Mycosynth Golem

Artifact Creature — Golem

Affinity for artifacts (This spell costs less to cast for each artifact you control.)

Artifact creature spells you play have affinity for artifacts. (They cost less to cast for each artifact you control.)

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Santa, Elves, Reindeer, and Toys [primer]

4 months ago

Quick heads-up, there are two Hazoret's Monument in here.

Great to see that Chiss-Goria in the deck, it's such a great card. Very cool deck in general. In case you want a cheap alternativ to a Mycosynth Golem, maybe try out Inspiring Statuary. Also, to amp up your token production, Academy Manufactor would be a fine addition.

Azoth2099 on colorless commander

6 months ago

Here's some spice!

So, as with any other commander, if you want it to be efficient you're gonna need 4 things: Synergistic win conditions, card draw, mana ramp & tutors.

Unfortunately achieving any of these 4 things is going to be exceptionally difficult with no colors lol.

I would recommend changing the commander to Karn, Legacy Reforged, as well as adding a good amount of mana rocks like Mind Stone, Thought Vessel, & Thran Dynamo to help get you where you're going. Cards like Horizon Stone, Sword of the Animist & Bitterthorn, Nissa's Animus could also be helpful. Cost reducers like Foundry Inspector, Mycosynth Golem & Cloud Key could be lumped in here as well.

Card draw however is going to be a total pain unless you have a ton of mana, which is why I put ramp first. Cards like The Immortal Sun, Chimil, the Inner Sun & Mind's Eye can provide a lot of value, but if you don't have the mana to power them out it's no bueno. There are cheaper options that will be easier to get out earlier in the game like The One Ring, Scroll Rack & Sensei's Divining Top to consider too.

Tutors and wincons...I am at a loss for. Outside of running some really brutal stax like God-Pharaoh's Statue, Trinisphere, Thorn of Amethyst & Karn, the Great Creator alongside a good ole beatdown strategy, I don't really see how colorless decks can win lol. Luckily there are lots of colorless stax and beaters for you to choose from.

Some additional value pieces to consider before I get out of here: Wandering Archaic  Flip, Forsaken Monument, Sword of Fire and Ice, Sword of Feast and Famine, Krark-Clan Ironworks & maybe even Blightsteel Colossus. Peace!

Maccano1 on Urza's Artifact Buddies

1 year ago


REMOVED: Temple of Deceit, Temple of Enlightenment, Temple of Silence, Tempered Steel, Liquimetal Torque, Scholar of New Horizons, Thopter Shop, Sphinx's Revelation, Bident of Thassa, Alela, Artful Provocateur, Etched Champion, Armix, Filigree Thrasher, Myr Battlesphere, Filigree Attendant, Vedalken Humiliator, Tawnos, Solemn Survivor, Losheel, Clockwork Scholar, Marionette Master, Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle, Ethersworn Adjudicator, Indomitable Archangel

ADDED: Glimmervoid, Power Depot, Forsaken Monument, Mind Stone, Darksteel Ingot, Hedron Archive, Dance of the Mance, Thoughtcast, Thirst for Knowledge, Master Transmuter, Lodestone Golem, Research Thief, Treasure Keeper, Mycosynth Golem, Myr Retriever, Sculpting Steel, Mechtitan Core, Mystic Forge, Dispeller's Capsule, Dispatch, Burnished Hart

COMMENTS: Deck feels powerful, but one dimensional in that it's just trying to pump out big dumb creatures asap; kinda cool. I've played 3-4 times with the current iteration and I'm looking to speed the deck up a little bit; lands coming in tapped, not quite enough draw, and too many non-artifact creatures being the two major areas of focus. I've actually reduced the amount of creatures with this round of changes so I need to check that this is OK.

Lands probably need more work, still too many tapped lands by far. Scholar of New horisons is fine, just doesn't fit in the deck, same with Tawnos (who likely needs his own deck, but I have done a few cool things with him). Tempered Steel, Indomitably Archangel and Ethersworn Adjudicator were hard cuts. But I've added removal, ramp in so I want to see if that's better. Tempered Steel with the thopters was particularly good and may get added in.

multimedia on Urza's Legacy

1 year ago

Hey, some interesting card choices for upgrades to the precon. I can tell your deck is based on the precon because I see Darksteel Juggernaut.

