

As an additional to cast this spell, sacrifice a creature.

Search your library for a creature card with converted mana cost equal to 1 plus the sacrificed creature's converted mana cost, put that card onto the battlefield with an additional +1/+1 counter on it, then shuffle your library.

Azoth2099 on Everybody Knows that the Bird is the Word!

2 days ago

No Neoform or Eldritch Evolution? Also, consider Misdirection as more free interaction.

Last_Laugh on Sixth Doctor's doubling

1 month ago

Just a heads up, but this Commander pairing has ZERO synergy together. The Sixth Doctor is a rules nightmare and I'll list what I've learned.

First, Clara Oswald says your Doctor triggers an additional time but the Dr.'s ability can only resolve once (so no Elesh Norn MoM or The Roaming Throne either). You're after effects that "copy" his triggered ability or his spell copy like Strionic Resonator, Errant, Street Artist, and Lithoform Engine. Alternatively, you can copy his tokens after the fact with Romana II (the partner I personally use) and/or Second Harvest.

Second, tokens that are the result of copying a permanent spell aren't "created" and Adrix and Nev, Ojer Taq (and the rest of that ilk like Parallel Lives/Doubling Season) won't net you any additional tokens (rule 111.12, which I have copied/pasted into my deck's description). This also applies to a lot of other stuff like Bennie Bracks, Zoologist, so watch card's wording carefully.

Third (and also part of rule 111.12), your tokens from the Dr. have a cmc that matches whatever it's a copy of. This means you can Neoform sac'ing a token and have the cmc counted (as an example).

Feel free to check out my list for ideas and Rule 111.12. My deck also focuses on Flash and Untap enablers so I can take advantage of these "once per turn" abilities on each player's turn instead of once per round. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Dopplegangbangers - Historic Flash Convoke Copies

Last_Laugh on Animar, don't bring bullshit to the table!

4 months ago

I'm assuming with Ancestral Statue combos being listed 1st that it's plan A. I have some suggestions that will help you consistently get there.

Imperial Recruiter, Spellseeker, Neoform, and Phyrexian Metamorph enable the most efficient combo line for Statue/Ballista I know of. You just need Imperial Recruiter in hand, 2 counters on Animar, , and 4 life. Imperial Recruiter for looks up Phyrexian Metamorph. Metamorph for 2 life copies Recruiter to look up Spellseeker. Spellseeker for looks up Neoform. Neoform for sacs Spellseeker to look up Ancestral Statue. Statue does its' self bounce until Animar is double your opponents life totals then use Statue's final bounce to return Phyrexian Metamorph to hand. Metamorph for 2 life again copies Imperial Recruiter to look up Walking Ballista for the win.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Animar, Gaea's Hemorrhoid ⫷PRIMER⫸

Last_Laugh on Animar the perfect

5 months ago

I'm assuming Ancestral Statue/Walking Ballista is the end goal here.

Spellseeker, Imperial Recruiter, Phyrexian Metamorph, and Neoform enable a very mana efficient combo line here (you run the rest of the cards already). It just needs Imperial Recruiter in hand, 2 counters on Animar, 4 life, and . Imperial Recruiter for looks up Phyrexian Metamorph. Metamorph for 2 life copies Recruiter to look up Spellseeker. Spellseeker for looks up Neoform. Neoform for sacs Spellseeker to look up Ancestral Statue. Statue does its' self bounce until Animar is double your opponents life totals then use Statue's final bounce to return Phyrexian Metamorph to hand. Metamorph for 2 life again copies Imperial Recruiter to look up Walking Ballista for the win.

Weird Harvest will look up both Statue and Ballista for wins out of nowhere.

Cloudstone Curio will enable countless infinites in your list. Everything from looping morph/eldrazi since they're eventually free to bouncing Peregrine Drake/Great Whale or hastey mana dorks for infinite mana. This leads to infinite draw to dig for game ending combos.

Last_Laugh on ambinar i guess

5 months ago

Rose Room Treasurer gives you a game finishing mana outlet for any infinite mana combo here since they all involve bouncing and replaying creatures. I'm not sure why this is so overlooked, it's honestly amazing here.

