Pia Nalaar

Legendary Creature — Human Artificer

When Pia Nalaar enters the battlefield, create a 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature token with flying.

: Target artifact creature gets +1/+0 until end of turn.

, Sacrifice an artifact: Target creature can't block this turn.

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Clear a Path
Marauding Dreadship
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multimedia on Breya's Benevolent Brotherhood

1 year ago

Hey, interesting concept, but you're sacrificing a lot of card quality and a cohesive deck strategy by playing so many different partner pairs. Instead of so many partners how about simplifying by choosing a few that also go with Breya? That way you can play these partners in a Breya version of the deck. Or switch to partner pairs, but keep the majority of the deck the same with the same strategy.

Akiri + Silas makes most sense as an alternative four color partner pair because they have synergy with artifacts and can be played with Breya as Commander. Silas + Tymna could also work for Esper with a Thopter or other artifact fliers strategy which you could also play with four color Breya as Commander. Tymna is a powerful card and it helps that Breya creates fliers making it easier to do combat damage to at least two different opponents. All the other partners are out of place and could be cut to improve the deck for Breya, Akiri, Silas and Tymna?

Akiri, Silas, Tymna and Breya can all benefit from more cards that create Thopters especially Thopter Foundry + Sword of the Meek which is not an infinite combo without another card, but can repeatedly create an amount of Thopters equal to the amount of mana you have available. Master Transmuter to create Thopters by keep bouncing Breya and putting her onto the battlefield for .

Breya's Apprentice with artifacts can be repeatable for the cast from exile strategy. Sai, Master Thopterist can repeatedly create Thopters with artifact theme. Sharding Sphinx can double your Thopter army when they do combat damage to opponents. Hangarback Walker can create a lot of Thopters especially when you have a lot of ramp from mana rocks or treasures. Hangarback wants to die which has synergy with Breya and Silas.

I like the idea of being able to switch to different Commanders with partners, it's creative, but for this idea of work the partners you choose need to have some synergy with each other that way you can mix and match them, but still have a cohesive deck strategy no matter which Commanders you choose. You're not taking much advantage of Breya as Commander or Silas + Akiri or Silas + Tymna and artifacts playing 44 creatures. The partners are a neat addition to Commander, but you still want to build your deck around the two you choose that way not playing so many cards that don't go with your Commanders.

Prosper, Tome-Bound and Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer are good cards for casting spells from exile because they're also enablers, you don't need to play any specific strategy to play them. They can be good with Breya because they create treasures which are artifacts. Laelia, the Blade Reforged is another good card for this strategy because she's also an enabler. Building around the exile strategy with 20+ cards is too many with Breya because the problem is if you don't draw Prosper the exile strategy doesn't do much with Breya, Akiri, Silas, Tymna as Commander.

This is an example of a streamlined/simplified creature base using some current creatures you're playing and adding my card suggestions:

Good luck with your deck.

GregariousG on Gonna Need A Bigger Playmat | *Primer*

3 years ago

To BloodDragon,

Thanks for stopping by my hot mesh of cards I like to call Naya Tron. I really appreciate when other players ask me in-depth questions about my deck. It makes me evaluate what I’m trying to do. In the midst of answering your questions, I found some flaws that I feel like I was able to correct.

How many Tokens/Treasures do you find you are actually getting it to play? In games are you actually closing it out with a Tall-Commanders, or just going wide with Thopters and Golems? Some combination of Tall-Golems thanks to Ich-T? Or are you closing games out more combo-style with the mentioned R.Fireweaver, Terror of the Peaks, or Alibou?

I am finding that I can produce a moderate amount of token. However, this deck is called “Gonna Need a Bigger Playmat”, not “This Can All Fit Just Fine on the Playmat.” I've been debating with myself if I need three token doublers. I think that answer might be no. Because of that, I added Servo Schematic to the main deck. This creates precious artifact creature tokens on ETB, LTB, and is an artifact itself. I thought about adding Pia Nalaar or Pia and Kiran Nalaar for the Thopter tokens. However, I wanted something that was loopable with things like Daretti or Goblin Welder . Tangent aside, this deck, generally, closes out the game with a combination of burning out the table and applied pressure with tokens. There is a line where Ich-T and all the golems get infinite +1/+1 counters, but I haven’t put that to use yet. Also, Chandra, Torch of Defiance is another burn outlet and gets ultimated more often than you think.

I feel like I am not understanding all the Pop-rocks you have (Lotus Petal, Chromatic Sphere, Etc) are you managing to get Teshar/Osgir consistently? Does this deck go in for the kill extremely fast? Or am I missing the point all together here?

