Nikara, Lair Scavenger

Legendary Creature — Human Cleric

Partner with Yannik, Scavenging Sentinel (When this creature enters the battlefield, target player may put Yannik into their hand from their library, then shuffle.)


Whenever another creature you control leaves the battlefield, if it had one or more counters on it, you draw a card and you lose 1 life.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Shilgengar, Sire of Famine
Netter en-Dal
Seraph of New Capenna
Yannik, Scavenging Sentinel
Earth-Origin Yak
Rusting Golem

Shazica on

1 year ago

I have a very similar deck with Reyhan, Last of the Abzan and Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker as commanders. I was looking into having Atraxa as a commander instead, but Atraxa is infamous for being a very strong creature that amasses tons of scary, unpredictable value - it is a poison deck? Is it a +1/+1 counters deck? Is it a superfriends deck? Most often, you will find that the other players have Rule 0-ed you as the archenemy before the game begins.

There are two things you can do about this. You can either rise up to the challenge, or you can change commander.

If you want to take on the challenge of constant Archenemy because you want to keep Atraxa, then you have multiple cards that are too weak. Some of which are Arcus Acolyte, the three Myojins, Pollenbright Druid, Murder, Magistrate's Scepter, Chromatic Lantern, Vivisurgeon's Insight, and Expand the Sphere for starters. There are probably 10-20 more I would consider cutting, since these are too casual for the level of play you're signaling with Atraxa. Instead, run low-mana spells like Nature's Lore, Night's Whisper, Fierce Guardianship, Heroic Intervention, Flawless Maneuver, Deadly Rollick, Mystic Remora, Cyclonic Rift, Negate, Swan Song, the WUBG shock lands with their fetches, the list goes on... This won't make your deck cEDH, this will make it more reliable, reactive, and consistent in answering most of your opponents stuff.

If you want to change commanders, you can go for Falco Spara, Pactweaver for value, Anafenza, the Foremost for aggressive, Ghave, Guru of Spores for combo, or the partner pairings of Cazur, Ruthless Stalker  Flip + Ukkima, Stalking Shadow, or Nikara, Lair Scavenger + Yannik, Scavenging Sentinel. All of these will force you to abandon a fourth color, but restriction breeds creativity...?

Side note 1: You can still run Atraxa in the 99, that is a more commonly accepted usage.

Side note 2: You have two Ivy Lane Denizen.

Coward_Token on Phyrexia: All Will Be One …

1 year ago

Going back to content that's actally confirmed:

Norn's Choirmaster feels like it's just going to be an expensive Grateful Apparition most of the time. The main exceptions are partner decks with a counter theme, e.g. Reyhan, Last of the Abzan + Tymna the Weaver or Yannik, Scavenging Sentinel + Nikara, Lair Scavenger. Maybe you could also use it in a flicker + counters theme deck?

(Speaking of which, when is black getting a Thrummingbird?)

Even though it's pretty weird that the mirran faction mechanic is a tweak on living weapon, I like the implied flavor of the token probably dying and then someone else taking up the sword, so to speak.

Without the haste, Goldwardens' Gambit could have easily been a white instant.

A little awkward that Otharri, Suns' Glory synergizes with proliferate

Hexgold Slash could have also dealt extra damage to creatures with oil counters on them

With corrupted around, Caress of Phyrexia got a little more interesting

rdean14 on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

It think Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths could be a cool plane for dungeons, especially with Nikara, Lair Scavenger

Nikara, Ruthless Dungeoneer

Legendary Creature - Human Cleric

, Pay 2 life, sacrifice two other creatures: Venture into the Dungeon.


Obosh's Den:

Brimstone Path: Lose one life.

Pitch Dark Cavern: Each creature deals 1 damage to its controller.


Screaming Chamber: Each player loses life equal to the number of cards in their hand.

Room of the Unspeakable: Create a 1/1 black Horror creature token with menace. Lose 1 life.

Hall of the Tormented: Each player draws three cards then discards three cards at random.


Lava Pit: Target creature gets -3/-3 until end of turn.

Nest Room: Create a 4/4 red Hellion creature token with haste and trample

Either a dungeon for Ikoria or another venture card

Oeselbroesel on Bloody Silverquills | Breena EDH (Primer!)

3 years ago

Hi, great build. Love the way you went with this. Have you considered Oona's Blackguard to make your tiny threats even worse? I'm trying to build a deck that can run Shadrix Silverquill as an alternative to Breena, the Demagogue , because her value drops significantly if you're in a 3-player pod. Especially since you have doublestrike cards in there the blackguard would hurt.

Nikara, Lair Scavenger is also a fine extra addition for card draw bc of her wording. "When ever a creature you control leaves the battlefield, if it had counters on it phyrexian arena". Should you need more gas.

