Plated Pegasus

Creature — Pegasus

Flash (You may play this spell any time you could play an instant.)


If a spell would deal damage to a creature or player, prevent 1 damage that spell would deal to that creature or player.

taofuerza on Equenauts

4 years ago

I am trending away from global enchantments in favor of repeated life gain or creature generation in this batch of edits. I made sweeping edits in several categories:

  • Lands

Swapped out 8 Plains for Cryptic Caves, Desert of the True, Encroaching Wastes, Idyllic Grange, Karn's Bastion, Labyrinth of Skophos, Radiant Fountain and Secluded Steppe.

  • Defensive Auras

Upgraded Pious Interdiction to Recumbent Bliss (which would potentially provide many instances of life gain instead of 1) and dropped Bonds of Faith in favor of Gossamer Chains.

  • Offensive Auras

Upgraded Chosen by Heliod to Soaring Hope, Hope Against Hope to Spirit Mantle, Indomitable Will to Gift of Immortality and Ordeal of Heliod to Sunbond.

  • Sorceries

Upgraded from Blessed Reversal to Aetherflux Reservoir, Plea for Guidance to Silent Sentinel and added Pegasus Stampede for more ETB creature triggers.

  • Vanilla Creatures

Swapped out generic flyers (Armored Pegasus, Concordia Pegasus, Loyal Pegasus, Mistral Charger, Stormfront Pegasus, Wingsteed Rider) for ones with more ability or utility (Pegasus Charger, Plated Pegasus, Eiganjo Free-Riders).

  • Relevance

Bigger is not necessarily better so I opted to swap out Serra Avatar for Danitha Capashen, Paragon.

  • Defense and Removal

I swapped out Elspeth Conquers Death and Ghostly Prison in favor of Sacred Mesa and Monastery Mentor and Giant Killer for Frontline Medic.

  • Boost

I also replaced 3 boost effects (Commander's Insignia, Dictate of Heliod, Honor of the Pure) with 3 alternate win conditions (Test of Endurance, Felidar Sovereign, Archon of Redemption).

  • Life Gain

Replaced 3 less efficient or reliable life gain sources (Soldier of the Pantheon, Righteous Cause, Honden of Cleansing Fire) with better ones (Soul's Attendant, Auriok Champion, Pious Evangel / Wayward Disciple, Linden, the Steadfast Queen, Answered Prayers).

Nerezzar on Oloro, The Best at Doing Nothing

8 years ago

I'd strongly suggest some more fetchies instead of basic lands: e.g. take out one Plains/Island/Swamp and add Esper Panorama, Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse or even better Duals and real Fetchies of course You could also use Vivid Creek, Vivid Marsh and Vivid Meadow in exchange for one Basic each.

If you want some more Turtle Power, I'd suggest Ajani Steadfast because of his Emblem and maybe one or two cards like: Orbs of Warding, Urza's Armor, Plated Pegasus, Thunderstaff or Righteous Cause if you are funny.

Rune-Scarred Demon is a nice Tutor and a Win-Con. Only a bit expensive.