Nevinyrral's Disk

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nevinyrral's Disk


Nevinyrral's Disk enters the battlefield tapped.

, : Destroy all artifacts, creatures and enchantments.

Profet93 on Black Sheep of the Sawyer Clan [$30 Voltron]

5 months ago


Syphon Mind - Draw 3, each opponent discards 1

Burnished Hart - Ramp. Fuels defile, blackblade reforged, etc...

Solemn Simulacrum - Unsure of price, but potentially a consideration.

Bubbling Muck - Super ramp

Dark Ritual - Ramp

Deliver Unto Evil - Recursion, especially important for artifacts which are hard to recur

Extinction Event - Sometimes things need to be gone, forever

Feed the Swarm - Few ways to remove enchantments

Hero's Downfall/Murderous Rider - Walker removal

Mutilate - Gets around indestructible too

Oubliette - Commander hate

Nevinyrral's Disk - Artifact + Enchantment removal

TheoryCrafter on Mill

5 months ago

From the looks of this deck you've done a good job with mana efficiency.

Also, its important to remember the color identity rule. I'm a little spotty on multi-colored lands, but Nihil Spellbomb and Simic Locket could be seen as a violation of the rule.

With Bruvac as your commander, redundancy in instant win plays is important. Which is why I recommend adding Cut Your Losses and Fleet Swallower.

You've done good putting in cards that mill each opponent. This will help get around spells and abilities that give your opponents hexproof. With all the draw spells, may I recommend adding Psychic Corrosion? This will mill each opponent as you draw. In fact, if you add Jace's Archivist it will not only feed into Psychic Corrosion, but Fraying Sanity as well. In which case you may also want to consider adding Mystic Redaction to your deck.

Also, with your desire for Counter spells, you may want to look for spots for Countermand, Didn't Say Please, and Thought Collapse. While you cannot counter a card like Carnage Tyrant, you can still target the spell and force the spell's controller to mill.

At this stage keep Into the Roil in your deck for as long as you can. Outside of counter spells, this will be your best defense against Wheel of Sun and Moon. May I also suggest Nevinyrral's Disk? Not only is it another way to deal with Wheel of Sun and Moon, but also serves as a board wipe.

Also, I'd highly recommend Drowned Secrets since you're running a mono blue deck.

If at some point you choose to shift some of your deck towards more creatures, may I recommend Persistent Petitioners? With Bruvac also being an advisor, you can give him something to do other than sit around and be a target. And at 3 toughness, each copy can buy you some time against a battlefield of 4/4 tramplers. It would also give you the added bonus of giving your commander some protection from spells that would cause it to goad.

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

Gorski_Song on Halo Themed Alternate Art Commander Deck

6 months ago

This is so cool. Nevinyrral's Disk would maybe be less effective than Scourglass, but might be on theme. I found this trying to find alt art halo themed for that card, but maybe ill try cardconjurer

CptnHndsm on Resistance is futile

6 months ago

Hey there! This is a very nice Mono Black deck. Very powerful and modern, yet classic! Instant +1 from me!

How has Nevinyrral's Disk been for you? I have always worried that it will just blow up all the ramp I just spent the first turns playing! Would you mind taking a look at my own Mono Black deck as well and see if it has anything that you would replace with Disk? Thank you so much!! :)

Power and Ruin - Demon Tribal

TheBestMagicCard on Emrakul, the Promised End

10 months ago

Oh, Manifold Key doesn't untap it's self, not a combo piece...

Hm, interesting point about the Twig and Amulet... Yeah, I guess it is mostly for the getting an artifact in the graveyard... They do act very similar to just a land, but they have that potential to count for . They're kind of like artifact versions of Blasted Landscape. I think Burnished Hart and Kuldotha Forgemaster are the only other cards included that put artifacts in the graveyard? I don't really want to rely on my artifacts getting destroyed by someone else to get that cost reduction...

Codex Shredder is also on my short list of cards to include. I'm always surprised at how useful this card is. It can mill an opponent's Vampiric Tutor or Sensei's Divining Top away, and can also help fill my graveyard with card types, although it's hit or miss with that, it usually flips a land or artifact, and worst case a cool creature... I think I don't actually have any cards that can get something back from the graveyard right now...

I have considered Karn, the Great Creator, especially because it can be a Planeswalker in the graveyard, but I ultimately don't really want my Planeswalkers in the graveyard though... The +1 ability works with Voltaic Construct to make infinite mana with Basalt Monolith, Mana Vault, Grim Monolith, Thran Dynamo, and potentially Everflowing Chalice, just like Karn, Silver Golem, which I think is p cool. The -2 is kind of technically useless in EDH, as tournament rules actually say you can get a card out of your sideboard, not actually any card you own, and in EDH you don't have a sideboard... Casually, sure, if your playgroup is into getting any card that's cool, Ring of Ma'ruf also does this, but I guess I've just opted not to use that ability... The Null Rod effect is obviously very powerful, but yeah, I guess at least in my meta, I'm not as concerned with other people's artifacts, and ultimately I want to be more fast and aggro, rather than defensive and like staxy with the deck. There's a lot of removal in the deck, to me a surprising amount for colorless, and I guess I can rely on that to get rid of a problem artifact, or whatever someone ramps into if need be. So yeah, I guess despite the Null Rod effect and the Voltaic Construct synergy, it still just seems a little clunky, or something? I also play with way more mana rocks in most of my decks then most people in my meta. If more of my opponents played more mana rocks, that would make it much more relevant, but until they catch on, I guess I think it's just not quite there for me...

I might rather put Karn, Silver Golem in, because it's a good blocker, and can turn multiple of my expensive artifacts into an alpha strike...