This deck isn't a fast kill deck. It has more infinite combos than intended, but this build is meant for the mid-game. Like in Modern Tron, I want my mid-game much faster than everyone else at the table. For example, I've gone Ancient Tomb into Mana Vault , played Lotus Petal , then played Hour of Promise . Now, this was the absolute nut draw, but that was capable due to fast mana like Lotus Petal . The pop-rocks are like artifact-based cantrips. I can't count the numerous times I've played Ancient Stirrings off of a Tron land due to Chromatic Star or Chromatic Sphere .

For me, Teshar and Osgir play different roles. Teshar is more for recurring my low CMC creatures during the grindy mid-late game. With Teshar, I want to loop cards like Goblin Engineer and Blade Splicer for value. The exception to this rule is if I have a way to sacrifice or put Dockside Extortionist in the graveyard. If I have that setup, I'm going for that line of play immediately. Osgir, on the other hand, is more for explosive lines of play. This could be ramping hard with multiple Mana Vault s for Sol Ring s. For me, the synergy between the artifact lands and Osgir is too good to pass up, even without a token doubler. Though I save the bombs of this deck for Feldon of the Third Path , there are times when exiling them with Osgir is an option. For example, I don't need Wurmcoil Engine or Verdurous Gearhulk if I'm Feldon looping Triplicate Titan . I've gladly sac those options to get two token copies of those beaters. If Alibou, Ancient Witness is on the field, I'm more inclined to go for this option.

And between all the Land/Urza synergies you seem to be aiming for did Tireless Tracker or Crucible of Worlds end up not performing well? Have you considered Wrenn and Six for land recursion?

At one point, I consider using both Tireless Tracker and Crucible of Worlds in the 99. However, they both didn't make the cut for one core reason. This deck, besides Hour of Promise and Sad Robot, makes one land drop per turn. Thus, making one clue token per turn is ok, but there are better things I can be doing at three mana. As for Crucible, Eternal Witness is my answer if I need lands back.

discipleofgary73 on ∙|(⤟ Gigantes Historiæ 1.6 ⤠)|∙

3 years ago

The aesthetics are chef's kiss
Maybe Genesis Chamber , Inspiring Statuary , Summoning Station , Mirrorworks , Glimmervoid , and Pia Nalaar for other aritifact-focused cards. If you end up going for lots of tokens, Anointed Procession and Requiem Angel might be fun.
Thanks for stopping by!

multimedia on Jor Kadeen

4 years ago

Hey, nice start for a budget version.

Consider more one to four drop creatures who can be cast before Jor and who can create an artifact when they ETB? You want creatures on the battlefield before you play Jor to take advantage of attacking with the pump, but you also need three artifacts to get that pump. Creatures with double strike are good if metalcraft is active, but without it they're lackluster. Boros Keyrune is the right idea since it's an artifact first and then it can turn into a creature with double strike.

Pia/Kiran is very good budget creature to curve into Jor since it puts three creatures on the battlefield including two artifacts meaning you only need one other artifact to activate metalcraft. The other two artifact lands: Ancient Den and Great Furnace help a lot when trying to activate metalcraft. Mishra's Factory can turn into an artifact creature for one mana.

Smuggler's Copter is a powerful two drop flying Vehicle. It can be a repeatable source of draw and it's an artifact that turns into a artifact creature by crew 1 (tapping any other creature you control). Hammer of Purphoros gives Jor as well as all your other creatures haste and it can be a repeatable source of an artifact and a creature.

Goblin Welder is great with artifacts as repeatable reanimation since you can sac an artifact you control to reanimate any artifact in your graveyard. It's good with Myr Battlesphere as a way to reanimate it, sac it, have artifact fodder to keep reanimating it.

The manabase can use some budget improvements of dual lands.

Good luck with your deck.

Femme_Fatale on Synonyms/Nicknames System for Deckbuilding and …

4 years ago

Introducing the synonyms/nicknames system to alleviate all those "wtf was that one land of that one cycle named?" problems that plague you.

This system is simple. It is designed to redirect terms that you typed out that match a synonym/nickname of a card, to that card name. This lets you never have to remember the name "Seachrome Coast" and can instead just type out "WU Fastland" (as an example). Note that this only works in text edit entries on deck lists and inventory, not the live edit or the card search forms.

There is a lot of other things that are utilised here as well.

  • Godzilla Names
  • Dracula Names
  • Non-American Spellings
  • Common Nicknames
  • Common Misspellings
  • Redirections of Misspelled Submissions
  • Each side of a split card as a synonym (unless they already exist as a card).

