Palace Familiar

Creature — Bird


When Palace Familiar dies, draw a card.

zachz on Problem, Officer?

1 year ago

I love this idea.

There's a roundabout way to maneuver unwanted cards out of your way on your library, using Mindshrieker. It's at instant speed, and while you can use it for attacking/blocking, you can self-mill to cut out an unwanted card you foresaw with Index.

Having a Cloudfin Raptor would also quickly become an annoyance for your opponents, as it is an early game flyer that grows as you do, and if your opponent kills it, easy fodder for your Stitched Drake.

Quick flyers with card draw include Sage Owl, Augury Owl, and Palace Familiar. I'm suggesting a lot of birds. If you do add more birds to the deck, you can use Airborne Aid for card draw. It's a tough sell, but Monastery Flock is a higher CMC alternative to Fog Bank that benefits as a bird?

Only Instant I can think of for this would be Deluge.

Lastly this doesn't help with card draw or advantage, but Flood would control your opponent until the Leviathan showed up. Best of luck!

Dete on [WU Flying] Aces High

5 years ago

i know its a casual deck but you have way too high of mana cost in everything, for one Dark Depths is not meant in this kind of deck if you dont have a way to cheat his counters or have the mana to take them out, as well as Sigil of the Empty Throne you dont have enough enchantments, might as well take them all out. Tempest Djinn, Angel of Jubilation, Yosei, the Morning Star, Exquisite Archangel, Goliath Sphinx, Ornithopter, Rustwing Falcon, Serra Ascendant, Azorius First-Wing, Resplendent Angel are either to expensive, you dont have a reliable source to use they'r abilities or are simply underwhelming. for lowering the mana cost i suggest Warden of Evos Isle. you can replace Serra Aviary for Favorable Winds, for counters Spellstutter Sprite, Nimble Obstructionist, Spell Queller,Siren Stormtamer and probably not very good if its not a fast pace deck (storm) Erayo, Soratami Ascendant. Hope of Ghirapur and Selfless Spirit are good protection, Vendilion Clique and Gilded Drake some good control. Palace Familiar, Owl Familiar net you some card draw and Illusory Angel, Sky Spirit seem ok. i didnt go in to much noncreature spells and i lck sleep so i hope i was helpful.

multimedia on the flock

5 years ago

Hey, interesting concept for a tribal deck. Consider expanding on the strategy of Soulcatchers' Aerie? What makes this card shine with Birds and Derevi are sac outlets. With sac outlets you can sac Derevi to put a counter on Arie and then using Derevi's activated ability to put her back into play without playing Commander tax. This is one reason sac outlets are pretty busted with Derevi. Sac outlets to consider adding:

Skullclamp is great with sac outlets and is also good with all the 1/1 Owls/Familiars/Tokens.

Consider Reveillark + Guide combo? It's excellent with sac outlets as a reanimation engine. There's many Birds here who when in the graveyard have 2 or less power who Reveillark can reanimate. This combo by reanimating and sacing Birds can put a lot of counters on Aerie or draw a lot of cards with Skullclamp. Sacing and reanimating Reveillark and Guide can put a lot of counters on Soulcatcher since both have flying.

Mimeomancer + Kangee, Aerie Keeper is a good Bird interaction. Kangee cares about feather counters; Mimeomancer can at your upkeep put a feather counter on Kangee. Quest is good with Crookclaw Elder and Keeper of the Nine Gales. Tap two Birds to draw a card or bounce a permanent; when have four counters on Quest untap all your Birds during your opponents turns.

Witness can recur any card and be reanimated with Reveillark; it's a powerful card with Reveillark. Consider Yisan? Because of the low budget you can't play a lot of expensive price creature tutors. Yisan is a budget repeatable creature tutor that puts the creature right onto the battlefield. Birds have a nice curve of CMC creatures (1 drop all the way up to six drop).

As far as the five nonBird creatures you're allowed to play I suggest: Emeria Angel, Reveillark, Karmic Guide, Eternal Witness and Yisan.

