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: Mutavault becomes a 2/2 creature with all creature types until end of turn. It's still a land.

sergiodelrio on Eldrazi Seasons

1 week ago

That's exactly my point tho... any land other than Deserted Temple would provide you with 3 mana total from all land sources on turn 2 as well (*if you play a tap2 land on T1)...

I guess what I'm saying is you could look for replacements of Deserted Temple which add maybe utility or sth else without actually sacrificing anything important here imho. Maybe even go with a split: 1x Gemstone Caverns 2x Cavern of Souls 1x Blast Zone you have many great options actually ... Inventors' Fair, Mutavault.

Sorry if I'm being annoying, that's not my intention, I just feel you're overselling the role of Deserted Temple in this particular deck imho, which I still think is very nice no matter if you keep deserted temple or not.


Kjartan on The Book of Exalted Deeds

1 week ago

4x Pact of Negation seems really excessive seeing it can't feasibly protect you casting a combo piece, unless you're comboing out of Lotus Bloom. It's not online unless you're set up to do a one turn cast + activate book with Mutavault left over as well.

Maybe if you played Angel's Grace, it would work better? It would give you an option to use Pact of Negation before you've achieved a winning board-state, an it's also a decent card to put under Isochron Scepter meaning it works on two axis in your deck.

But ultimately, I'd just move pact to the side-board, I think.

Basshunter on I... Cry... When Angels Deserve to DIEEEEEEE!!!!

3 months ago

Mutavault and Faceless Haven? They have great synergy with The Book of Exalted Deeds + they are angels aswell!!

Basshunter on Celestine, bring me back to life

3 months ago

Hi! I love lifegain aswell, specially the soul sisters..

In here i think that Martyr of Sands could be a real beast!!

And every deck with The Book of Exalted Deeds needs a Mutavault and a Faceless Haven in my opinion! A land is bit harder to remove than a normal angel.. =)

Greets, basshunter

Sky_Blue_Skies on "Baneslayer Black"

5 months ago

Hey many thanks! The Mutavault + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth package is definitely appealing and something I'd like to keep my eye on going forward, though I've opted out of using them at present due to mana consistency considerations with my 4x Castle Locthwain and 4x Bloodletter of Aclazotz, two absolute cornerstones of this build. (As far as I can tell from watching others play similar decks, you gain a lot of edges by more or less insuring that your mana only helps and virtually never hinders you--Mutavault, while very powerful, is also a recipe for occasional mana screw). Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is also (obviously) appealing if somewhat less competitive, but at this time I'm not even sure what I would do with the extra mana save for spending it occasionally on Tainted Adversary triggers!

BioProfDude on "Baneslayer Black"

5 months ago

I think you could add 1x or 2x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and have a bit of fun. Or, 1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and 2x or 3x Mutavault would be effective.

Cool deck! +1 from me!

IHATENAMES on Angelic Spiritual Soul Sisters

5 months ago

A few things.

1st off. I think a soul sisters deck and angel deck are not compatible. Soul sisters make and want as many lifegain triggers as possible. Maximizing cards like Voice of the Blessed . Angels i believe want to maintain x life above your starting life and gain in chunks of 5 for probably the best angel Resplendent Angel. These seem simular but that creates tough choices in deck design.

Book of Exalted Deeds with creature lands is a combo with Mutavault some decks just can't beat this.

I think you want the card draw off of Shelter but I personally think that card sux. You would likely be better with a green splash for just Collected Company or run a cheaper protection spell like Brave the Elements or a better card draw engine Welcoming Vampire perhaps.

Speaker of the Heavens is a suprise op card i have a angel deck on mtga for historic and it is a great agro card angels needed.

You are light in 1 key piece of any deck. Interaction.

March of Otherworldly Light is a favorite of mine.

Path to Exile could be decent

Dawn Charm niche counterspell/ protect a creature

Surge of Salvation protection vs opposing aggro

I'd suggest looking at another decks sideboard to help build a better one Check out decks like modern d&t or soul sister or angels and see what you want. But be sure to cover a few things.

Graveyard hate like Soul-Guide Lantern Something to fight control many different approachesCavern of Souls Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Artifact/enchantment hate Disenchant

And something for decks that you think you need more help with and expect to face. Perhaps a boardwipe for decks that go wide Doomskar or any other archetype/problem that needs fixing.

sergiodelrio on Creature that become dragons

5 months ago

The allmighty Mutavault

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