

The next instant or sorcery spell you play this turn can't be countered by spells or abilities.

Draw a card.

Coward_Token on How Are Red, Black, and …

2 weeks ago

I kinda want red to get a couple of more Overmaster-type cards

PhotogenicParasympathetic on Card creation challenge

3 weeks ago

Idrix, Who Hastens the End

Legendary Creature - Demon

Spells can't be countered.

At the beginning of each end step, each player loses life equal to the number of spells they cast that turn. Then, each player whose turn it is loses 10 life, unless they cast 2 or more spells that turn. Then, each player whose turn it is not loses 5 life unless they cast a spell that turn.


"The elevator is going down."

Cards in his precon:

Bolt Bend
Crimson Wisps
Jeska's Will
Storm-Kiln Artist
Krark, the Thumbless

Make me a card named Brennan Lee Mulligan. (If you don't know who that is, I'm sorry).

Azoth2099 on Kess reanimator

6 months ago

Consider Careful Study, Faithless Looting, & Tolarian Winds here! They can really help you tear through your deck & fill your graveyard super early in the game. I don't remember how much Traumatize costs nowadays, but it's probably worth looking into as well.

Some other pieces like Dark Ritual, Overmaster, Brainstorm, Ponder & Unmarked Grave can provide a lot of value here for a cheap ticket too.

Good luck refining your list!

sylvannos on Hoax Storm v2

1 year ago

To start with, there's a few cards that have better Vintage equivalents. Overmaster and Spell Pierce should be the 3rd. and 4th. copies of Force of Will. Leftover space from cutting those can be Red Elemental Blast, Pyroblast, or Flusterstorm. You don't need Faithless Looting because we have Paradoxical Outcome, Sensei's Divining Top, Gush, Dig Through Time, Treasure Cruise, and Brainstorm to choose from. Merchant Scroll also belongs in here, because you can use it to grab Ancestral Recall at the very least. Usually you want it to make sure you have protection in hand by grabbing countermagic.

Library of Alexandria isn't good in this deck. And you're not the type that needs 8x sources, so Steam Vents can go, along with a few copies of Volcanic Island (1 or 2). Replace all of these with four copies of Scalding Tarn and basic lands. Or even just play 6x fetches. You need to be able to shuffle after using Brainstorm, Ponder,and Sensei's Divining Top.

From here, you have a solid U/R Storm shell. However, I wouldn't play straight "Modern U/R Storm, but Power 9" dot dec. 2 mana is a lot for Goblin Electromancer, there are easier ways of winning than Grapeshot, and so on. The question then becomes "Where to go from here?"

Hope this helps! Welcome to MtG's oldest and greatest format.


1 year ago

SniperFrog Overmaster is a complete work horse in this deck! The prevelance of Ad Nauseam, Doomsday, Intuition, and Mnemonic Betrayal makes it a great thing to draw into and cast at all points of the game.

Black Market Connections is insane value in my opinion, being able to draw and ramp every turn for the low price of 3 life per turn is pushed lol.

Plunge into Darkness is hit-or-miss, and I consider replacing it pretty often. With so many other 1-card wincons in the deck, it's really only good for grabbing a missing piece for your Thassa's Oracle combo.

Opt can be great off-curve for drawing into an answer for a threat that you need to address immediately via tutor, or for expediting an Ad Nauseam. If I'm lucky enough to have Emergence Zone on the field, it can enable some very sneaky wins as well.

I consider Faithless Looting and Careful Study all the time, but I can't quite decide what to cut for them...

Thanks for the +1!


1 year ago

I'm curious to hear how Overmaster has performed for you. My Doomsday list doesn't have access to red, but I'd definitely give it a shot if I could. Black Market Connections also seems pretty sick. Has it lived up to it's cost? Plunge into Darkness is sick as well. Is it as good as I hoped? I haven't had a chance to pick one up.

Have you considered Thought Scour and its older brother Mental Note? In my experience, they give access to a pretty efficient pile that costs only in most situations. Both might not be necessary, but at least one might be decent. Opt seems a little weak to me, so I would consider one of these as a replacement.

I might have missed it, but is there a reason you're not running the first Faithless Looting effect? Frantic Search and Careful Study are also options for this.

+1. Love seeing people out here experimenting with Doomsday!

Quickspell on Does Galvanic Iteration has to …

2 years ago

When it comes to cards like Galvanic Iteration or Overmaster, do these have to be resolved before I cast the next spell? (Overmaster is a sorcery, but I could give it flash with Teferi, Time Raveler.

So they don't work on spells that are already on the stack because those have already been cast by the time I react with Galvanic Iteration or a flashed out Overmaster, correct?

So basically you cast those spells first, wait until they have resolved, and only then proceed to cast the next?

ACapo18 on Kinda Competitive Kykar

2 years ago

susemiehlian Thank you! This deck has gotten much more aggressive over time. I modeled it after my friends Jhoira deck. This build wants to cast as many spells as possible in one explosive turn and win from out of nowhere. Typically this happens turn 5-6 depending on my opponents. As such, casting sorceries vs instants doesn't matter much since it will all be on my turn. When storming you need 2 things: spells to cast, and mana to cast them. In this deck, it is beneficial to have as many spells that cost 1 red mana as possible. So things like Crash Through, Crimson Wisps, and even Overmaster don't matter for their effect, they matter for their ability to replace themselves in my hand. Since Kykar generates me a spirit I can turn into 1 red mana for each noncreature spell, if I had 70 cards in the deck that let me draw a card for 1 red mana, I could keep casting through my deck and just grapeshot my opponents at the end of the deck. The few permanents in the deck are there to either get me value for casting my spells, or to allow me to keep casting spells. So something like Sentinel Tower is great when I cast 10 spells in a turn, especially when paired up with Veyran, Voice of Duality. Prismite is in there in case I get Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip or something else to double Kykar's ability, because then I can generate blue/white mana for my few spells that need it. Often times, my blue spells will let me draw more than 1 card, so if I need to get more cards in hand while storming, I will need blue to do it. Boros Signet is not included due to the fact that I often need blue mana when storming off, not red or white. Diamonds are okay in budget decks or if you drop it turn 2, but otherwise you can't use it until the turn after you play it, so that's why I left them out.

If you have other questions on my specific choices let me know, or if you're looking for inspiration on yours, let me know as well.

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