Near-Death Experience


At the beginning of your upkeep, if you have exactly 1 life, you win the game.

SteelSentry on All the combos

5 days ago

Worldfire + Oblivion Ring exiling either Barren Glory or Near-Death Experience is a combo I've always wanted to put in a deck, but any red damage enchantment like Sulfuric Vortex works as well.

seizan8 on Who needs life anyway

3 months ago

Beacon of Immortality und Sun Droplet ?

Exsanguinate, Debt to the Deathless und Gary find i scho chli scammy. Hatred wer funny. Bond of Agony shiint mer au meh flavorful. Für alternate win cons wür i eher Triskaidekaphobia, Near-Death Experience, Angel's Grace und Wall of Blood spiele. isch chli interessanter als 1 charte wo eifach all gegner killt...

indieinside on No Creatures, No Problem

7 months ago

i have Saheeli, Sublime Artificer on hand actually. TheoryCrafter, who would you cut to add her? I should definitely add Near-Death Experience. I'll probably take out Lich's Mirror for it.

TheoryCrafter on No Creatures, No Problem

7 months ago

Since you have Worldfire in your deck, Near-Death Experience can add a little redundancy.

Also, have you considered Saheeli, Sublime Artificer? With all the noncreature spells you have, a way to create chump blockers would be beneficial to your Planeswalkers.

I hope this helps. Happy Hunting!

CinnaBunMon on Wacky Waving Infallible Life Flailing Masochists

9 months ago


Near-Death Experience is definitely something I'd like to add in. Probably more of a side-board for me though, just not a big fan of "You win the game" cards.

I do like Blood Celebrant, only problem is most of the "pay x life" effects in this deck give you something back for that X. It is darn good for mana fixing though.

I think I will squeeze Plunge into Darkness and Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose in there (I do like that Vito is just Sanguine Bond on a stick). The others are bit out of my typical price range.

I'll definitely give your deck a look over and see if anything pops out to me.

legendofa on Wacky Waving Infallible Life Flailing Masochists

9 months ago

Any thoughts on Near-Death Experience as an instant win button?

Blood Celebrant is a MV 1 option for freely paying life. Just keep paying 1 life to convert your black mana into, um, black mana.

At a little higher budget, Plunge into Darkness is another instant-speed life manipulator, and Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose has a target life gain-drain ability. Going higher into budget (not sure what your desired range for this deck is), there's the classics Exquisite Blood, Necropotence, and Sanguine Bond.

(I'm pulling combos from my deck that has a similar theme. Chiaroscuro and Liminal Space, if you want to check it out.)

This looks like a fun deck! Lots of good synergy.

legendofa on Cube idea, good or bad? …

1 year ago

I've had this thought for a while now, and I haven't done anything with it, so now I'm making it everyone else's thought.

Ante cards like Darkpact are banned in every sanctioned format, because they come dangerously close to breaking gambling advertising laws, and have a high risk of feel-bad moments in general. In a cube, though, all the cards go back to the same box at the end, and "ownership" only lasts as long as game night, so there's no stakes or permanent loss of cards.

To add to the ante antics, and use more cards that can't reasonably be used anywhere else, the Conspiracy cards and Draft matters cards like Backup Plan, Smuggler Captain, and Cogwork Spy could fit well into a cube, since the whole purpose of a cube is to be drafted.

The final element of this cube idea is to sprinkle in some two-card "you win" combos, like Sunbird's Invocation + Approach of the Second Sun, Plunge into Darkness + Near-Death Experience, Biovisionary + Rite of Replication, or Chance Encounter + Frenetic Efreet. These should provide a little treasure hunt for the draft. I would like to keep these all 2+ colors and 6+ total mana value, to avoid making them too easy to reach (numbers are arbitrary and open to consideration).

Would this be an interesting cube to draft, or would it just be too complicated? My goal is to get some mind games going for those who want them, while still allowing for a more straightforward draft. My concern is that using too many of these gimmicks will end up in decks that are flashy, but lack fundamentals.

TheoryCrafter on Power Sagas

1 year ago

I theorycrafted a Jeskai Enchantment deck built around Near-Death Experience and a Rakdos Shaman deck built around Hidetsugu Consumes All  Flip using the Power Conduit/Saga strategy. So O'm really liking this deck.

If you can get yourself another copy of the Reality Chip and three copies of any combination of Era of Enlightenment  Flip and Medomai's Prophecy, and then replace Reason//Believe, this can give you some more sagas to work with.

I hope this helps, Happy Hunting!

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