Opal Gargoyle


When an opponent plays a creature spell, if Opal Gargoyle is an enchantment, Opal Gargoyle becomes a 2/2 Gargoyle creature with flying.

Rhadamanthus on Clarification on Salective Adaptation

1 year ago

It just does what it says and lets you find cards with one of those abilities, i.e. it actually has the ability. Jump doesn't have flying, neither does Flight of Fancy, Leaping Lizard, nor Opal Gargoyle. Storm Crow and Smuggler's Copter have flying.

FlammendesSchwert on Hidden Myth

6 years ago

to flavour the topic, is it possible that Opal Gargoyle once were creatures ?



card suggestion:

think of Aegis of the Gods ?

Rwhr2d2 on my first deck its probably crap

6 years ago

Well, Monk Realist is not a may so he will destroy your own enchantments. You want to get rid of himAdding more of Femeref Knight would be good, as he is one of the best creatures in the deck. Take out Pearled Unicorn as 2/2s for 3 with no abilities tend to be bad. However, Soltari Visionary is better since relatively few creatures have shadow.
Furnace Spirit isn't great since you don't have that much red mana to pay for his ability.
Remove Endoskeleton, Flowstone Shambler, and take out Giant Strength or add more mountains.
Serra's Embrace is probably one of your best enchantments right now, so more of those is better.

If you're able to get new cards, consider replacing Opal Gargoyle with Mistral Charger, Kor Aeronaut or possibly Akroan Skyguard which works well with the enchantments.
Expedition Envoy or Soldier of the Pantheon would probably be better than Opal Caryatid.