Parasitic Bond

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

At the beginning of the upkeep of enchanted creature's controller, Parasitic Bond deals 2 damage to that player.

GoldenDiggle on Using magic card names in …

8 years ago

My dearest friends, I am no red player but your Shockingly poor card combo strings has brought about Increasing Confusion in this forum. Noticeably, some of you are quite Determined to make such combos, resulting in some form of Planar Chaos. I am here to bring some Illumination to this Havoc Festival, and hopefully turn it into a Mages' Contest. Ponder with me for a moment what a good string of combos looks like:

  1. Shouting random cards with Ferocity makes you look no more intelligent than a Kird Ape. You don't want your comment going Horribly Awry just because you were too eager to Fling the first card you can think of into your comment. You're not Brion Stoutarm, kid.

  2. Metaphors are your best friend. Check out my Directive: Dragonfire description to see a fun example of some of these in use!

  3. Keep your Anger towards other commenters in check and restrain your Molten Influence from giving a Guttural Response to a good comment. Conversely, its fun to Outwit other commenters, but nobody likes a guy who Insists on getting the Last Word.

  4. Seek to create a Parasitic Bond some cards that are Familiar Ground, cards that you feel like a Myth Realized only in conversation. Find where you get your Mystic Confluence, don't take a Wild Guess.

  5. Waste Not all of your cool cards in your first sentence. The most Circular Logic you can make is to Burnout of cards by using all your fun combos in your first sentence, Counterbalance this by attempting to split your combos out a bit, Hesitation is a nice ally to have.

  6. If you cant find a card for it, Exclude it. It's not worth making your Mind Burst looking for something that may not exist. Likewise, if there is a Split Decision remember to take your time. Comments like these are a Trial and Error Process.

  7. HAVE FUN! Call that guy a Brushwagg! Wreak Havoc on a well thought out Stoic Rebuttal! Subdue the thread and remind them that they are in the Presence of the Master! Enter the Infinite! The Possibility Storm is endless, and the world is your Spellbook.

Hopefully, some of you will Rethink some of your previous comments, and make some Careful Consideration an some of your future posts. Alas, my Dying Wish of this post is to hope that each of you can show some Overwhelming Intellect when it comes to using magic cards in a sentence, as I would prefer not to Suffer the Past.