Overeager Apprentice

Creature — Human Minion

Discard a card, Sacrifice Overeager Apprentice: Add (Black)(Black)(Black) to your mana pool.

DemMeowsephs on I name you, Iname

2 years ago

Thank you king-saproling! Syr Konrad is definitely bonkers, crashing drawbridge would work wonderfully, and I especially like Overeager Apprentice since it ramps and also allows us to discard spirits from our hand so they can be in the graveyard when we mass recur. Much appreciated!

IKILLEVERYONE on Are there any old cards …

3 years ago

Some old cards i use Silence and Darkness . I found Overeager Apprentice works great with Valki, God of Lies  Flip. Just for starters.

IKILLEVERYONE on New combos for 2021

3 years ago

The commander im currently using is Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter . I haven't played with him in years and i have to say im impressed with his power to 1 hit someone. Im using Soul of Eternity a bunch of equipments (5) but also equip tutors. Nightmare Shepherd has been vital to vish kal. Instead of Grave Titan i use Geist-Honored Monk the x/x power and toughness works good with the Shepherd. And all the other nasty life gain combos. Vis kal is definitely a threat. Cover yourself with lifelink and deathtouch and hell come out And go crazy!!!

kpres on Tide Pod Breakfast

3 years ago

Corpse Connoisseur out, Gravebreaker Lamia in.

Golgari Grave-Troll out, Doom Whisperer in.

Splinterfright out, Reclamation Sage in.

Overeager Apprentice out, Skull Prophet in.

Foster out, Tormod, the Desecrator in.

Torgaar, Famine Incarnate out, Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord in.

Azusa, Lost but Seeking out, Laboratory Maniac in.

Grave-troll and splinterfright are great for different decks, but in this deck I can reanimate everything at once, and then these two die right away. Besides, I need Doom Whisperer's type of mill to find and activate Second Chance and I don't have enough removal for artifacts/ench.

Skull Prophet adds mana to get me Muldrotha, and then "mill two cards" is effectively the same thing as "draw two cards". This makes up for the huge mana boost and discard enabling of the apprentice.

Foster is a really good mill card, but Tormod is better.

Torgaar is great against life gain decks, but they aren't very common and Jarad is effective against all decks.

Azusa is good, but she won't let me play more cards from the graveyard and Kodama of the East Tree lets me put lands from my hand into play whenever I put anything into play. I need the lab maniac for the Zegana win condition.

LitchOubliette on Commander Staples Cube

3 years ago

Changelog (22/11/2020)








Mana Fixing

MrKillStar on

3 years ago

Temporal Extortion could be pretty nice with K'rrik, you either reduce someones health by half, take an extra turn or with Vilis on board, you can pay half your life and draw that many cards. It gets even crazier if your playgroup allows you Panoptic Mirror.
Beacon of Unrest - to get your citadel/sensei/reservoir combo piece back into play.
Sadistic Sacrament - probably one of my most favorite black cards. Exiling up to 15 cards from target opponent's deck can be really huge or game winning. Especially since you would pay only for kicker cost and with K'rrik.
Priest of Gix - maybe not as good as Overeager Apprentice, but could work aswell.
Emergence Zone - is a great utility land to combo out at the end of your opponent's end step.
Malakir Rebirth  Flip - to protect K'rrik or Vilis, which would also draw 2 cards or just use it as an extra land if needed. For only and isntant speed spell, its really nice card to have. Erebos's Intervention - could help with removing some annoying indestructible creature, gain some life back and help agaisnt some graveyard focused decks. Also similar to Suffer the Past.

Buffstu on Garna Combo

3 years ago
This deck is not going to be the fastest out the gate lets get that clear right away and nor is it going to be drawing nervous glances around the table early on as you turn your vast army sideways, but what Basic this can do is put some ever so slight pressure on someone who has decided to play creature-less or is just playing mana dorks as this deck does run a few token creators and can get some beats in on an unprepared opponent...But lets be real most of the time early game we are gonna try and get into a stable mid game, try and not look like the weakest or the strongest at the table and start setting up some of engine pieces and mana to begin looping for value. This means finding sac outlets, mana reducers, mana rocks and draw cards are gonna be part of this phase of the game.
Now once we have enough mana and/or mana reducers to play something from our hand and Garna with a sac out let we are in business next stop value town, we play the card from hand and Sac it then play Garna, responding to Garna's ETB by sac'ing her while her ability is on the stack, then Garna's ETB will resolve and put back to hand both the first card you played from hand ( and any other cards that hit your graveyard this turn) and Garna and that is a basic loop ( What I will refer to as Looping). So now the question is what is the point of all of this Looping?

Here is were I will explain what we can do with the basic loop premise to gain value: Is the creature we are casting from hand a token generator? like Weaponcraft Enthusiast or Goblin Instigator or even Doomed Dissenter if we can keep looping these cards then we will end up with more and more tokens to play with.

Is the creature we are Looping creating mana via treasures or Eldrazi Scions? Dire Fleet Hoarder,Wily Goblin,Carrier Thrall then everytime we loop we are building a stockpile of mana for our future turns.

