Nemata, Grove Guardian

Legendary Creature — Treefolk

: Create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token/

Sacrifice a Saproling: Saproling creatures get +1/+1 until end of turn.

UnleashedHavok on MossyFungoid

7 months ago

I like the cards you have here! Great stuff so far. I have several questions and suggestions:

  • I know these are the cards you have on hand, but is money a factor so far as buying additional cards? If not, I would highly recommend a Tendershoot Dryad. It will pair well with your Sporecrown Thallid, Verdeloth the Ancient, Nemata, Grove Guardian and Verdant Force. These cards are a pretty solid core for the deck. Now start looking for ways to tutor them. Worldly Tutor, Diabolic Intent, Grim Tutor..... we are in fantastic colors for tutoring the cards you need.
  • After building the core of your deck and what you want it to do, I like to add support and utility cards. I love Viconia, Drow Apostle, Shadowheart, Dark Justiciar, Rankle, Master of Pranks, and Loyal Guardian for this purpose! Might I recommend a Thunderfoot Baloth to pair with your Guardian?
  • Cut your land count down to 37 - 40, then playtest and see how it feels
  • Play to your commander's strength. I am working on a budget version (less than $80) of The Mycotyrant myself, and will be playing Cemetery Tampering, Crawling Infestation, and Crawling Sensation. One of the things I try to do is build a deck that functions well without the commander on the board so I am not completely hosed when they are removed. I like all 3 of these enchantments because I am not in danger of decking myself, and if the commander is not on the field I do not have to mill. I talk about milling, because it plays to The Mycotyrant's strength as a commander. We will see if I still want all 3 enchantments in the deck after I build it and see it in action, hopefully soon.
  • If you decide to lean into milling yourself and sacrificing creatures like I have for my deck, I would recommend stepping away from non-creature spells and do your removal in creature form. I currently only have a total of 7 sorceries and instants in my deck, so as I mill myself I am more guaranteed to hit permanent cards. Remember that The Mycotyrant cares about permanent cards in your graveyard, so sacrificing your tokens will not contribute to its descend mechanic.
  • To follow along the vein of previous suggestion, invest in some free sac outlets: Greater Good, Altar of Dementia (target yourself to capitalize on commander ability at your end step)

I think that's all I have for the moment...... let me know if you have any questions! Here is my work in progress Budget Mycotyrant

Slashdance on Forest Tribal, LoL

1 year ago

Thanks for the comment, SmirkyDog593. =)

For Mortarpod to work, it seems we'd need to also add haste. In order to equip it to a land, it would have to be a creature, in order to sacrifice it, it needs to be a creature, and in order for our commander to bring it back, the land has to be a creature. So, if we have a continuous effect that turns our lands into creatures to do all that, then come back into play with summoning sickness. Thus, we are unable to tap the new lands for mana to continue to equip Mortarpod and going near-infinite enough to kill everybody. Unless, of course, we initiate an infinite mana effect prior to do doing so, so there's a lot more moving pieces to get that concept working. Unless I'm wrong, lol.

Spitting Spider honestly doesn't excite me for the cost, and it absolutely requires our basic commander/enchantment combo in play in order for it to work. That's not necessarily bad, but if I were that concerned about flyers I'd rather the removal not be as conditional. I think I'd prefer a good old fashioned Hurricane or maybe Arashi, the Sky Asunder that's the same cost as the spider. Silklash Spider is pretty efficient, too.

I do like your suggestion of Perilous Forays, thank you!

I also like Nemata, Grove Guardian, but the cost is high. I know we can get a ton of mana, but it's at the expense of maybe not doing something else. I'll have to think on it, but I like it!

Evolutionary Leap is pretty great, yeah! Thanks!

Altar of Dementia was already in the Maybe pile, so I agree. ;)

SmirkyDog593 on Forest Tribal, LoL

1 year ago

I cannot express how much I LOVE this concept. As soon as I played the first test and got the infinite combo I was estatic about it. I do have some suggestions.

Mortarpod would be good if you had a way to sack one of the two lands tapped to equip it. Insta kill all players. Sustenance is another Insta kill method as well.

Spitting Spider is a good flying removal creature Perilous Forays will let you draw out every forest in your deck.

Nemata, Grove Guardian creates saporlings and works in conjunction with the treefolks and Life and Limb cards.

Evolutionary Leap lets you get all your creature cards out if you wanted.

I would also suggest you put in Altar of Dementia as another way to win.

1empyrean on What to Do with Yavimaya, …

3 years ago

I was thinking last night of a Nemata, Grove Guardian deck with:

I really don't know if I want to build it with all the other decks im working on, though. If anyone wants to run with the idea, have at it.

Joe_Ken_ on My Saproling EDH deck

4 years ago

I'm going to try and list cards that I can find on online shopping sites like TCGplayer for under $2-$3 to help with the budget.

Verdeloth the Ancient is a creature that can be at your top end for the deck that can help you flood the board with saporlings and gives them all a nice boost.

Fungal Sprouting will help populate your board with saporlings.

Nemata, Grove Guardian gives you a mana sink to make saporlings with any extra mana you have and gives you a sac outlet that will pump all of your other saporlings.

Thelon of Havenwood and Sporoloth Ancient are good with the spore counter creatures below making them produce faster.

Psychotrope Thallid will slowly produce saporlings, but this card I listed since it will let you sac saporlings for card draw.

Savage Thallid is in the same boat except his sac ability will help some of your board survive some board wipes.

Pallid Mycoderm is once again another slow rolling spore counters for saporlings, but the sac boost can help you secure a kill.

Sporecrown Thallid is a cheap creature that will give your fungus and saporlings a boost.

Thelonite Hermit can be another creature to boost your board and can be used to make some saporlings.

Part 1/2

triproberts12 on Funguy!

4 years ago

If you're going to be fungi tribal, run Thelon of Havenwood as your commander.

If you're going to be saproling tribal, Ghave makes more sense, although you'll probably want to lean away from fungi and into Tendershoot Dryad, Verdant Force, Verdant Embrace, Necrogenesis, Verdeloth the Ancient, Aura Mutation, Death Mutation, Jade Mage, Nemata, Grove Guardian, Seed Spark, and Morbid Bloom.

If you just want pure power, Ghave combos by accident. I'm not sure how popular he is now, but he was considered cEDH at one point. Check out his EDHREC page.

MonkeySit on Sap & Sac

4 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion berryjon!

I have seen Nemata, Grove Guardian before but was overlooked due to CMC but I can't deny that she would make for effective combat tricks (attack and then sac any saps blocked so that ones not blocked get through) on top of being able to generate saprolings at a discount.

Thanks bushido_man96, I didn't really consider proliferate because I didn't really think I had too much in the way of counters but now that you mention it, there are a handful of sap generators via those counters so I'll certainly consider adding in this mechanic. Just got to find the right things to remove without confusing the deck by trying to do too much.

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