Nantuko Husk

Creature — Zombie Insect

Sacrifice a creature: Nantuko Husk gets +2/+2 until end of turn.

Batman18 on Abzan Solemnity

1 year ago

Balaam_ I'm thinking about cutting Vivien on the Hunt and Nantuko Husk out for 2 more Sterling Grove and cutting Safehold Elite for another Viscera Seer.

Balaam__ on Many Blessed Returns

1 year ago

@Batman18 yeah Carrion Feeder isn’t ideal here, I think I detailed that in the description somewhere. We lose any +1/+1 gains that might be had through sacrifice, but he’s here for the utility not to be pumped. It was the cheapest sac outlet I could find at the time.

Nantuko Husk would get the buffs, but at it’s too high costed to get things up and running quickly. Bloodthrone Vampire is worth considering, although Cartel Aristocrat looks better yet. If I were to go with one I think that would be it, the protection self buff would pretty much guarantee it sticks around which is really the primary factor to consider with the role of the sac outlet here. Thanks for the suggestions, and I’ll go ahead and add Cartel Aristocrat to the maybeboard for when I eventually return to give this a tune up.

Necrosis24 on dimir zombie token engines

2 years ago

I feel like there is an underlying issue here because as you said you have a lot of the suggested cards so you should be able to generate quite a few tokens already.

Regardless here are some synergies to look out for. Massacar's infinite loop paired with a good chunk of cards in your deck will give you a win so I won't bother with the potential infinite combos as that is self explanatory (Gravecrawler + Phyrexian Altar = Infinite Etb, Cast, and Death Triggers)

Champion of the Perished + Wand of Orcus or Ghoulcaller Gisa: Assuming Champion of the Perished has a decent amount of counters you can easily get a threatening board state especially with lords in play.

Ghoulcaller Gisa + Headless Rider or Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver: Any creature you sacrifice will generate an additional zombie token. If both are in play even better.

Crowded Crypt + Ashnod's Altar/Phyrexian Altar + Headless Rider or Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver: At the end of your opponent's endstep sacrifice your nontoken zombies to either altar assuming you have enough creatures to generate . Each creature you sacrificed will net you a 2/2 zombie from wilhelt or headless rider. Activate Crowded Crypt using the mana you obtained from sacrificing your creature's which will basically double the amount of tokens you have. So assuming you had six zombies in play at the end you will have twelve 2/2 zombies.

Tormod, the Desecrator + Gravecrawler + Ghoulcaller Gisa: Will net you three zombies a turn (Even more with lords in play or Headless Rider/Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver).

Necromancer's Stockpile + Bone Miser: Each creature you discard will net you two zombie tokens. Hopefully you draw into Zombie Apocalypse to get them all back.

Fleshbag Marauder Equipped with Blade of Selves + Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver: Assuming you have three opponents when each Felshbag Marauder token enters the battlefield they can sacrifice themselves to their own etb. This nets you three 2/2 zombies with decay and your opponents must sacrifice three creatures.

It seems like the deck does not have many sac-outlets or recursion to take full advantage of your commander's ability.

Some sac-outlets to consider:

  1. Viscera Seer
  2. Nantuko Husk
  3. Carrion Feeder

Some Recursion:

  1. Command the Dreadhorde
  2. Rise of the Dark Realms
  3. Living Death
  4. Thrilling Encore

Some Card Draw:

  1. Graveborn Muse
  2. Plumb the Forbidden
  3. Erebos, Bleak-Hearted
  4. Undead Augur
  5. Smothering Abomination

These are just a few affects to give you an idea on what to look for.

multimedia on commander horde

2 years ago

Hey, you're welcome.

Some advice for the first thing to consider changing is adding a few more lands since 32 is low amount. Try adding two utility lands and 1x more Swamp for 35 lands?

  • High Market: sac outlet.
  • Tyrite Sanctum: repeatable way to make Wilhelt bigger by putting +1/+1 counter on him. After it's put a counter on Wilhelt it can be saced later to make Wilthelt indestructible.

To add three more lands consider cutting a few of the lesser nonZombie cards such as Mind Rot, Hideous End and Weave Fate?

Some budget Zombie upgrades to consider:

Some budget nonZombie upgrades to consider:

Undead Augur, Dreadhorde Invasion, Fleshbag Marauder are in the precon.

Death Tyrant has a powerful repeatable effect with Wilhelt and decayed. Any creature you control that attacked and dies while in combat you create a 2/2 Zombie. When decayed Zombies attack they're saced at the end of combat step. At the end of combat step decayed Zombies are still attacking therefore with Tyrant when they're saced you create a 2/2 Zombie for each one.

With Wilhelt and a sac outlet such as Carrion Feeder you attack with your Zombies and then sac them in combat to create 2/2 Zombies and decayed 2/2 Zombies from Wilhelt. On your next turn you attack with all the 2/2 Zombies and decayed Zombies and while in combat sac them again to make 2/2 Zombies and decayed 2/2 Zombies. Death Tyrant lets you repeatedly recycle all attacking decayed Zombies into 2/2 Zombies that don't have decayed. This recycling results in a lot of die triggers which Zombies can take real advantage of with many different die effects.

Hope this helps and if you have any questions about these card suggestions, ask here.

jakeelephant006 on Zombies

2 years ago

I think it would be a good idea to cut the Stitcher's Suppliers, Gurmag Anglers, and Rotting Regisaurs to add in Nantuko Husk and Plague Belcher. Those two cards in addition to Liliana, Untouched By Death's -3 + Shambling Ghast make an infinite combo that can win you the game. You could play around w/ the numbers of inclusion for the suggested cards. I'd probably want more Husks and fewer Belchers since the Husks have more utility overall. Plus you could add in more Shamblers, Lilianas, and maybe some Death Barons as well.

LivingThing on Ghave, Pile of Cards

3 years ago

Don't forget to put CMDR next to your commander's text in the entry box to make him show up as your commander.

As for advice, I would try to lower the number of 3 drops you have (Curve is suffering because of this) and then add more 2 mana ramp like Rampant Growth or Three Visits, while cutting back on your "goodstuff" cards that aren't necessarily adding synergy like Azusa, Lost but Seeking. I would also cut Triskelavus, Oathsworn Knight, Nantuko Husk, and Duneblast. These cards either dont add much to your deck or are far overcosted for what they do (Specifically dune blast's effect being overcosted when you could be running the multitude of 4 mana wraths or just Single Combat)

Peligrad on Favorite non meta creature

3 years ago

MagicMarc oh man Nantuko Husk is old school. I remember doing nutty shenanigans with both that and Mogg Fanatic back before the combat damage rules change.

Back in the days of "tuck" I remember seeing that card a decent amount too. Sac outlets like Goblin Bombardment and Helm of Possession saw a lot more play because of tuck.

MagicMarc on Favorite non meta creature

3 years ago

@MindAblaze; Nantuko Husk is my OG go to card to fit the role of your Bloodthrone Vampire. They are great sacrifice outlets along with a Viscera Seer.

@IKILLEVERYONE; One thing I do like about the Spikeshot Elder is that it's repeatable and only limited by available mana. It is an awkward cost with 2 mountains as the base so can be limited depending on your mana base. But it can dish some big numbers quickly depending on the rest of a deck.

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