Muse Drake

Creature — Drake


When Muse Drake enters the battlefield, draw a card.

SquirrelPenguin on Does Ilharg, the raze-boar cause …

4 years ago

Yes, it enters the battlefield, but is not cast. It is similar to using Quasiduplicate on a Muse Drake, you draw the card because the token entered the battlefield.

Galati on Mill deck

5 years ago

I fail to see how the infinite combo works with the cards you currently have.

I would suggest using Naban, Dean of Iteration in combination with Naru Meha, Master Wizard. This way when you cast Siren's Ruse and flash in Naru Meha, Master Wizard you will trigger the copy of Siren's Ruse twice. This allows you to flicker Naru Meha, Master Wizard and an additional creature. I would suggest having creatures that draw you a card when they enter the battfield, this would result in you infinitely flickering and drawing cards and triggering Psychic Corrosion.

Some cards that do this are: Muse Drake and Riverwise Augur.

Caerwyn on Guilds of Ravnica: Spoilers and …

5 years ago

Prerelease was an absolute blast--perhaps the most fun I've had at a prerelease ever. There were lots of different decks being run, so I never had the same exact matchup twice.

I was playing Dimir, and was incredibly lucky with my packs. I only had eleven worthwhile creatures, but three of those were Muse Drake, two Watcher in the Mist, and a number of other assorted flying creatures. With three copies of Artful Takedown to help protect me and three copies of Notion Rain to dig for my very few creatures, I could easily locate and play my myriad fliers, going over top of my opponents. Ended up going 3-1-0, with the draw against Golgari Control--I was low on creatures and had almost milled myself, so I think I would have lost that match had there been another 4 or so turns.

Fun as surveil shenanigans were to play, I think most of my success was based on luck--I was the only Dimir player that seemed to be having any success.

The few people playing Izzet seemed to all be disappointed in their decks. I've found spellslinging decks to be pretty mediocre in prerelease, and that seemed to be the case here as well.

Selesnya did not seem as good as I expected it to be--there's a lot of removal floating about in this set, and large creatures did not work well with it. My girlfriend played this guild, and had a pretty decent selection of cards, but nothing overly exciting. I think it is a very "safe" guild to pick--there's lots of decent cards, so you're pretty much guaranteed to have something playable. I played against one person who splashed into Abzan for removal, and that worked pretty well for them.

Golgari had some really fun cards, but not enough of them. Ochran Assassin was a powerhouse at many tables, removing a creature and helping punch through damage. The one time an opponent used it against me, I had Passwall Adept in play--they were pretty upset that I kept making their creature unblockable so I could freely stop their other creatures.

At least two people were running Underrealm Lich to great effect. I had one game where someone pulled it, allowed them to mill their library while controlling with blocks/removal, and then hit their Lich with -2/-4 so they lost to mill on their draw. That was pretty fun, and checked "win via mill at prerelease" off my bucket list.

Boros with mentor was scary to play against. Besides being fast, there were enough inexpensive combat tricks that even blocking smaller creatures was dangerous if mana was open.

I think the lockets were way overvalued. Lots of people were using them just for card draw, and seven mana for two cards, even if spread over two turns, did not seem to work out well for anyone.

Overall, it was extremely fun--exactly what I was hoping for when they first announced another return to Ravnica. Can't wait for the next set. Orzhov and Azorius, here I come!

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