Molten Primordial

Creature — Avatar


When Molten Primordial enters the battlefield, for each opponent, take control of up to one target creature that player controls until end of turn. Untap those creatures. They have haste until end of turn.

Pheardemons on Mishra's Relentless Horde

1 year ago

Gleeock - It wont hurt my feelings if you keep commenting. As long as you're not one of those shameful Azorious players 0.0

Actually that deck had a couple things I had not thought about. Molten Primordial and Reality Scramble aren't terrible options as far getting and/or using fodder. I think I'm leaning towards Reality Scramble to use a 1/1 token to get some of my big things.

IHATENAMES on Tariel wrecker of holes

1 year ago

For decent salt but fun game I'd focus run some staxy type card.

Archfiend of Depravity weep tokens decks

Sepulchral Primordial steal 3 creature at once

Molten Primordial steal 3 creatures

Tymaret, Chosen from Deathgrave hate that works well with commander to limit the randomness

Altar of Dementia free sac plus many more upsides

Syr Konrad, the Grim with cards entering and leaving graves a decent wincon

Hofri Ghostforge double use etbs with other upside

Sire Of Insanity especially in a low budget slowing down the game works well in your favor. Also a blue players nightmare

Burnished Hart ramp

Ruinous Ultimatum sorcery speed mardu Cyclonic Rift

Tragic Arrogance you choose kinda boardwipe

Command the Dreadhorde Greatness at any cost

Victimize 1 bad guy fir 2 good guys. Seems legit

Dread Return 4 mana Reanimate you can cast for free* the 2nd time.

Painful Truths draw 3

Skullclamp for all the dorks out there. Let's make them useful

Helm of Possession trade your borrowed creature for a newer model

Smothering Tithe do you pay the tax?

Leonin Arbiter did you pay that tax

Wayfarer's Bauble ramp

Ruthless Technomancer ramp reanimation

Hoarding Ogre budget ramp

Persist reanimation

Fracture flexible removal

Stinging Study good with commander

Archon of Emeria 1 spell per turn

Rule of Law 1 spell per turn

Any of the Fleshbag Marauder effects

Visions of Ruin ramp kinda but mostly removal

Thrilling Discovery card draw

Echo Chamber fun card

Spreading Plague neat includes not great

Grave Betrayal steal creatures

These are just a few ideas. You'll have to mess with it from there.

Another deck to take ideas from

Fuzzy003 on Stop Hitting Yourself

2 years ago

Insurrection for one more than the Molten Primordial and steal everything for a turn. Maybe Soulblast could be a nice addition too?

EnbyGolem on Playing MTG With Disabilities, Disorders, …

2 years ago

The other day, I was watching a 'Cards We Like to Play Against' podcast for EDH. I was very surprised to see that one of the mechanics they mentioned was when opponents played effects that stole/borrowed/or used their own cards. While they admitted that Mind Control-type effects were not always feel-good, they loved Rise of the Dark Realms because they took pride in seeing their cards wreck the table.

While I only play casually, I've been playing Magic for a decade now. Since the beginning, hands-down the most tilting effect for me is when my opponent's use my cards. Needless to say, this podcast made no sense to me. MLD, stax, 100 Counterspells - annoying but it holds nothing to the frustration I feel towards someone stealing my creature with Simic Manipulator. As I was processing this, I thought about how I have similar reactions to cards like Oblivion Ring or even Molten Primordial. Logically, it doesn't make sense: MLD should be way more frustrating than having a single random permanent briefly moved across the table.

After awhile, I realized it's because I have OCD. I have a very hard time with people touching certain (seemingly random) objects in my house. For many things, I have to do very certain procedures before I can touch them (like wash my hands a certain number of times, etc). It seems so obvious now but my cards were just another addition to this list.

My small playgroup is awesome and, when I told them about this, they offered to modify the way these effects work. Their cards all work as intended but instead of my friends grabbing/touching/and bringing my card over to their side, my physical cards still stays on my mat. And it worked! Suddenly, I no longer cared that a card got stolen because I could still control the actual piece of cardboard in real life. It's such a simple change and one that has brought me a lot of relief!

I still have pretty significant limitations; I cannot realistically play at my LGS, though I've tried and really want to! Despite that, this still feels like a big victory for me :)

How about you? Have your disabilities, disorders, and/or neurodivergence impacted your ability to play MTG? Have you found a way to integrate your specific needs into the game in an awesome way?

Arkanox on Roll for Replication

2 years ago

Hi there,

I don't think Battlemage's Bracers and Rings of Brighthearth work with Delina because she has a triggered ability not an activated ability.

I quite like the idea of stealing stuff with Molten Primordial and sacrificing them to Tooth and Claw . But it is kinda unfortunate that the stolen creatures can't attack (when copying the Primordial with Delina). Goblin Bombardment and Spawning Pit might be a good inclusion if you wanna lean more into that.

I also like Bloodthirsty Blade and Shiny Impetus to create safe attack opportunities. Disrupt Decorum might fit here too (as it is being reprinted in the AFR Commander Decks).

MacPocho93 on Awaken the Blood Avatar (Commander) Deck

3 years ago

Have you consider Sengir Autocrat ? Or the instant Secure the Wastes ? What do you think about Goblin Assault , Dreadhorde Invasion or Assemble the Legion ? What about threat effect like Mass Mutiny , Molten Primordial or Mob Rule ? Other token generetion like Field of Souls or Ogre Slumlord ? Have you consider Fury Storm ? If you don't have price budget, what about Bitterblossom or Preacher ?

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