard in Pioneer is also , and two of those three are split/aftermath. Every counterspell in Pioneer also includes . Even specifically stuff like Plow Under is long gone.

Cards like Dragonlord Dromoka and Marisi, Breaker of the Coil say that maybe there's space for casting restrictions, but the confuses the issue. I believe that if City of Solitude were printed today, it would require somewhere in its casting cost, and any would provide an additional effect.

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