Karn, Silver Golem was my first commander for this deck way back in the day, and Voltaic Construct was a key part of the deck. It also included Mycosynth Lattice, to destroy opponent's lands, and Darksteel Forge and Nevinyrral's Disk. These cards were really fun to play, and basically a hard lock when they were together, but without Karn, Silver Golem as the commander, I've steered away from that style I guess because it was just so expensive to pull off, and requires multiple high mana-value cards. I think the combos I have in now are cheaper and have more general synergy with other cards, and at this point, just ramping into Emrakrul as fast as possible is pretty devastating. In my heart though, I still want to include them...

jarncards on ScrapHeap

11 months ago

Portal to Phyrexia is probably the best target in the game for daretti's ultimate.

You should definitely run Goblin Welder and Goblin Engineer. They are like a cheaper master transmuter in red. Wurmcoil Engine is one of the best big artifact creatures red has access to. I would consider using it. It's good after board wipes. If you can triple it you'll still have 18 power on an empty board if you wrath.

I would add Nevinyrral's Disk

That signature spell looks like it's gonna be a nightmare for us. Good pick

ZVCKK on Guild Tribal Superfriends

11 months ago

Udpate 18-07-2023: Trying to lean into more two colour for the theme. also d=trying to lower curve, focus on protecting PWs to actually get ultimates off, as the deck struggles to close games. Idea before was almost that any of the good stuff I find can run away with the game (assemble the legion and narset), but I don't think winning that way will be as satisfying. I think it would be good if I can get a PW out, get them to ult, and if that fails, niv to refresh hand and then give it another go.

jarncards on Dead WOMan Walking

1 year ago

Fiend Artisan is green

I think Sidisi, Undead Vizier is awful unless you use a lot of reanimate effects, it's just so expensive to tutor. Geth, Lord of the Vault is crazy strong, but he's a totally different deck most of the time. I'd dump Liliana's Steward too. You and one other player go down a card, putting the rest of the table ahead of you by one card, but they also get to choose, so you're never going to get the card you want out of their hand.

Hobbling Zombie and other cards like it, like Putrid Goblin are excellent at keeping attacks away from you while you build up your board. and the pseudo revival effects let you abuse a lot of other zombie mechanics. Butcher Ghoul, and Geralf's Messenger or Doomed Dissenter are ok too. i wouldnt use Sightless Ghoul though. They are all better than Reassembling Skeleton though. Keep Relentless Dead. Im not sure if they make the cut, but they arent scary, but that means they are good at keeping a target off your back til youre readyfor one.

Magus of the Bridge is great for a non-zombie. Probably use it over Tainted Adversary, i feel like that one just costs way too much before its good. Dreadhorde Invasion is incredibly good, as is Mikaeus, the Unhallowed. i'd put those in for sure.Tormod, the Desecrator is still really good. Zombie Trailblazer is devastating to the person sitting to your left in particular or anyone playing five colors/ not black. When you REALLY need someone to not cast a spell. make all their lands swamps during the upkeep. almost every board wipe is a sorcery.

I think you might want to dump Thought Vessel for Mind Stone or even Blood Pet. In many cases discarding is beneficial to zombies. If you want to keep infinite hand size, Zombie Infestation and discard at will cards are pretty helpful.

I think Noxious Ghoul is the single best zombie card in the game, in this deck it basically says, tap your commander, wipe everyone else's boards. Use it.

Sutured Ghoul is runner up. If you include it and other high power zombies like Rotting Regisaur you can put him out as a 20+/xx easily, and then get 2/2s. HE doesnt play nice with mass reanimate, but he's an alternate win condition on his own. also its a great tool since youre probably gonna sac the dino and Phyrexian Soulgorger pretty quickly. If you sacrifice him on the end step before your turn i think you will almost always have a game ending horde.

Gray Merchant of Asphodel is utterly stupid. The absolute best reanimate target you could hope for. and since your card draw is gonna cost a ton of life, hes always going to be valuable. Whip of Erebos is probably the only other reasonable lifegain choice.That one makes aggressive attacking suddenly super safe

Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia is really cheap at making zombies if you dont have any other sources of decayed zombs. they cant block, but you get so many death triggers

Graveborn Muse is great card draw.

Hatred is usually better than Endless Scream

I think Gempalm Polluter is fantastic. its card draw, puts a big zombie into your graveyard, and hurts a player if things are going well.

I don't think Endless Ranks of the Dead is that great, but it certainly is cool. Wand of Orcus is really cool too. I'm not sure if its good though.

Board wipes will shut you down as you have things right now. Crowded Crypt and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet, that way, even if there's a board wipe you still have a whole army of zombs to multiply even after everything is dead. Rise of the Dread Marn is another fantastic option that you can abuse if you run things like Carrion Feeder too. Run Carrion Feeder, period. It lets you loop gravecrawler and saves yourself from control magic and exile spells.

Consider Toxic Deluge and STRONGLY CONSIDER Nevinyrral's Disk. Single target removal like tragic slip is ok because you can choose when things die, but other cards like Malicious Affliction are going to miss a lot of key targets. And you absolutely need to have a way to clear artifacts and especially enchantments.

Dark Salvation is pretty cool. not sure if it is good enough, but i'd use it rather than some of your spot removal.

Liliana, Dreadhorde General is really absurdly strong if you can get it out, and even if it dies the next turn you can draw a bunch off of it. Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip you already know is great.

If you diversify your black lands, Field of the Dead is the best land. its silly how good it is. I'll start you off with the autoinclude Unholy Grotto. Malakir Rebirth  Flip is too.

I'll see what you make and see if i find anything else. later

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