Not needing to know the name of each card in a land/artifact cycle is a big boon, but you still need to know the nickname of that cycle and the syntax. For lands/mana rocks/the swords of X and Y at the present moment it is always "XY Nickname" or "YX Nickname". Examples:

  • WU Fastland
  • GR BFZ
  • GW ABUR Dual Land
  • BW Fetch

For 2 colour lands, it is always the two colour letters, followed by the nickname, and then followed by the option to have the world land either connected to the nickname or not. (these are all viable options for example: "WU Fast", "UW Fastland", "UW Fast Land".) For 3 colour lands, it is only the primary order of colour letters you see on cards, or the Alara/Khans name. (WUB Lair, Mardu Triome as examples.) Swords and other artifact cycles follow the same setup (though swords can also be "Sword of GB" or "Sword of G and B"), and mono colour land cycles use the same setup just with only one letter. Note that none of these are plural, so don't put that s in. Colourless cards that are a part of a cycle use C/Colorless/Colourless.

Some of these cycles don't have well defined names yet (like BBD) and some of these cycles have had too many names that people constantly fight over so there was no point in bothering to put them all in and instead I just used the TLA (specifically BFZ).


The primary purpose of this is to make the ability to tag cards and edit decks/inventory far more robust than what it has been. Tappedout doesn't presently have a spellchecker, and to be fair most sites don't. It's not an easy feature to implement. So with this synonyms/nicknames feature, we can alleviate some of those aggravations of misspellings or different ways to spell a word by making them valid targets and redirecting them to the right card name. Another benefit of this is the ability to give cards shorthands or nicknames when the community largely doesn't remember the actual name of a card, just their shorthand. We have all been hit with "wtf is that land's name again?" when we know for a fact that it's just "the blue and white shadows over innistrad reveal land". This saves the step of having to open up a search engine to figure out the card name, and in general speeds up and makes the process of building decks and inventory, a lot more enjoyable.

Cycles that currently have nicknames: Show

A lot of the cycle synonyms are meant to intuitive and robust so that you won't even have to think about knowing what the exact written synonym actually is and still be able to get it right on the first try, though it will take time to reach a point in which this is 100% true. As an example of scope, each recognized nickname for a cycle creates 6 entries for each given card in that cycle. So the AKH lands have 30 entries for each card in that cycle, resulting in a total of 150 entries. The Triomes have the same amount, but if I were to add each individual string combination of the colour letters (WUB, BUW, WBU etc) then that count would increase by 45 for each entry, resulting 75 entries for each one, totalling at 375 entries for the whole cycle.

Nicknames will usually be things like "Snappy", "Bolt", "Path", "Bob", "FoW", etc. They are to be commonly used by the larger community as a whole, not what your FNM/play group exclusively uses (though this isn't a hard set in stone as I'm not omniscient).

Here's a list of nicknames that I have. Show

I have about 200+ cards of non-American spellings added as synonyms in this site, however I'm certain there's like, 5x that much I've missed. If you notice a non-american spelling I do not have in, let me know.

Here's a list of things that is in the works to do. Show


A card can have any number of synonyms/nicknames. But only one synonym/nickname can be tied to a card. So if a new card/land cycle gets printed that has covers a misspelling (like an UNcard might) or has that nickname as it's actual card name, those synonyms will get removed (as an example, Snapcaster Mage cannot have Snap as a nickname). We are also looking to limit the amount of times a synonym has to get removed so nicknames of cards during their presence in the standard formats are not likely to be put in, as they become forgotten or even re-used when they rotate out. These are also done manually so sometimes a change might just take a while to do if it encompasses a large number of cards or a large number of synonyms.. We also won't be going through alternate language as possible synonyms because WotC doesn't nearly double check duplicate card names for foreign languages as well as they do for English cards.

This is not something on the card submission form, so it is not available to edit for any user.

If you know of something missing like common misspellings or common non-American spellings that will be needed, or cycle syntaxes that you tried to use but didn't work, post them here and I'll review them for possible inclusion in the future.

EDIT: Before you ask for a nickname etc to be added:

  1. Check if it exists first by trying it out.
  2. Check if the larger community recognizes it, this is done by going around discords, lgs' and other forums about that nickname.
  3. Check if it has any nsfw, discriminatory or derogatory terminology, we straight up will not allow these.

This isn't a system for your pet nickname that your local playgroup uses. This is a system that can utilize nicknames that naturally grew organically out of continued use from the larger mtg community as a whole. This isn't a "which nicknames do you think this system could use" but rather "which nicknames that are used across the world that we have missed".

EDIT EDIT: Recent discoveries had been made with this system, one that is a pretty big limitation. If a card name is containing any form of punctuation, no synonyms or mispellings will work as the system replaces all punctuation and spaces with a dash, just like our url slugs do. So if there's a mispelling of something with a comma in its name I can't do anything about that.

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