Bloodtracker also has the benefit of leaving which makes him less likely for spotremoval and you can pump him up should a boardwipe hit the field. But at 4 cmc hes not as cheap as your other little critters of course ;)

hunter17 on Karador, The Night King

3 years ago

Entomb is a Karador piece that works really nicely. Hermit Druid can mill a lot of cards quickly and also has a low entry cost in your deck. Crop Sigil is a pet card of mine that can mill cards quickly and get stuff back if you need to, or a better piece would be Underrealm Lich . I also have a counters deck and Sweet-Gum Recluse and Loyal Guardian are great combo pieces in the deck. Winding Constrictor can double your counters, and Nikara, Lair Scavenger will draw cards when your Stonecoil-esque creatures leave the battlefield. I don't really like mutate creatures even with Karador; I would suggest using Acidic Slime , Ravenous Chupacabra , or Caustic Caterpillar effects in your deck over them. Free sac outlets are also sweet, so Viscera Seer will perform, and Woe Strider is an absurd card in long games. Speaking of long games, Duneblast will do wonders in Karador by blowing everything up but keeping Karador, and Kaya's Wrath will destroy all creatures to keep you safe and gain you 3 or 4 life. Phyrexian Tower and High Market are free sac outlets on your lands, so they can go in your deck at virtually no cost. City of Shadows can go nuts in the right deck, but it is an RL card at maybe $125 right now. I passed up a chance to buy one for 30 bucks once... Hope you found these suggestions helpful!

TheVectornaut on Blue/Black Beginner Deck

3 years ago

I think this deck is really well-positioned to become a "draw-go" style control deck that plays instants and flash creatures on others' turns. Pteramander , Augur of Bolas , Brineborn Cutthroat , Threnody Singer , Vodalian Arcanist , Naiad of Hidden Coves , Wavebreak Hippocamp , Murmuring Mystic , and all of your instants (save for the likely too slow 4 mana ones) already fit in such an archetype to at least some extent. The horse fish is particularly insane as a card draw engine, and I'd try to get a playset of it if you can. Stacking them to draw even more cards with Nymris, Oona's Trickster , Baral, Chief of Compliance , Slitherwisp , etc. would also make Ominous Seas more viable, possibly even supplemented by draw payoffs like Chasm Skulker and Nadir Kraken .

Some other options that care about flash might be Cunning Nightbonder , Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir , Leyline of Anticipation , Torrential Gearhulk , and Mystical Teachings .

For more generally good instants, Counterspell , Mana Leak , Countersquall , Frantic Search , AEtherize , Vapor Snag , Rewind , Cryptic Command , Opt , and Brainstorm (if you're playing with the legacy banned list) are options of varying budgets and power levels for a control deck.

The first cards I'd cut would be anything with suspend or that applies keyword ability counters. I think some amount of counter manipulation would be needed to maximize the value from such cards (with Clockspinning , Jhoira's Timebug , Paradox Haze , and Nikara, Lair Scavenger being a few things that come to mind). Then, I'd cull any sorceries or creatures that would take up all your mana on your own turn for minimal impact. Dead Revels , Frost Lynx , Alirios, Enraptured , and so on.

Sorry it took me a while to submit this after seeing the deck get posted earlier this week. Let me know if you have any questions and good luck with your build!

chriscross25 on

3 years ago


My theft type of cards are there for a "controlly" way. Since those effects are on creatures i have the abilitiy to threaten the board of my opponents with them.

To River Kelpie: In my games i played this deck this card was one of the best cards. It is hard to remove even on its own because of it's ability. Also the cards you can draw with it is too much to value to cut it. Another reason i think it is quiet good is because it triggers on every player. Midnight Reaper and Nikara, Lair Scavenger are in my mind but i do not love their abilities since they are not a may trigger. What i experienced is that for me it works better when i can control my life. At the moment i think i have enough ways to control it to trigger dethrone everytime i need to. But still those two cards are good cards for this deck. Maybe in the future i reconsider them.

To Dack's Duplicate and the fork effects: I put them in because of the meta i play in. Also i really think those fork effects are a bit underrated in EDH because you often do not see them coming and are good for diffrent situations. I like them more than counterspells because they are more restrictive. For example you will not counter a ramp spell but to copy it when you need the ramp is great. But i fully understand why you will not consider them in your build but for me they worked very well. If you have not already maybe try one or two out if it works for you.

Twilight's Call: I think you are right there. It costs to much and you can lose too much. I think i was to blended by Living Death because that won me the game already. :D That is why i swaped it with more interaction (Swan Song).

Dictate of Erebos and Grave Pact: I considered them at the beginning of the deck but i do not need them really. When i want to clear the board i have other ways and also that is one reason why i put those theft effects in. I look more to Butcher of Malakir because i could protect it more and better than both entchantments. But for seven mana i think it is to high. Maybe as another win con i would put it in.

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