Ojutai's Command


Choose two —

  • Return target creature with converted mana cost/mana value of 2 or less from your graveyard to the battlefield.
  • You gain 4 life.
  • Counter target creature spell.
  • Draw a card.

amicdeep on My gains are your losses

3 years ago

been trying something similar, i've not come to a place where im happy with it yet.

but a few cards i found that will probably end up in the list are Lone Rider  Flip, Kaya's Guile, Lurrus of the Dream-Den.

more in the maybe slot Basilica Bell-Haunt, Cling to Dust, Silversmote Ghoul, Revitalize, Survival Cache

feel like there's also a argument for mardu for, Lightning Helix and Smiting Helix

or esper with Absorb and Punish Ignorance, Ojutai's Command

BlackPhilip on Jeskai Miner

4 years ago

Well, Ojutai's Command don't word with Reflector Mage, my bad.

BlackPhilip on Jeskai Miner

4 years ago

I_Want_To_PlayAllTheDecks Ojutai's Command is an awesome card here that I forgot, thanks! The card even can reanimate Aethergeode Miner. Reflector Mage maybe could be good, as it can be returned to our hand with Decoction Module and has sinergy with Ojutai's Command, but i don't know if spells like Abrade could be better in the Harnessed Lightning slot. Need to test... For Teferi, Time Raveler, card is strong for sure, but I don't have it, couldn't test.

I_Want_To_PlayAllTheDecks on Jeskai Miner

4 years ago

Maybe the deck could more be shifted into more of a control shell with the combo, utilizing cards like Ojutai's Command to play more of a late game if the combo doesn't work early, maybe this instead of the Whirler Virtuoso combo. Reflector Mage could also be strong instead of Harnessed Lightning in disrupting aggro strategies and not wasting precious energy, but I can't really tell becasue I haven't played the deck. Also, could Teferi, Time Raveler be good in the control snese and becasue he helps dig for the combo?

lstpcobra on Esper Dragons Pioneer

4 years ago

Daveslab2022 - I've tested this deck quite a lot on MTGO and yeah Ojutai's Command is not great. The life gain has been the most important mode on the card due to the copious amounts of burn decks going around. I could see myself running a copy or two of Hero's Downfall but currently I think I'd rather go up to four Detention Sphere s as the card has been insane against all the Aetherworks Marvel and Copy Cat decks. Kaya, Orzhov Usurper has been beyond good, the life gain and ability to remove the majority of the Mono Blue & Burn decks' creatures has been game winning.

On another note, Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip has been fairly underwhelming and I think I'd rather just run more interactive spells.

Daveslab2022 on Esper Dragons Pioneer

4 years ago

Goddamn, yesssss. This looks amazing. However, Ojutai's Command is pretty bad even though it does return a Jace sometimes. I recommend Murderous Rider or Hero's Downfall if you’re worried about life.

Kaya, Orzhov Usurper is similarly meh, with niche uses relegating it to the sideboard. So my deck would be similar with just 3 of the above mentioned cards.

Sorin_Markov_1947 on The Bane of Playgroups

4 years ago

Okay, I have a few cards I question.

Battle Mastery doesn't really seem to fit the deck

Azorius Chancery is just bad

Evolving Wilds can be replaced by Fabled Passage (or add one of both, but if you do that also add Terramorphic Expanse

Convolute could be replaced by any auto-counter that also costs three mana (like

Sinister Sabotage ) unless the goal here is just to make them spend more mana and not to actually stop them. Same with Offering to Asha

Into the Roil is not an effective bounce spell for its cost

And then a few to recommend.

If you like Scytheclaw , Quietus Spike does nearly the same thing.

Icefall Regent is a very good fit for this deck.

Norn's Annex is another thing similar to Ghostly Prison , but can cost your opponent life if they aren't playing white.

Cryptic Command is similar to Ojutai's Command , but be wary of the triple blue cost.

Mystic Confluence and Force of Will are both good counterspells.

And then Mana Drain is just boss.

Bababad on Kruphix and the Value Town Toolbox (Pantry Raid)

4 years ago


I super appreciate that :)

we are gonna update our primer soon, getting our other decks on here and updated with primers first.

Restoration Angel , Ephara, God of the Polis , and Brago, King Eternal spring to mind...the deck would shift soo much if I had access to white...especially care package-wise( Return to Dust , Ojutai's Command possibly, Eerie Interlude most assuredly)

I dont have too much experience with etb angels, just whap/midrange angels (bruse/tymna). you cant go wrong by slapping a ton of mana rocks in and sneaking in Brago, King Eternal as an honorary angel and just keep dropping fun angels:p

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Have (2) metalmagic , JordanSanFran
Want (3) Goji , fclyra , ZBrannigan