A kink here to work on is the avg. CMC. The mana curve is very high at 4.3 not including Organic Extinction and Mycosynth Golem. The precon mana curve is already high at 3.5 not including Thought Monitor. A higher mana curve would be fine if supported with lots more low mana cost ramp, but you cut most of the low mana cost ramp (Signets, Liquimetal, Vessel) from the precon. There's only 6 ramp sources here 3 CMC or less which is low.

You could have a difficult time casting Urza using artifact creature affinity with only 7 artifact creatures 3 CMC or less. You really can't count on Urza's artifact affinity to first cast him and having not many ramp sources, ramp can't be counted on either. Master Transmuter is a great upgrade, she helps a lot when playing a lower amount of ramp. To improve the mana curve which will help gameplay consider choosing a few of the better high mana cost cards and cutting the others? Most 4 drops here are much better than the 5-7+ drops and that's good for the mana curve.

Research Thief, The Mightstone and Weakstone  Meld, Blightsteel Colossus, Mycosynth Golem, Thopter Assembly, Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge, Organic Extinction, Darksteel Forge, Mycosynth Lattice, Kuldotha Forgemaster, Cyberdrive Awakener these are the better 5-7 CMC cards here. The others could be cut to lower the mana curve because they're simply not as good as these.

  • Thief, it's repeatable draw effect is good when you want to be attacking with Constructs.
  • Weakstone because you have Urza, Lord Protector  Meld.
  • Blightsteel, best secondary attacker and because you have Master Transmuter.
  • Golem because Urza is a consistent way to create artifacts.
  • Assembly because you have Time Sieve.
  • Tezzeret because of Constructs.
  • Extinction because of Constructs.
  • Forge, best protection for all artifacts and because you have Lattice, Transmuter and Padeem.
  • Awakener flying for Constructs.

Some upgrades at your price point to consider:

Good luck with your deck.

Coward_Token on Commander Masters Previews and Speculation

1 year ago

This is a pretty good reference (I was surprised that among good reprintable cards, Capture of Jingzhou was the most expensive.)

Some neat cards that have seen little to no reprints for a long while:

I expect the various Sliver legends to make a reaprearance. Also, Mana Crypt could stand to be a less of a luxury.

phillipswhwew on stonecoil serpent and affinity

1 year ago

Say I have Mycosynth Golem on the battle field with 6 other artifacts and 3 land. Can I cast Stonecoil Serpent with X being 10 d/t golem giving it affinity for artifacts ??

vkapadia on Arcbound Deck

1 year ago

Hi! I made a similar deck, based on the Arcbound creatures. I added a couple Mycosynth Golem to it. You easily get enough mana + artifact affinity to cast it fairly quickly (especially as your lands are also artifacts) and then you can just play anything anytime not caring for mana. Love when it drops, I just drop my entire hand on the table :)

Zheraan on Urza, CEO of Machines

1 year ago

Thanks for your answer !

I'm not sure why you're saying that making Urza an artifact would make it a good source of commander damage, but yes the gameplan is mostly straightforward beatdown with the construct token, in a very casual fashion.

I know Urza, Lord High Artificer is a very good combo piece, but I rather intend to use it as an extra source of mana and value engine, in a very vanilla way. I know to some it might be sacrilegious, but I'm keeping it casual and I just like the construct theme. I'm not too fond of having boring infinite combos and extra turns in a fun format, at least on the kitchen table with friends. But also I don't really want to go for full aggro with only cheap creatures to get Urza out early and counterspells to keep it, even though that would probably be better.

Now the thing with Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge is that I can't tutor it and it's relatively fragile as a planeswalker, so Mycosynth Golem still isn't a bad addition, in my opinion, especially with Fabricate and Sphinx Summoner.

Then, 35 lands is not nearly enough if I want to consistently have 3-4 lands on turn 3-4, I know commander player are the constant desire to remove lands but 35% chances of lands isn't enough, especially with lots of 3+ drops. Regarding what lands, I am not new to the game and I know that taplands sure aren't as good as ravlands, checklands and others, but they are also much cheaper. I have some left from past competitive decks, but I don't really wanna buy more right now, maybe later.

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