Morphic Pool

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Morphic Pool


This enters the battlefield tapped unless you have two or more opponents.

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Rasaru on Zombies 2.0

5 months ago

Do you want to the deck to stay within a certain budget? How much money are you okay with spending to upgrade? $25, $50, UNLIMITED?! :)

My first thought is to fix up your mana base. You have a LOT of lands that come in tapped no matter what your board state or hand looks like. That's going to slow your game plan down quite a bit. Let's make these simple swaps to start. Then, we I have a better idea of what your budget looks like, I can recommend additional swaps.

Vivid Marsh -> Takenuma, Abandoned Mire Utility lands are excellent because you don't have to play them as lands if your mana flooded AND it doesn't come in tapped

Vivid Creek -> Otawara, Soaring City Same as above

Scoured Barrens -> Godless Shrine Same colors, just has the option of coming in untapped and satisfies your other land requirements you're playing, like Shineshadow Snarl

Dismal Backwater -> Morphic Pool Same colors, comes in untapped 90% of the time in EDH

Jwar Isle Refuge -> Drowned Catacomb Same colors and at least has the opportunity to come in tapped vs ALWAYS coming in tapped

Reliquary Tower -> Raffine's Tower Land comes in tapped, but produces all three colors and can be cycled to draw a card if you're mana flooded.

If those options are too expensive, you could easily justify just swapping them all out for basics. :)

Last_Laugh on Wilhelt and Sheoldred unite!

10 months ago

Arcane Signet, Dimir Signet, and Talisman of Dominance over Mind Stone, Sky Diamond, and whatever.

Plumb the Forbidden over Read the Bones. Instant speed makes this card.

Feed the Swarm is your only answer to enchantments in black.

Exotic Orchard, Underground River, Drowned Catacomb, Darkwater Catacombs, Morphic Pool, Tainted Isle, and Sunken Ruins are all pretty budget friendly.

DemonDragonJ on ‘Tis But A Scratch

1 year ago

"A scratch? Your arm is off!"

Seriously, however, this is a great deck, and it is nice to see that March of the Machines gave such great support to knights as a tribe.

I personally would recommend the shocklands (i.e., Hallowed Fountain, Godless Shrine, and Watery Grave) over the "bond lands" (i.e., Sea of Clouds, Morphic Pool, and Vault of Champions), since the shock lands are far more reliable than are the bond lands, and any deck that contains both black and white should easily be able afford to pay 2 life per land, in order for it to enter the battlefield untapped.

Doombeard1984 on

1 year ago

So I would probably suggest changing Crypt Sliver for Sedge Sliver. Reason for this is because Crystalline Sliver and Crypt Sliver are a NonBo as you cant target the slivers with the ability.

I would also probably change Shadow Sliver for Shifting Sliver. Gives you the ability to block others, but you can't be blocked. Shadow Sliver is a double edged sword, as you also can't block.

You have the option of another mana Sliver in the form of Gemhide Sliver. Trust me, Mana is your most required asset. I would drop Virulent Sliver as, to be honest, I would not genuinely expect to win with poison counters. And if this was a win con I would be going hard on it, not just a 1 chance.

As the aim of your deck is to go wide, I would be tempted to go with Shared Animosity to pump your attack power.

You have Spiteful Sliver in there, why not include Blasphemous Act? with enough creatures, this in itself can kill off your opponents.

Heart Sliver replacing Reflex Sliver is a strict upgrade. Cheaper and still gives haste.

I would question the value of Spinneret Sliver when you already have 2 slivers giving you flying.

If you are going wide Horned Sliver could be an option, however may not be needed. I would be more inclined to go with a Synapse Sliver. Need to keep that grip full of more Slivers to power the Hive.

Now... onto the mana base...

I would strongly suggest getting more dual color lands which can come into play UNTAPPED. We are in a very intensive deck, and getting to that is super important. Chromatic Lantern could be super useful, and you may also wish to replace something with Morophon, the Boundless.

Whilst ABUR duals are super expesive, and to an extent Fetchlands too, Shocklands (Godless Shrine etc.) and Bondlands (Morphic Pool etc.) may be more accessible. You could look at the Filter lands too, or checks. I just think this could essentially speed up the deck exponentially

I will have another think about some other bits as well and will get back to you :)

Immortalys on Land mana (Inner)

2 years ago

I too want to add to this my confusion. The theory that the two different wedges for the same colour differentiate between tapped and untapped seems to follow through 90% of the time, but in my Circu, Dexile Lobotomist deck -for example- the card Fetid Pools is counted among the untapped lands, while Sunken Hollow is counted among the tapped lands. I get why a card like Watery Grave or Morphic Pool would be counted among untapped lands, because they do have the ability to enter untapped, even if they don't always do so, but Fetid Pools has no way of entering untapped, and Sunken Hollow does, so why are they in their respective wedges?

multimedia on Satoru old

2 years ago

Hey, interesting concept, combining Ninjas with sea monsters. Well done if this is your first attempt at deck building, you have good card sense.

Some cards here that are not as good as the others that could be upgraded, even on a budget: Prismatic Lens, Doom Blade, Nemesis of Reason, Ambition's Cost, Commander's Sphere, Rogue Class, Tromokratis, Blade of the Oni.

  • 1x more Island --> Tromokratis
  • 1x more Island --> Nemesis of Reason
  • 1x more Swamp --> Doom Blade

30 lands is low when you want to get to at least four mana to ninjutsu with Satoru. Consider cutting a couple of the high CMC sea monsters that are not as good as the others, Tromokratis and Nemesis of Reason, to add a few more lands? Could just add more of each basic land or there's many other options that are more expensive price: Watery Grave, Morphic Pool, Drowned Catacomb, Shipwreck Marsh, etc. Some budget options are: Ice Tunnel (another land Marsh Flats can get), Temple of Deceit, Esper Panorama.

Prismatic Lens and Commander's Sphere could be upgraded to mana rocks that can combo with Hullbreaker Horror to make infinite mana. Astral Cornucopia and Everflowing Chalice combo with Sol Ring by repeatedly bounce/cast them with Hullbreaker to make infinite mana. Sol pays for itself plus 1 extra colorless mana each time you tap it before it's bounced by Hullbreaker. Astral is better because once you make infinite colorless then you can pay that colorless to cast Astral to make infinite blue or black mana. When you have infinite colorless then Arcane Signet or Dimir Signet can also be used to make infinite blue/black mana.

If you can create a copy of Hullbreaker from Thousand-Faced Shadow then this combo can bounce all your opponent's nonland permanents and keep doing this on each of your main phases.

Ingenious Infiltrator is a good Ninja for repeatable draw. Baleful Strix is a nice creature to enable ninjustu. Prosperous Thief is a Ninja for repeatable ramp who also triggers from a Rogue and there's many unblockable Rogues here.

Good luck with your deck.

Lord_Grimm on Nekustar

2 years ago

Wow! Looks amazing! After the changes, the only cards I 'may' consider cutting (if you have a few more cards you'd like to run) would be the following: Phyresis, Coveted Jewel, and surprisingly Lightning Greaves. Now that you have made a huge change, feels time to talk about the land base... my recommendations in that group would be the following: Choked Estuary < Witch's Clinic, Spirebluff Canal < Blood Crypt, Flooded Strand < Scalding Tarn, Underground River < Bloodstained Mire, Shivan Reef < Morphic Pool, Mountain < Luxury Suite, Island < Riverglide Pathway  Flip, Island < Clearwater Pathway  Flip.

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