Neoform, Walking Ballista, and Phyrexian Metamorph will enable the most mana efficient combo line in Animar (you already run the rest). It only needs , Imperial Recruiter in hand, 4 life, and 2 counters on Animar. Imperial Recruiter for looks up Phyrexian Metamorph. Metamorph for 2 life copies Recruiter to look up Spellseeker. Spellseeker for looks up Neoform. Neoform for sacs Spellseeker to look up Ancestral Statue. Statue does its self bounce until Animar is double your opponents life totals then use Statue's final bounce to return Phyrexian Metamorph to hand. Metamorph for 2 life again copies Imperial Recruiter to look up Walking Ballista for the win.

Last_Laugh on Animar Go brrr

5 months ago

Nice to see the deck still kicking around. I know Neoform is in your maybeboard, but it deserves a spot because it enables a very efficient combo line here.

It just needs 2 counters on Animar, , 4 life, and Imperial Recruiter in hand.

Imperial Recruiter for looks up Phyrexian Metamorph. Metamorph for 2 life copies Recruiter to look up Spellseeker. Spellseeker for looks up Neoform. Neoform for sacs Spellseeker to look up Ancestral Statue. Statues does its' self bounce until Animar is double your opponents life totals and the use Statue's final bounce to return Phyrexian Metamorph to hand. Metamorph for 2 life again copies Imperial Recruiter to look up Walking Ballista.for the win.

Last_Laugh on Animar & friends!

6 months ago

Neoform and Spellseeker enable one of Animar's most efficient infinite combo lines. You already run the rest of the cards. It just needs Imperial Recruiter in hand, 2 counters on Animar, 4 life, and . Imperial Recruiter for looks up Phyrexian Metamorph. Metamorph for 2 life copies Imperial Recruiter to look up Spellseeker. Spellseeker for looks up Neoform. Neoform for sacs Spellseeker to look up Ancestral Statue. Statue self bounces until Animar is double your opponents' life totals then use Statue's final bounce to return Phyrexian Metamorph to hand. Metamorph for 2 life again copies Imperial Recruiter to look up Walking Ballista for the win.

ASalesman on Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)

9 months ago

I wasn't able to get a whole lot of games in yesterday, but I had one particular game where I lost spectacularly for a few different reasons.

Here is the setup:

I'll hit only on the key points to this story. Turn 1 goes around and nothing crazy happens, Tymna/Thrasios plays a mana dork, I play out my artifacts holding up Spell Pierce. Talion turn 2 plays Mystic Remora, and I decide to counter it with Spell Pierce. This is the wrong decision on multiple fronts. (1) I am first priority, I should've let the rest of the table deal with it because (2) it doesn't actually affect Unesh that much when I want to cast creatures, & (3) letting Talion draw cards in this instance could allow them to combo before me, but that means Talion will consume the tables resources so I can combo off after. Talion passes to me. I play an Island and note that I can power out Unesh with Dramatic Reversal and my 2 artifacts in play. Because I countered Mystic Remora, I should have done this. Instead I pass and basically do nothing, because I didn't have protection for Unesh & I wanted to preserve the combo piece. I think even without protection, it is still a good play to get Unesh on the table. Using the combo piece here is okay because I can get it back using Mystic sanctuary later, and I already have a scalding tarn in hand to fetch it if I need to. Pass to Tymna/Thrasios, they play Neoform sacrificing their mana dork. Had I not countered Mystic remora, I could've countered neoform and paid the Mystic Remora Tax which is what I should've done. With no responses neoform resolves and he fetches Collector Ouphe. At this point I am out of the game for a few turns which was ultimately enough to make me lose to chip damage and mana crypt a turn or 2 before I can combo off. I did take third because I took out the Talion player by casting a spell while their library was empty (granted they misplayed).

There is always unknown in the fog of war and hind sight is 20/20, but there were definitely some things here I could've seen coming. I think the biggest take away I think is that Unesh naturally allies with another blue combo player if they are the only other one at the table.

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