Other Birds to consider adding:

Budget lands to consider:

Cards to consider cutting:

  • Coat of Arms
  • Illusionist's Bracers
  • Crystal Ball
  • Fable of Wolf and Owl
  • Gravitational Shift
  • Favorable Winds
  • Sphinx's Revelation
  • Explosive Vegetation
  • Wing Shards
  • Cloudfin Raptor
  • Skymark Roc
  • Oketra's Attendant
  • Aerie Mystics
  • Aven Wind Guide
  • Windbrisk Raptor
  • Arctic Aven
  • Sunpetal Grove
  • Glacial Fortress
  • Temple of Enlightenment
  • Temple of Plenty

Good luck with your deck.

Ravenrose on Accursed Potions and Twisted Notions

6 years ago

I love this deck! Everything from the name down to the theme and synergy is impeccable. It is a little stereotypical but hey, it is creative and well done. May I also suggest Polymorphist's Jest and Snakeform? Psychic Venom is also a good one - in the Medieval Age, witches were believed to be able to poison the mind of their victims and make psychic attacks. Palace Familiar is synergy (owlet's wing). Curse of the Swine is related to Circe, the Ancient Greek Witch of Aiaia, daughter of Helios and Perse (mother of witches). In some myths, she is believed to be the daughter of Hekate, Mother and Goddess of all witches, witchcraft, folk in the road, necromancy, the moon, dogs and divination. This deck is missing a counterspell so why not try Swan Song. My last suggestion is Mystical Tutor. I hope these help!

If you have some time would you look at my Morai, Otherworld, Pagan and Dracarys decks?

TheSurgeon on [Primer] - Altar of the Heartless Duskcrank

6 years ago

Sorry for the delayed response guys! Work has been keeping me very busy.

Felixlives- Thank you, and absolutely it kills at once! Last night I had a 3-player game against my friend's rather formidable burn deck Ring of Fire and a legacy Eldrazi-Tron. I stalled out at first, drawing nothing but 2 land, 1 Altar, Palace Familiar, Trinket Mage), Mindcrank but ended up winning with an Altar and Mindcrank in play and paid Guildmage's 1st ability as it ETB turn 6. It was pretty satisfying. XD

Naksu- Kind words, thank you. Keeps me going!

Firebones675 on

7 years ago

I think it's looking better. Also if you can get your hands on some, Reflector Mage is both extremely cheap and great for slowing your opponents down. (I had so much fun abusing them in standard before it got banned there) I could see them working out here.

Looking at your curve about half of your deck has a converted mana cost of two. Might be better to cut a few of them and spread out a bit more. Even something like replacing Cleric of the Forward Order for the mages could work.

Might also be nice to see if there is anything else for 4 mana to try to bridge the gap to your high end spells. Cryptic Command is strong but it isn't exactly budget. Into the Roil or Glimmer of Genius are both super cheap, maybe taking out a couple Palace Familiars for them? They don't necessarily be the specific cards i'm suggesting (just wanted to mention a couple that i've found pull their own weight), but by spreading out your mana you can better ensure you will have relevant cards at each stage of the game. You still need chep things for the early game, but these are ones that are better later.

Angry_Potatoes on How To Be A Dick For Under $15

7 years ago


So, clearly, this deck is no longer "standard", and the casual nature of this deck prevents its use in modern. However, with the birth of frontier, this deck may yet again rear its ugly head! A few modifications have been made to make it frontier-legal, with a couple other changes added to lower the price of the deck to back under $15 (the price increase of Chasm Skulker put it over the limit.)


-4 Hypnotic Siren, +4 Faerie Miscreant: Not a big change, and the Faerie can grab us more cards.

-2 Bident of Thassa, +2 Ongoing Investigation: While nowhere near as good as Bident, Investigation is the closest thing we've got in frontier.

-4 Voyage's End, +4 Unsubstantiate: Honestly, I would make this change even if I wasn't being forced to by frontier's set limitations. Exchanging a scry 1 for a pseudo-Remand is fine by me.

-4 Dissolve, +4 Void Shatter: The next best counter spell available, barring the overpriced Disallow.

-3 Palace Familiar, +3 Skyship Plunderer: While the bird is still legal in frontier, the pirate is simply better; +1/+0 and the ability to multiply counters seems better then drawing when it dies.


-3 Chasm Skulker, +3 Cloudform: It's not ideal, but there isn't much else for three mana in frontier that fits the deck and doesn't push the cost over $15.


-4 Stratus Dancer, +4 Dimensional Infiltrator: I just prefer flash and the weird self-bounce effect over megamorph in this deck. But that's just me, these two are interchangeable.

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