Oath of the Ancient Wood


Whenever Oath of the Ancient Wood or another enchantment enters the battlefield under your control, you may put a +1/+1 counter on target creature.

multimedia on Big Frog Energy

2 years ago

Hey, Croaking Counterpart is a good way to get Frogs because it can copy an opponent's creature including a Commander. Any card recursion is a specialty in green: Eternal Witness, Regrowth, Bala Ged Recovery  Flip, etc. This kind of recursion with Counterpart seems like a good way to get Frogs who can give you some value.

Changelings are Frogs. Bloodline Pretender looks like a Frog, cares about +1/+1 counters and grows whenever Keimi is created. Changeling Outcast is a one drop Frog who's unblockable. Moritte of the Frost can copy a creature you control making it a Frog + adding counters.

For the +1/+1 counters strategy consider more repeatable sources of counters: Oath of the Ancient Wood, Hadana's Climb  Flip, Forgotten Ancient? Winged Temple of Orazca can be a win condition effect with Tatsunari.

Because playing enchantresses and other effects that care about enchantments for ramp most mana rocks and land ramp would be better as land auras: Wild Growth, Utopia Sprawl, Fertile Ground, Overgrowth, Weirding Wood, Wolfwillow Haven. Some mana rock exceptions are Sol and Arcane Signet.

Good luck with your deck.

Toxicology on Thrun, Voljin's Chosen

3 years ago

As an enchantment deck, I think Might of Oaks and Giant Growth can be replaced with an enchantment that is equal, if not superior, like Armor of Thorns or Hydra's Growth. I think your Natural Connection has better alternatives, there's far better spell based ramp, and you should use an enchantment, like Sheltered Aerie.

Cool deck though! Definitely like Sight of the Scalelords and Oath of the Ancient Wood. Have you considered Nylea's Colossus? You have far more ramp than my deck does, so it could be an absolute all-star in here.

lagotripha on Auratog Modern

4 years ago

Boggles might not be budget itself, but it contains cards and ideas you can use. I like the auratog/rancor to give (1g +2+2) to auratog, it makes for a great knockout blow even if its fragile- something every budget deck should look for. Mongoose being a backup plan and protection helps a lot with that. I'd still want a plan for spot removal - gatherer's regenerate is nice with push taking the place of path in many cases, but its going to involve keeping an eye on your meta for exile effects.

While sigil is a great card, cutting it would allow you to also cut abor and sprawl for more 1 mana enchantments, massively speeding up the clock.

If you keep it in the sideboard, you'd still have that 'grindy game' tool even if you aren't running it maindeck - you could even go for a full transformative sideboard trying to live in that 4-5 mana space with a Heliod's Pilgrim value package and value-generating answers like Oblivion Ring .

There are some interesting midrange enchantment options that might suit a budget list running elf/sprawl, with Season of Growth and cards like Setessan Training or Shapers' Sanctuary aiming to eliminate the card advantage drawbacks of enchanting stuff. Silhana Ledgewalker and Sixth Sense still kicks butt when it comes to just drawing a card every turn. Abundant Growth and similar might not be amazing in terms of payoff for one mana, but a set of the variants allows you to splash any colour easily, while still fueling auratog. Satyr Enchanter type effects is a payoff that might work, but is a removal magnet and thus ends up reliant on stuff like sanctuary anyway.

Ajani's Chosen and Archon of Sun's Grace point to the 'play lots of enchantments in midrange plan, but once again, the card advantage battle is where to focus.

There are some 'etb matters' enchantments, but making them work is tricker than it sounds- Oath of the Ancient Wood , Setessan Champion , Strength from the Fallen etc.

Ethereal Armor is the powerhouse in boggles for a reason- it might be a nonbo with autatog sacrifices, but the 'count the number of enchantments' effect is really, really good. Also, its cheap. All That Glitters is armour 4-8.

Totem armour is another tool to protect creatures, but at that point you are basically building boggles.

Best of luck with the brew- its a well supported archetype that hasn't made the cut in terms of tier1, but with a little metagaming and planning it'll play well enough to win FNM.

Moby_Copperfield on

4 years ago

Hi Anthony Did you consider Blood Aspirant, Starfield Mystic for ramp, Oath of the Ancient Wood and Eutropia the Twice-Favored for synergy with your commander.

