Orchard Spirit

Creature — Spirit

Orchard Spirit can't be blocked except by creatures with flying or reach.

ruy343 on Card creation challenge

4 years ago

My apologies to TypicalTimmy, but I don't know any slasher fiction (and often, I feel like I can't contribute to this thread when presented with esoteric topics, or even the topic of commander, since I don't ever play commander/EDH). But hey, go ahead and re-issue the challenge when you get the chance.

I think we've actually had the green angel challenge before, but I can do another unique one. Green doesn't usually have flying, but it can have other weirdnesses (see Orchard Spirit and Thorn Elemental or Rhox for precedents for the abilities listed on this card).

Angel of the Sacred Orchard

Creature - Dryad Angel (probably rare, yo)


Angel of the Sacred Orchard cannot be blocked except by creatures with flying.

: you may have target creature you control assign combat damage as though it wasn't blocked.

All of life is connected


With Vigilance (a green tertiary ability; see Greenwood Sentinel ) and its tap ability to allow your dudes to swing through defenders, it could be right nasty. Green also has a lot of combat tricks that result in untapping creatures too, so this would let you combine those effects for an even more potent blowout.

Wildcard. Maybe make something that fits TypicalTimmy's challenge from above, if you know slasher stuff, but I won't hold you to it.

SlashDK on Albatros 1de/deckelf

7 years ago

UPS jeg ville ogsa tage Orchard Spirit ud

SlashDK on Albatros 1de/deckelf

7 years ago

Jeg ville ogs tage Orchard Spirit ;)

Lukecifer on BGW Spirits

7 years ago

Speciialj there's currently only two spirits that are green within standard which are Orchard Spirit and Spirit of the Hunt obviously one is better than the other for this style deck but green also allows you to use coco and possible other green cards

roazh on Tamiyo, Paranormal Researcher (Bant Spirits)

7 years ago

" Flash it in for one mana to block a 5/5 gideon and make your opponent blow a gasket. "

Unfortunately, it doesn't work. I had the same dream when I first read what Mass does. But, all damages done to Gideon are prevented. It works against Sylvan Advocate or Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet (even if you will lose your Mass or your Selfless spirit) anyway. I think it should be more considered as a sideboard card than a main deck. Even if I'm loving trolling my opponent too and I really want to play the card.

I suggest you to replace it by some removal like Declaration in Stone or Stasis Snare if you wanna keep the instant speed. Else, Essence Flux to counter your opponent's removal.Last suggestion if you really want another creature Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit to boost your flyers or Thalia, Heretic Cathar to slow up more your opponent. Maybe both, cuz I don't think Orchard Spirit is a good creature.

BlueMageBrandon on Evasion

8 years ago

First of all, I am not sure if I posted this in the right Forum so if I didn't, I apologize in advance.

Doing an Origins draft, I saw Orchard Spirit and it made me think of a new keyword Magic could use. The keyword would be "Evasion" and it would mainly replace the text on Orchard Spirit.

What do you guys think?