Outlaws' Merriment


At the beginning of your upkeep, choose on at random. Create a red and white creature token with those characteristics.

  • 3/1 Human Warrior with haste and trample.
  • 2/1 Human Cleric with haste and lifelink.
  • 1/2 Human Rogue with haste and "When this creature enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to any target (creature, player, planeswalker or battle).

Simerix on Mr Sandman, Man Me a Sand

1 year ago

Dud cards: Conclave Guildmage Conclave's Blessing Rallying Roar + a lot of the convoke cards

Why is Katilda, Dawnhart Prime in the deck?

I've seen Outlaws' Merriment flop a lot in Alex's deck

Consider conspire cards like Gleeful Sabotage and Wort, the Raidmother

Have you considered Plargg, Dean of Chaos  Flip Augusta would ball in this deck?

I always suggest a little bit of creature sacrifice in a deck like this. Here's some suggestions: Perilous Forays Martyr's Cause Goblin Bombardment Fanatical Devotion Evolutionary Leap Tooth and Claw Makeshift Munitions Barrage of Expendables. When you swing out, shit's gonna get killed so it's nice to make the most of your creatures. Plus these cards do great against board wipes.

Consider these land sacrifice cards: Sylvan Safekeeper Squirrel Wrangler Goblin Trenches Constant Mists Aura Fracture

Also consider adding anthems to drive the win home if you think you will struggle with winning.

Prosperous Partnership slaps and I suggest you reconsider it.

Additional card suggestions: Neyali, Suns' Vanguard Roar of Resistance Arasta of the Endless Web Intangible Virtue Divine Visitation Inspiring Leader Legion Loyalty

Max_Hammer on Boros

1 year ago

fszk I can definitely do that!

Step one is deciding on whether you want to make soldier tokens specifically or just any type of creature. It doesn't really matter, they're both good and fun to play, but I'll give you suggestions for both.

Anyway, uhh, I just said a lot of stuff. That's my definition of some pointers. You don't want to know what a lot of pointers looks like. Good luck and feel free to ask for more assistance. (:

Epidilius on Unfinity update

1 year ago

Their reasoning for Far Out not being eternal is for cards like Outlaws' Merriment, which makes a SINGLE creature with an option between three different stat lines. Choosing all three options would make a single creature with three sets of P/T.

Personally, I hate the stickers (outside of limited, for limited it sounds like exactly what you want from an un-set). I don't think un-sets should be eternal legal.

Epicurus on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

A la Outlaws' Merriment, but with a AFR twist...

Random Encounter


Cumulative upkeep -

During your upkeep, roll a d4 for each color spent to pay ~'s cumulative upkeep this turn

1 - Create a 1/1 red Goblin creature token

2 - Create a 0/3 blue Crab creature token

3 - Create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token

4 - Create a 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying

Double ninja'd! See challenge above.

Venomora on Tazri's Dungeon Delvers

2 years ago

This is a really cool idea. Have you considered Outlaws' Merriment ?

legendofa on Adventures in the Forgotten Realms …

2 years ago

I'm going to complain a little more. I apologize.

Why are all the bards in Magic ? Yisan, the Wanderer Bard was kind of the trendsetter, and he's not especiallu D&D bard-ish. I can kind of forgive Elvish Bard and Joraga Bard since they're Elves.

Which of these describe traditional/stereotypical D&D bards?

Instinct driven, nature-centric, strong belief in destiny, physically powerful, focused on predator-prey interactions, minimalist

My answer is none. There is nothing about traditional D&D bards. They tend to fall into two broad categories, inspiring and manipulative. Inspiring would be -- Rally the Peasants , Outlaws' Merriment , Deafening Clarion , and Heartwarming Redemption are cards I would identify as showing this type of bard. Manipulative would be , with Beguiler of Wills , Besmirch , Role Reversal , and Captivating Crew as representative cards. Bards aren't nature characters. They can probably survive in the woods alone, but so can a paladin. Bards are , not .

PalaCannito on Kykar Polymorph

3 years ago

In my opinion, you need more token generators for the theme of the deck. You have plenty of ways to poly into a big beater, but you only have three and a half generators of which all are 4 MV or above:

My suggestion would be to change two of the filter draw cards for token sorceries:

Other suggestions that may make this more consistent:

If you follow through with these, you may need to rebalance the number of Islands you have in comparison to Plains, maybe a two-for-two swap.

I do not believe that these changes will overpower your deck, but it should let you durdle more successfully.

SynergyBuild on Boros Land/artifact Hate

3 years ago

Resurgent Belief to bring back some of these enchantments, Outlaws' Merriment is always a blast, for dealing damage to players, AEther Sting is a fun card because a lot of your creatures won't be cast is fun, Burning Earth is a slightly worse Manabarbs .

Card advantage isn't hard, Land Tax , Outpost Siege , Experimental Frenzy , etc. are great options, ofc Smothering Tithe , etc. seems great too for ramp!

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