Or do you never intend to cast it ;)

Coward_Token on Wonder Woman: Siona EDH

4 years ago

Some cards to take advantage of the tokens: Earthcraft / Cryptolith Rite , Aura Shards

( Season of Growth is an enchantress for Auras that targets your own stuff, idk if there's enough room for it tho)

Have Spectra Ward & Krond the Dawn-Clad payed of for you? They seem expensive relative to their power

(I could also see Oath of the Ancient Wood instead of/as a complement to Cathars' Crusade )

tspalding on The Enchanted Fungus

4 years ago

Not sure how you are viewing your wincon in this deck but these are some cards that came to mind that work with both your enchantment theme and Ghave, Guru of Spores :

  1. Abzan Ascendancy
  2. First Response
  3. Necrogenesis
  4. Ooze Flux
  5. Aura Shards
  6. Oath of the Ancient Wood
  7. Death's Presence

Unbelievalee on Battalion of Centaurs (Part I: The first clash)

4 years ago

First of all, I would replace Angelic Gift With either Gryff's Boon or Rancor , just like you said in the description. Why? Because Rampage of the Clans would destroy it, and it gets returned to your hand/battlefield whatsoever. Then, I would highly recommend a few copies of Collected Company , since it can be cast in an opponent's turn. Did it occur to you that red als also some great centaurs? For example, Burning-Tree Shaman , Stonebrow, Krosan Hero , Nikya of the Old Ways and Fanatic of Xenagos . Utopia Sprawl is in my opinion better than Verdant Haven . Then there's Conclave Cavalier , which is totally bonkers, although that strategy would not be effective when running Collected Company . Rosemane Centaur is also a good addition, but mainly if you run lower CMC creatures. And even though Genesis is not a centaur, flavourwise it would be a nice addition to this list. Maybe one copy of Fated Intervention for some instant-speed pressure. Tribalwise, I would highly recommend Metallic Mimic or Adaptive Automaton to replace the Stoneforge Masterwork , and you can even sacrifice them to Rampage of the Clans , for more value/pressure. Maybe a Mirror Entity to boost your crew in mid/lategame? If your having trouble getting the right creatures at the right time, maybe Eladamri's Call would be a nice tutor in this list. For fun, I would maybe even run a copy of Descendants' Path . You could also add some artifacts that suit nicely in any tribal deck. Think of cards like Icon of Ancestry , Obelisk of Urd , Bow of Nylea , Eldrazi Monument or maybe even Coat of Arms . Maybe even add a Selesnya Signet for fixing. All artifacts which you can even sacrifice to Rampage of the Clans . Also consider some Changelings, since they're basically just Centaurs... Chameleon Colossus . You could also add Oath of the Ancient Wood , if you're planning on running this amount of enchantments/auras. Then there's lands. I realize you want to keep this list budget, that's ok, in your case I would still run several Canopy Vista , Fortified Village , Temple of Plenty , Mutavault (which is a centaur), or Oran-Rief, the Vastwood . Chronicler of Heroes goes nicely with Lagonna-Band Trailblazer . Centaur Omenreader is also a pretty solid card by simple making your creatures cost 2 less when it's tapped. You also need cardadvantage. Think of cards like Harmonize . Also, in this meta, you'll need some hard removal. Think of cards like Dismember , Path to Exile , Generous Gift or Beast Within . You can also consider some allround lords and anthem effects. Maybe cards like Wilt-Leaf Liege , Always Watching , Glorious Anthem , Gaea's Anthem , Radiant Destiny , Hall of Triumph , Force of Virtue , Beastmaster Ascension or Collective Blessing . Maybe even a Song of Freyalise ? Yet again, all cards you can eventually sacrifice for Rampage of the Clans . You could even add some retrieval in this list, think of cards like Noxious Revival , Regrowth or Eternal Witness . Sideboard wise, I would highly recommend cards like Rest in Peace , Stony Silence , Dryad Militant , Krosan Grip , Damping Sphere , Grafdigger's Cage , Leyline of Sanctity .

This is it for now. When anything relevant comes up, I will let you know.

Keep up the good work.

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