Moraug, Fury of Akoum

Legendary Creature — Minotaur Warrior

Each creature you control gets +1/+0 for each time that creature has attacked this turn.

Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, if it's your main phase, there's an additional combat phase after this phase. At the beginning of that combat, untap all creatures you control.

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MahBoi100 on I'm Gonna Didgeridoo You in the Ass

2 months ago


Thank you both for the upvote and the feedback. I appreciate it! I have played with both Phyrexian Arena and Molten Echoes in the maindeck before, but I have found them to be a little too slow and grindy, especially Echoes. I may put Arena into the deck again, but I haven't missed the extra card draw atm. Because minotaurs are a bit slow in the wind-up, I have come to prefer burst card draw, like Night's Whisper and Reforge the Soul. I might actually add Sign in Blood in the future because of that. You've given me something to think about. Thank you for that! :)

Regarding Aggravated Assault versus Relentless Assault, I prefer the former because of its strong synergy with Neheb, the Eternal, as well as being, as you say, repeatable. That being said, extra combat steps are really strong in our deck, and Moraug, Fury of Akoum has shown me that a well timed extra combat step out of nowhere can be game ending. If I find room someday, I might add Relentless Assault or maybe Savage Beating.

Neotrup on Neheb and extra combat

4 months ago

Neheb, the Eternal will trigger at each post combat main phase you have, and most effects that grant extra combats also grant additional main phases. That said, Moraug, Fury of Akoum is one of the exceptions, it only states that it gives you an additional combat step, not an additional main phase, so you will not get another trigger from Neheb. Grim Reaper's Sprint also does not state that there is an additional main phase, so Neheb does not have a chance to trigger there either.

Compare to the wording of Relentless Assault which does state that there is an additional main phase.

proterran98 on Neheb and extra combat

4 months ago

I have Neheb, the Eternal and Moraug, Fury of Akoum in play. At my post combat man phase I play my land. I get an additional combat phase but do I get another main phase thus triggering Neheb again? Or what phase do I go into after the extra combat phase?

Is this the same case for Grim Reaper's Sprint?

Sk8mops on Aurelia Combat Master

4 months ago

Thanks for the suggestions!

In the early days of the deck I actually played Aggravated Assault, but it was really too mana intensive. I play it in other decks, but they usually have green as one of their colors. Boros is just too weak at generating mana and even in mid to lategame I'd rather spend the 5 mana on a stronger board presence than just an extra combat phase. That's the reason why Aggravated Assault was replaced by creatures like Combat Celebrant, Moraug, Fury of Akoum & Scourge of the Throne.

I don't like Lightning Greaves in equipment decks, because it happens more often than I'd like that I only have one creature on the battlefield. And not being able to equip more equipment is a really unpleasant slowdown..

Dolmen Gate is a good idea that I've already thought about myself. However, no free slot has yet been found for it. And I have to say that I play all my decks in paper and I just haven't been able to get my hands on a Dolmen Gate because I haven't come across it yet ;) But I'll keep my eyes open for it in the future!

Gidgetimer on Director Isshin's Cut

4 months ago

Moraug, Fury of Akoum only triggers if the land ETBs on your main phase and has no interaction with Sword of the Animist.

Having said that, it is a good card in non-green decks for ramp. Especially in a deck doubling attack triggers.

Last_Laugh on Bipedal Beastmode (Éowyn Human Tribal)

5 months ago

Azoth2099 I like the idea of extra combats but that card requiring combat damage to a player adds a really big hoop to jump through. I've considered Aurelia, the Warleader, Karlach, Fury of Avernus, and/or Moraug, Fury of Akoum though and ty for taking the time to post.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Card creation challenge

8 months ago

zandl: Moraug, Fury of Akoum approves ;)

Heart of Chiss-Goria

Legendary Artifact

Affinity for artifacts

: Add for each historic nontoken permanent you control. This mana can't be spent to cast generic mana costs.

Make an egg.

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