Nut Collector

Creature — Human Druid

At the beginning of your upkeep, you may create a 1/1 green Squirrel creature token.

Threshold — Squirrel creatures get +2/+2 as long as seven or more cards are in your graveyard.

Epicurus on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Gnat Collector

Creature - Ogre Druid

When ~ ETB, and during your upkeep, you may search your library for an insect card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. If you do, shuffle your library.

Threshold - Insect creatures you control get +2/+2 as long as seven or more cards are in your graveyard.


This is a mashup of Ratcatcher and Nut Collector.

Make another mashup card. Doesn't have to be a creature, but must draw equal inspiration from each of the cards you're mashing up.


2 years ago

First of all, I really like this deck

So by adding Earthcraft in use with Squirrel Nest will give you another combo

I also think Nut Collector , Wolverine Riders , Tyvar Kell , Second Harvest , Parallel Evolution , Bloodline Keeper  Flip, Panharmonicon and Presence of Gond are worth a look

I was looking at running Conspiracy naming squirrels to open up the use of cards like Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder and Ophiomancer but really not sure

MagicMarc on Top 10 green cards at …

3 years ago

My flavor favorite green card at 6 CMC is Nut Collector. It's a druid, it collects nuts, which is nuts. And going wide with squirrels is full of win.

abby315 on Meren to Nethroi

4 years ago

The above comment about sums it up for me, unless you were planning to take it in a combo or other kind of direction! Here are some good Nethroi targets that have low power but make tokens or have good effects when they enter:

Biogenic Ooze Blade Splicer Master Splicer
Maul Splicer
Sensor Splicer
Noosegraf Mob
Chittering Witch
Creakwood Liege
Akroan Horse
Deep Forest Hermit
Deranged Hermit
Nut Collector
Geist-Honored Monk
Ghave, Guru of Spores
God-Eternal Oketra
Hornet Queen
Izoni, Thousand-Eyed
Tendershoot Dryad
Trostani Discordant Trostani's Summoner

Most of the above cards create creature tokens, so you'll probably want the usual: Doubling Season, Anointed Procession, Parallel Lives if you include a lot of them.

Here are some 0-power utility creatures to consider, because they're free to reanimate if they get killed:

Arboreal Grazer
Birds of Paradise
Devoted Druid
Incubation Druid
Faeburrow Elder
Custodi Soulbinders
Embodiment of Agonies
Golgari Grave-Troll (also a great include because Dredge can fill your GY)

And you'll also want at least a few additional Mutaters in case you have Nethroi out and want to trigger it again:

Auspicious Starrix
Cavern Whisperer
Dirge Bat
Migratory Greathorn
Sawtusk Demolisher

...all seem like good includes.

Hope this gives you a good place to start and a list of interesting cards to consider. Many are very affordable. Now I kinda want to make a Nethroi deck.

Have fun!

Gadianten on Petition to Make More squirrels

5 years ago

For your political crowd funding needs try Thrumming Stone , if you need squirrel wranglers look no further then Nut Collector and Deranged Hermit . Good work, looks fun.

chilbi on A Sliver Deck With No Slivers?!!

5 years ago

"Oh lord, won't you buy me, a swee-he-heeet brew." - Janis Joplin

Amazing idea, +1 from me. Nut Collector and/or Seton, Krosan Protector maybe?

Mortlocke on The Song of Phyresis

5 years ago

Delta-117, your post is nothing but impressive. 75 minutes is alot of time to dedicate to a single post. Thank you.

Back in 2016, I wanted to acquire an Atraxa deck for myself, but unfortunately she was completely sold out everywhere. I had to settle for Breya, Etherium Shaper and Yidris, Maelstrom Weilder. Fast forward to 2018, and at a new LGS I spotted an Atraxa precon just sitting in the window. I asked if she was for sale, and ended up trading a Engineered Explosives and paying roughly 20ish bucks I think. I was lucky, because I wasn't the only person interested. I really wanted to build a deck surrounding the Praetors, because well...they're just really cool cards. I picked up a few at another LGS...but for this deck? I had plans.

