Old-Growth Dryads

Creature — Dryad

When Old-Growth Dryads enters the battlefield, each opponent may search his or her library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle his or her library.

lhetrick13 on Druids of maskwood

1 year ago

Pinkfluffyant - I apologize about the white removal spells. For some reason I thought you were running ! Might be better to run some spells to pump your tokens as instant speed to surprise an opponent with a defensive stand or offensive swing than run the "fight target creature" removal spells...Green specializes in those types of effects.

Glad you like the idea of running Fungal Plots. Tendershoot Dryad would have some synergy with your dryad tribe and create/pump your saps...a little expensive in terms of mana for Modern but as this is a casual deck, you could likely justify it. other that maybe would have potential would be Mycoloth or Old-Growth Dryads.

Cool concept! Good luck with the brewing!

Omniscience_is_life on The New Most Competitive Modern Deck--Dryads

2 years ago

Thanks for stopping by, zapyourtumor!

Dryad of the Ilysian Grove has indeed been errata'd to being a Dryad; it's actually in my Historic version of this deck. As it stands, the only reason it's not in here is that it literally wasn't a Dryad the last time I updated this deck XD

Explore helps get Dryad Arbors out, and also accelerates to a T3 CoCo.

Triumph of the Hordes is basically the only way to win with this deck--without it, we are dead in the water. So since I rely on it so much, I have it as the 4-of it is.

Not sure why CoCo's a 3-of--again, I haven't updated this deck in a while LOL. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Gnarlwood Dryad is, as you say, too much of a build-around. My 1-drop slot is suitably filled with Old-Growth Dryads and the like, so I don't feel the need to run it just for that.

Thanks again!

Omniscience_is_life on Quest for weirdness

3 years ago

play cards like Old-Growth Dryads to give your opponents lands, then use Meloku the Clouded Mirror to return all of your lands to your hand, then just Armageddon lol

Book Devourer in modern?

Omniscience_is_life on None

4 years ago

some similar cards are Zurgo Bellstriker and Old-Growth Dryads (who is only nonlegendary as it's particular drawback is pretty bad, but it's still a rare!). 1 mana for basically anything bigger than a 1/1 is going to be very good value for decks focused on speed, and so they are pegged as rares almost always

KaladeshKat on Scapeshift standard

5 years ago

So the plan is to play The Mending of Dominaria turn 5, then scapeshift turn 6, then sylvan awakening?

What is Old-Growth Dryads doing? It gives you opponent a free land and doesn't help you go off. This deck isn't trying to beat-down, so getting a 3/3 for 1 doesn't really matter.

This looks fun, but if you can't find Sylvan Awakening your going to loose.

goldlion on Google Ghave and The Search Engine of Doom

5 years ago

Also hkhssweiss, to your first comment. I actually have a side list going of cards like Old-Growth Dryads and such, though a couple you mentioned weren't on there.e I'm calling these "temptations" as they aren't quite mandatory searches, but might make someone thiiiiink about it a bit :). "Are those two lands worth 10 life to you right now?". The temptations I have on the deck list now are there because they hugely benefit the deck's pilot compared to their CMC, because opponents getting to find stuff too is usually a downside... of course in this deck, opponents won't want to search in most cases, so it's huge value for the deck's pilot.

I wanted to leave the other card slots open for now, before adding the cards you're thinking of, so I can make sure everything I need to set up and support the win-con can fit... however, now that I'm going over these again, Veteran Explorer could be good enough value and triggerable by Ghaves built in sac engine, and Wave of Vitriol might be good as well, depending on the opposing decks and if Ramunap Excavator or Crucible of Worlds are in my near future. Sweet!

hkhssweiss on Google Ghave and The Search Engine of Doom

5 years ago

Here might be a few janky cards: Old-Growth Dryads, Veteran Explorer, Natural Balance, Borderland Explorer, Jungle Wayfinder, and Wave of Vitriol.

You can also consider running Mindslaver to force someone to tutor while you have Ob Nixilis on the field and kill themselves LOL!

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