Path of Peril

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Path of Peril


Cleave (You may cast this for this card's cleave cost. If you do, remove the words in the square brackets from this spell's rules text.)

Destroy all creatures [with converted mana cost/mana value 2 or less].

jawz on UBg You Lose Combo

3 months ago

It doesn't count as a sweeper, so you have it right, but it's basically taking up the sweeper slot. She does set up a repeatable removal like I need from a sweeper, but in the most janky way to think about it.

I need a sweeper that is one-sided so that I don't lose my key disguised creatures, since the critical core of the deck is hinged on the action of flipping the disguise creatures at the right time. Something straightforward like Deadly Cover-Up or Path of Peril that could be in that slot is just killing my own stuff and making it much harder to win even if I get to stall the opponent. My deck doesn't rebuild very well after sweeping my own stuff.

I don't see anything in Standard in Sultai colors that can really play that role the way I need. So I gotta try something jank. March of Swirling Mist maybe. The Phasing of Zhalfir maybe can preserve one of my key creatures from the jank sweep. But Massacre Girl, Known Killer does work with what this deck is doing. This deck gets an extra few creatures on the board on average than the opponent, and each of those creatures are Wither blockers where the opponent's creatures take on accumulating damage over time. The opponent's creatures don't get swept immediately, but eventually they get picked off by the plentiful 2/2s I can afford to chump with, and when they do I get to draw bonus cards.

It doesn't seem great at all, but then again I get to play with Massacre Girl, Known Killer which by itself is fun anyway.

woolfhunt on Rakdos Disguise Combo

3 months ago

Main goal of this deck is to burn opponent's life quickly by flinging Hunted Bonebrute with Callous Sell-Sword. It will often do 9 damage to the dome. Doing so twice should kill opponent, as doing 2 chip damage with either Kumano Faces Kakkazan  Flip, creatures, or burn spells. Unfortunately Callous Sell-Sword is not very good in the vacuum, that's why we are playing Pyrotechnic Performer, flipping it and Bonebrute will also end us with 9 damage in addition to 9 power on the board. The drawback is of course tempo, as playing 2 disguise creatures requires a lot of mana. Although disguised creatures are rather well protected against common single-target removals, cards like Path of Peril can really mess with our board, that's why we are playing Deep-Cavern Bat and Duress in the sideboard. We are also playing package of cards that should help us digging to the combo - Bloodtithe Harvester, Charming Scoundrel, and Inti, Seneschal of the Sun.

Darth_Savage on Esper Reanimator

1 year ago

So you need a sideboard, as a starting point something like this:

2x Path of Peril - Small creatures humans/merfolk/prowess

3x Prismatic Ending - Good generic answer

2x Teferi, Time Raveler - Cascade/control

3x Leyline of Sanctity - Discard

3x Stony Silence - Shuts down most artifact grave hate

1x Emrakul, the Aeons Torn - Mill

1x Orvar, the All-Form - Creativity

Dead_Blue_ on Scam Rack

1 year ago

Yea so after testing, this deck just doesn’t work.

When you get a Scam hand it���s amazing but it’s better just to protect Grief than it is to try to get Racks online & attack their hand.

When you don’t get a Scam hand there isn’t enough discard to make 8Rack an effective hand.

In conclusion just playing normal R/B Scam is a far better plan

Thanks for the feedback fellas

To answer questions, Force of Despair is an amazing card. I’m sure as soon as people figure this out the price will skyrocket through the roof.

Path of Peril could work but I personally prefer Damn

Collective Brutality is definitely the better card than March of Wretched Sorrow but I wanted a late game mana dump that could double as a pitch place for Undying Malice

I simple forgot to throw an Urborg in, fetches we’re for Fatal Push over thinning.

Anyway deck is RIP to me …easy come easy go

zapyourtumor on Scam Rack

1 year ago

I actually really like the inclusion of 4 Voidwalkers since it gives the undying cards another target besides Grief, especially since one voidwalker can cast cards exiled with a different Voidwalker (or its past dead self).

Having so many fetches in mono B for deck thinning is probably not necessary imo. I would probably put like 2-3 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth along with 3-4 Urza's Saga. Urborg also goes pretty well with a couple horizon lands like Silent Clearing. Force of Despair is a cool card that a lot of 8rack players were excited to test out when it got spoiled, personally I don't think running 3 copies is a great idea in a deck already pitching cards to Grief but you could maybe run 3 combined between mainboard and sideboard.

Path of Peril is a really funny boardwipe since a) you can sack your Dauthi anyways and b) it doesn't hit Grief. Obviously some antisynergy with Saga but its probably fine if you sequence plays correctly.

This is definitely a deck where I would put some copies of Surgical Extraction in the sideboard.

20 lands is probably on the low side, although you aren't running any Raven's Crime. Need testing for that one.

The tweaks I'd make before playtesting would probably be:


-4 Bloodstained Mire -4 Verdant Catacombs -2 Force of Despair -2 Shrieking Affliction

+2 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth +4 Urza's Saga +1 Godless Shrine +1 Silent Clearing +1 Pithing Needle +1 Nihil Spellbomb +1 Path of Peril +1 Bloodchief's Thirst/Funeral Charm/Dismember idk

Reasoning: with Saga, you can cut on Afflictions since you can tutor racks more consistently, Needle and Spellbomb are just mainboard saga target staples, and then some other removal to replace Force of Despair. Funeral Charm can let a big construct through with Urborg. What removal you choose to run is probably meta dependent.


This is definitely a lot more meta dependent so I can't comment as much.

Here Necromentia can probably be replaced with Surgical Extraction.

Go Blank is decent grave hate but can be replaced with extra Nihil Spellbomb or 4 Leyline of the Void, personal preference. Also good to note that Go Blank can sometimes be too slow (vs grinding breach) and also doesn't shut down some decks as effectively as leyline like Murktide, Scam, Grinding Station, Yawgmoth, Living End, etc while Leyline stops all of those in their tracks.

Delirium Skeins is a sideboard card against Leyline of Sanctity if thats ever a problem.

Path of Peril or Bontu's Last Reckoning can replace Damnation if you find yourself badly needing a t3 boardwipe.

Collective Brutality classic sideboard card against burn, and probably much better than March of Wretched Sorrow in 95% of situations.

You can also move the Spellbomb + Needle package to the sideboard if you think mainboard is too crowded with the scam package.

Batman18 on Mono Black Control

1 year ago

Thoughts on Damnation over Path of Peril?

Chasmolinker on Rock Deck 2022

1 year ago

I can't really speak to adding more Damns as I never played the card. I personally prefer something like Damnation or Path of Peril in the SB for go wide strategies and more T1 discard MB.

Tasigur, the Golden Fang is OK as a 1-of midrange threat. It's a really grindy card. I think Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet is actually a better Midrange threat that needs to be answered or you can really take over the board with all of your removal.

Chasmolinker on Esper Draw-Go single match

1 year ago

Path of Peril has been a life saver in my Mono Black Midrange deck.

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