Also, yes playing this deck is alot like archenemy. I am quickly voted Persona non grata, and the whole table quickly swoops in to destroy and dismantle all of my tools...while other less "scary" decks establish better boardstates, and eventually dominate the table into submission. Every game needs a villain, and I happily fill that role. And at the very least I have fun with it. I can't help but joke when I infect the whole table.

LANDS: The bond lands are cool and all, I just feel hesitant to include non-typed duals. Also the drawback is that those lands are duds if I ever play a 1v1 game. Admittedly it'd be rare when that happens, but it is definitely a possibility. Also,they can't be tutored. I'll admit the manabase is far from perfect, but i'll do some thinking (using your suggestions of course) and revise the list. What's funny is that I have a physical copy of Inkmoth Nexus in the deck already, but it's not on the digital list lol. Thanks for pointing that out.

Steady Progress is there primarily to keep tempo and increase poison counters on players, and drawing an extra card before the beginning of a turn is always a win. Now, Reliquary Tower is pretty niche. My deck doesn't get me a lot of draw unfortunately (something i'm working on), and the rare chance that Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur stays on the board long enough to really make Tower relevant...would be a surprise to me. I have a 2019 Reliquary Tower promo of it in my trade binder, I think i'll hold onto it and maybe do some experimenting.

Gavony Township seems like a really cool include. Given that most infect creatures need an increase in power and toughness placing +1/+1 counters on all of them in one fell swoop could be just the solution i'm looking for. I'll find a way to include it in the list.

CREATURES: I have a Phyrexian Swarmlord, just been trying to figure out how to work it into the deck. Corpse Cur has definitely been something of a dud where there have been just so few valid targets to bring back from the grave. My only qualm is that the deck needs some form of recursion, but Phyrexian Swarmlord is the bomb that this deck definitely needs to have a strong board state in the late game. I'll go ahead with your suggestion of swapping out the Putrefy, and see what happens. As for Champion of Lambholt, given that +1/+1 counters will never take center stage i'm hesitant to include her despite the benefits of the evasion she provides. Blightsteel Colossus is cool. Really, really cool. On theme, and intimidating- however the high CMC (even for this deck) just makes it unappealing to me.

Your other suggestion of Conqueror's Flail offers good protection (at least on my turn) and can potentially pump my creature up to +4/+4. If I see one, i'll pick it up and experiment with it. Also, I took a look at both lists and both Become Immense, Vines of Vastwood, and Mutagenic Growth (the flavor!) all caught my eye. All cards are instant speed, and can definitely make a player who begrudgingly accepts 1 poison counter to get far more than they bargained for. I want to figure out what to cut in order to include these beauties. Now, for Spellskite I like it. Full of flavor, and would be potentially a great albeit temporary defense. I just don't know what to cut for it. But the suggestion of Hatred really gave me pause. That's cool. It's applicable both early and late game...and can potentially end a player immediately for a fee of 9 to 17 life. Nobody would see it coming and it would be brutal. I'll definitely see if I can pick one of those up.

So on the topic of planeswalkers...I briefly considered including a Karn of some sort...but they deviate too far from theme. Honestly, I'm not really much of a fan of the mechanic. I have a few decks that have some Planeswalkers in them...but i feel really meh towards them. Just meh. Doubling Season would be great if this were a superfriends deck, but that is definitely something I want to stay away from. I'm just not a fan of those builds. As to your question about that Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, the answer is yes. I have an actual copy of that card. Long story short I was at my LGS playing EDH with a friend and I mentioned that I wanted a copy of that card, but it was 1 - very difficult to find, and 2 - very expensive. Then he just casually mentions that he had one - for trade no less. For a moment I was dumbfounded, but then he reminded me that he was a judge. Funny I didn't pay attention to that. So, with not a moment to spare I whipped out my trade binder and said "do your worst". The follow list below is what he picked up (it's a long one):

It was quite the trade. My friend took my juicy trade binder to town. But in the end, it was all worth it. I look forward to more discussion on this deck. I'll post more of my thoughts later. Thanks for commenting.

MagicTheCasual on Squirrel Queen (easy to play and budget friendly)

6 years ago

I think Deranged Hermit or Nut Collector would be good here. And as for land, Swarmyard could be nice.

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