How about more cards? Dusk Legion Zealot,Phyrexian Rager

But we can get more than just value from the creature we are sac'ing oh much much more, how about value from the sac outlet it self? Viscera Seer Start scrying through your deck for your combo pieces ThermopodAshnod's Altar Help you generate more mana for more cards to be cast from hand for multiple card loops Carrion Feeder Keep adding +1/+1's to make a threat that needs to be dealt with before it spirals out of control Spawning Pit why not add more tokens to this to create a potential army of 2/2's that can snap into existence at instant speed? Greater Gargadon How about ticking down a clock to a 9/7 coming to smash your enemies into small digestible pieces?

You think we are done with what value we can get from Looping? not even close, what about other effects that occur when they see cards getting sac'd for greater good of value? Zulaport Cutthroat,Falkenrath Noble,Syr Konrad, the Grim This will start putting pressure on opponent's life totals whenever you sac a creature, or cast in the case of Bontu's and special mention to Syr Konrad as he also does damage when they go back to hand from your yard...oooh that value.

You want card draw? we got it,now its not as clean as blue draw and it does have a distinct smell of decomposing flesh but hey we will take it. Smothering AbominationGrim HaruspexMidnight Reaper even Hazoret's Monument as you do cast in a loop and remember all discard cards will be put back to hand via Garna's ETB.

Mana? Sifter of Skulls,Pitiless Plunderer we got you covered

You might be wondering with all this value being gained from sac'ing creatures what could we do to sac more of our own creatures per turn? I like your thinking and that's why we have multiple creatures that replace themselves mana wise. Cards like Priest of Gixor Priest of Urabrask or Cathodion even Overeager Apprentice and Bog Witch ( remember we will get the discarded card back via Garna's ETB) the fact that Garna gives haste also allows Basal Thrull and Generator Servant to be able to activate their abilities the turn they come down as long as you do it when Garna is in play and therefore you are probably doing it in response to her ETB as your about to sac her to get her to go to your hand.

What all this mana positive and mana neutral creature casts lets us do is frankly more of the same, play multiple creatures a turn to make multiple treasures or make multiple tokens or scry multiple times it all depends on the set up you have at the board at the time but the more creatures to sac the more effects, the more the merrier the bigger the better.

So its gotten to the later stages of the game, hopefully we find our selves in value town but how do we actually win? Well this deck has a few options for you to choose depending on what cards end up in your hand.
DeathrenderThis is the Big daddy of the combo's we have, so big in fact that Hoarding Dragon is here mainly just to get this card in our hand and to be honest so is Dimir House Guard. The combo starts like this: Deathrender on the field and attached to any creature, a sac outlet and enough mana to cast Garna we start by sac'ing the creature attached to Deathrender and then we put another creature from our hand onto it, repeat until all creatures are out of hand, then sac the last creature and flash in Garna in response to the deathrender trigger on the stack, and then respond to this by sac'ing Garna, now Garna's ability will be on the stack and resolve and get back every card that hit your graveyard this turn, including herself. Now resolve the Deathrenders ability and well now you have a full hand of creatures ready to be sac'ed so pick one of them to be attached and begin the deathrender sac fest all over again and this is an infinite loop since you can keep getting Garna's ETB from deathrender. An important thing to note is that when getting Garna to the battlefield via the Deathrender ability is to make sure there is allays at least one other creature in hand when you put Garna to the battlefeild, since the way the ability's will stack is that the deathrender ability will pull something out ( that being Garna in this case) then that will trigger any ETB's and we will respond to that by sac’ing Garna, this will trigger the deathrender trigger and this will occur BEFORE we can refill our hand with Garna's ETB, so we just need one creature in hand to be pulled onto Deathrender and then everything will go back to hand and we can keep sac'ing and looping infinity.

We now have an infinite loop going and this deck can use this in multiple ways to end the game. Refer to the infinite loops section to see all the options

You have seen the best now lets get on to the rest, another combo that has far more hoops for the same payoff. It begins with Zombie Infestation in play and at least 4 creature cards in hand, with a Pitiless Plunderer in play, and just a smidge of mana reduction in play, actually you need at least 3 total mana cost reduction for specifically Garna, oh and a sac outlet, got all that? good then lets gooo So now we discard all 4 creatures with zombie infestation, creating 2 zombie tokens, don't get too attached as we immediately sack them via our sac outlet and create a black and a red mana via Pitiless Plunderer now with a black and a red mana and our mana cost reducerd Garna is free to cast! so we play her and sac her as her ETB is on the stack and get all 4 creatures that we discarded and Garna back to hand to begin the Loop again.
So we have found yourself in an infinite loop via the methods above^^ how do we win?

Do we have Zulaport Cutthroat,Falkenrath Noble,Syr Konrad, the Grim any of these with an infinite loop will end the game

Do we instead haveDesecrated Tomb or any creature that creates tokens as part of our loop? make sure to end the loop with several millions tokens created and stop the loop with Garna in play, all your tokens now have haste.... Good game? This can also be done is a few other more janky ways using Spawning Pit and either Ashnod's AltarPitiless PlundererSifter of SkullsBlood PetCarrier Thrall and clever use sage of sac'ing for counters and then sac'ing for mana ( or just allays sac'ing for counters if Plunderer or Sifter are in play).

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