Open Into Wonder


X target creatures can't be blocked this turn. Until end of turn, those creatures gain "Whenever this creature deals combat damage to a player, draw a card."

AThiccNacho on Say Hy(dra) to Your Grandma For Me

1 month ago

I would very much recommend:

Garruk's Uprising as it gives you trample for the big bois, can cantrip AND gives you draw power on ETB. If you cast a hydra with > 3, you get to draw 2 cards, assuming Zaxara is on the field.

Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner Gives you ramp AND ETB triggers. Same as G's Uprising above.

Elemental Bond Have you noticed a pattern yet? More expensive than the others because of the Power 3 trigger vs 4; but still a really sick card to have.

Simic Ascendancy Alternate wincon and pretty easy to get twice since, if a hydra enters with 6 counters, you get 12 if you control Zaxara due to the token getting the +1/+1 counters.

Open Into Wonder Straight up ends the game if a creature is big or your board state went unchecked for too long. Won me plenty of games. If it can't end the game, you can still draw plenty of cards to play on main phase 2.

Finale of Revelation Essentially just an X draw but with additional benefits for going all in. Obviously, Zaxara is needed to get a 10/10, but it's way better than Even the Score; the extra 2 cards drawn is meh and you lift the 4 card restriction. Blue Sun's Zenith is technically better being at instant speed, but you get WAY more value in EDH out of Finale, especially with mana doublers/triplers.

Herald of Secret Streams A more $$ card, but makes your creature with +1/+1 unblockable; usually allows you to kill 1 or 2 players that turn and end the game if it goes unanswered, buying your other threats more time.

Curse of the Swine To exile high prio threats. Giving opponents 2/2 creatures doesn't matter. Gets around indestructible or creatures that are overly powerful such as voltron creatures. I would honestly swap this for Spinning Wheel Kick as that relies heavily on your commander; which Zaxara is already a high prio target.

Those are all the suggestions i have for budget; most of the others i'd make for budget are counter spells. My Zaxara deck should be on my profile if you're interested in higher $$ cards.

GorramScoundrel on All My X’s Live in the Hive Nexus

1 year ago

Thanks, there’s some really great suggestions! I haven’t even seen Open Into Wonder!! Aaagghh!! I am constantly thinking about adding Seedborn Muse and Alchemist's Refuge, one day I just might.

I’m not sure if I want to lean into the infinite combo, honestly I keep thinking of removing it just because the deck is a lot of fun without it (and my playgroup doesn’t have too many of them) but I really appreciate all the suggestions, and hopefully if I don’t use all those combos soneone else will.

unstable_anomaly on All My X’s Live in the Hive Nexus

1 year ago

With Nyxbloom Ancient or Mana Reflection in play, your commander goes infinite with Umbral Mantle and Sword of the Paruns. Allows you to make infinite and cast any Xspell an infinite amount of times. With both in play you can accomplish the same thing with Staff of Domination. BloomTender / Selvala, Heart of the Wilds can both substitute your commander for the above listed combos as well as just being great cards in the deck.

Pemmin's Aura doesn't go infinite, but offers a cheap way to uptap and protect your commander.

Seedborn Muse and Alchemist's Refuge would also be really good here.

You may also like Open Into Wonder / Rogue's Passage / Plaza of Heroes / Spellskite / Thassa's Intervention.

MilesHiles on Send Nids.

1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestions unstable_anomaly! I played around with some of these to start with but as you'd noticed, with it being Nids Tribal, some didn't fit off the bat. I did playtest with Kindred Discovery and found that between Garruk's Uprising, Temur Ascendancy, Bred for the Hunt and how the mechanic Ravenous works, the 5 mana slot didn't add much to the deck that it didn't already have available so it didn't feel worth playing very often. I like Open Into Wonder but have also noticed that except for a few cases where I can get my token Nids out, my board only has on average 2-4 creatures throughout the game (Mostly due to healthy amounts of table interaction lol) I'm hesitant to put a card in that requires a board state to work at all because of that. I think Pest Infestation is an incredible card and admittedly overlooked it for this deck since it isn't a token deck. However, with how Magus Lucea Kane works, it seems like a no brainer. Thanks for all the suggestions and your time!

unstable_anomaly on Send Nids.

1 year ago

This commander is bonkers. Looking forward to building around her myself.

Doesn't look like you're going for the spell slinger route, but Seedborn Muse with any of the instant speed draw spells (Blue Sun's Zenith / Commander's Insight / Diviner's Portent / Drown in Dreams / Even the Score / Pull from Tomorrow / Stroke of Genius / Thassa's Intervention) would be really good here. Could easily draw the whole deck for a Thassa's Oracle / Laboratory Maniac / Jace, Wielder of Mysteries win.

Since you're going the creature based route Kindred Discovery / Herald of Secret Streams / Open Into Wonder.

Some other generic good stuff for a deck like this Nyxbloom Ancient / Selvala, Heart of the Wilds / Mana Reflection / Pest Infestation.

Soulus101 on Zaxara, Exemplary Hydras

2 years ago

I was shocked at how powerful Zaxara can be. Built the deck as a laugh, played it once, then put it away because it was so far above my playgroup's power level.

As you're playing leyline, consider Rishkar, Peema Renegade or Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter to turn all of your hydras into dorks. Open Into Wonder is surprisingly good, it's a win-con at best. You may also want to look at some of the cards from Quandrix precon (C21), as there's a fair bit of synergy between the decks.

LinkOpensChest_wav on

2 years ago

You could use Open Into Wonder to make your thicc creatures unblockable so they don't get spanked

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