Pearled Unicorn

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Pearled Unicorn

Creature — Unicorn

CavemanlyMan on All Unicorns United

1 month ago

You do not have every printed unicorn in magic in your deck. I noticed you had two in your sideboard and I found the choice odd as not only is Regal Unicorn strictly better than Pearled Unicorn, but it also has better flavor text. I'd also run Adarkar Unicorn over Revered Unicorn any day. If you are only putting them in your sideboard because of the moon in the art, then Regal Unicorn still takes offense to the idea that it has to go through an alicorn in order to be played. It's too regal to be bossed around like that.

There is a new unicorn with Nyxborn Unicorn coming out with Modern Horizons 3.

What exactly are you tutoring for with all those tutors in your deck? Pieces to make Twilight Sparkle work? Even with tutors that seems unlikely.

Also Skullclamp seems bad in general. There aren't many things with 1 toughness.

It feels like you just took the 25 most played cards in 5 color from edhrec to fill out the rest of your deck. Try things like Lurking Predators, Beastmaster Ascension, and Champion of Lambholt. If you are interested in more ideas check out my unicorn deck: Unicorns! (My EDH Masterpiece)

isaacmartin623 on Through the looking glass

4 years ago

I really like the thematic deck idea! How apposed are you to using unset cards? While they technically aren't legal in commander, this deck doesn't exactly strike me as trying to play in tournaments. I'm mostly asking for Pippa, Duchess of Dice who seems pretty thematically appropriate. Even if you decide not, Ancestral Memories directly references the book, as does Pearled Unicorn. Others include Zodiac Rabbit (For obvious reasons) Diminish (Shrinking) Into the Story or Once Upon a Time also work well. Grumgully, the Generous could also be a mad-hatter character, still bested by Mad Ratter though. Also, Sorcerous Spyglass

Rwhr2d2 on my first deck its probably crap

6 years ago

Well, Monk Realist is not a may so he will destroy your own enchantments. You want to get rid of himAdding more of Femeref Knight would be good, as he is one of the best creatures in the deck. Take out Pearled Unicorn as 2/2s for 3 with no abilities tend to be bad. However, Soltari Visionary is better since relatively few creatures have shadow.
Furnace Spirit isn't great since you don't have that much red mana to pay for his ability.
Remove Endoskeleton, Flowstone Shambler, and take out Giant Strength or add more mountains.
Serra's Embrace is probably one of your best enchantments right now, so more of those is better.

If you're able to get new cards, consider replacing Opal Gargoyle with Mistral Charger, Kor Aeronaut or possibly Akroan Skyguard which works well with the enchantments.
Expedition Envoy or Soldier of the Pantheon would probably be better than Opal Caryatid.

Rwhr2d2 on my first deck its probably crap

6 years ago

After you change it from Standard to Casual, if you want to improve the deck you probably want to get more cards as 3-ofs and 4-ofs. Also, adding more mountains, from 4 to 6 mountains (removing Pearled Unicorn and Furnace Spirit).

You would need new cards to improve the deck, but if you're willing to get them you could try something like this:

Have (1) ZathenDother
Want (1) xram666