

Target player exiles all land cards from their graveyard.

SteelSentry on Secret Lair: Sans Mercy

2 months ago

If I had to guess, it was planned for April 1st but got delayed. I have not seen one person that is interested in them, even though the art is great. I'd much rather have unplayable cards with great art like the last April Fools secret lair (featured cards like Mudhole and Goblin Snowman) than having them both look great and be hard to look at.

legendofa on Tiers of card badness

3 months ago

Not all "bad" cards are created equal. As I see it, just like how there's build-around good cards, really good cards, and must-include cards, there's several tiers of cards that don't quite measure up.

At the top, there's the weird cards. These cards have unique effects. They're generally useful and/or interesting, but make lots of demands for deckbuilding and have no redundancy. Spellweaver Helix, Riku of Two Reflections, and Leyline of the Guildpact are some examples. Good for casual play and for "trying to make work".

Next is the draft fodder. Good if you don't have anything better, but easily replaceable. These cards get functionally reprinted a lot, and are usually pretty straightforward. I would put Cancel, Shock, and Alabaster Host Sanctifier as examples. You won't be ashamed to use them in Limited, and they work well as starters for a new collection, but they get outclassed quickly.

Next, and the first tier I would call truly bad cards, are the very inefficient cards and the cards that just don't do anything. They're significantly overcosted, or there's many better options. These cards might still be technically useful, or at least not actively harmful, but they can't compete with anything else. Mudhole, Razor Boomerang, and Aven Trooper go here.

Finally, there's the worst of the worst. The cards that actively hurt you and make it harder to play the game. If you put them in a deck, you're either trying to meme or you're going to Donate them. Alabaster Leech, Soldevi Steam Beast, and Goblin Elite Infantry fall into this group.

This is subjective and a continuum, so there's a lot of room to arrange individual cards. I've been reading Mark Rosewater's articles on bad cards, and designing Nihilist decks (example here), and there's been some forum discussion on what cards are worth using and which aren't. So it's been on my mind recently.

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

According to Google, Mudhole is considered hit garbage. But I'm sure there are plenty of cards within EDH that yield some type of synergy for it.


Windgrace's Blessing


Whenever a land leaves your graveyard, create a tapped land token and choose a basic land type. It gains that type and has ": Add one mana of the type of color that this land type would produce."

Empires rise, and civilizations fall. But the land, she remains the same.

So now all of your fetches and dumped basics yield a bunch of token lands, and you get to choose what colors they are.

Do you recall a legendary creature you've made in this forum?

Make a new card for them.

hiddengibbons on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Dumpster Fire


Players play a Magic sub game using their Dumpster decks. Players who lose this game take 10 damage in the game in which ~ was cast. (A Dumpster deck may only contain non-land cards name Mudhole, Dispersing Orb, Razor Boomerang, Phyrexian War Beast, Obelisk of Undoing, Great Wall, Shinka Gatekeeper, Cyclopean Snare, Juju Bubble, Alabaster Leech, Chimney Imp, Scorching Spear, Cephalid Snitch, and/or Thermal Blast).

Make another card that encourages or cares about using notoriously bad cards that never see play

SquirrelPenguin on A stupid format.

4 years ago

Here are the rules: it works like commander, but it is never played with only 2 players. Instead, each player makes an EDH deck using either Storm Crow, Squire, Mudhole, or Goblin Snowman. One opponent is strengthened with the powerful Siege Rhino as the commander. Players must work together to defeat Siege Rhino. There is no commander damage, and players each start at 20 life. Oh, and I almost forgot, decks must only use common and uncommon cards.

SqueeBestCard on Moron the butthead

4 years ago

Wow!!!!! Really epic Roberto! Can I call you Roberto? Anyway I think your deck building is superb. Might I suggest Mudhole to improve the deck.

UnderworldFiend on

4 years ago

I don't see anything wrong here. Maybe try Pardic Miner and Mimic Vat . Also Mudhole for land manipulators like Muldrotha, the Gravetide and The Gitrog Monster .

walruscustard on Ajani Vengeant, and his signature …

5 years ago

Wow this is all really excellent advice. Dawn of Hope and Martial Coup are really smart includes.

So the original plan of the deck was to set everyone up to lose their lands to Fall of the Thran and then shut down the second half of the effect with Mudhole to try to rebound faster than my opponents. I went with an all-in combo strategy that's weak on tempo but with some playtesting it's really clear that it needs to make plays that aren't just big board sweepers to stabilize.

Also (believe it or not) i put a lot of thought into the mana base. The idea was to just give up on mana rocks and try to hit 4 lands on the draw so i can stick Academy Rector and Wrath of God on turn 4 reliably. You might imagine that doesn't do super good against decks that get a planeswalker just as soon or sooner.

I like the new mana base you propose. It's more reliable on the draw and still pretty good on the play. Going first is going to be good for this deck.

More to the point i think a lifegain strat would benefit the deck. I notice you didn't mention any creatures but i think Wall of Reverence and Crested Sunmare could be good buddies for the early to mid game before i combo out.

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