Mishra's Helix

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mishra's Helix


(X), Tap: Tap X target lands.

TheBestMagicCard on Hokori, Dust Drinker - Prison/Stax/Value Creatures

4 months ago

I realized that the most powerful thing Hokori can do is totally lock opponents out of playing anything, as long as there a couple support cards, mostly Mishra's Helix, God-Pharaoh's Statue, and maybe Kismet and Loxodon Gatekeeper.

This is more powerful then hate bears, and like "you can't do something" cards, as well as other cost-increasing cards. If I can just prevent opponents from casting anything by leaving them no untapped lands ever, it doesn't matter if the have a board wipe, or an enter-the-battlefield effect, or graveyard recursion, because they just can't cast anything...

Even if I could keep people from casting things for a few turns, if they gradually build their mana back up and could cast a threat that one of my dinky-conditional-hatebears didn't affect, then that sucked for me... Way better to just try and lock them down outright and not ever give them the chance...

I've decided to take out some more conditional/reactive cards for some better threats, so that I can have some recourse if opponents manage to cast a threat, and to try to close the game out a little faster. The deck also needs card draw to help stay ahead of opponents, and not stall out. I'm also realizing that removal is very powerful in this deck. Usually a one-to-one trade off for targeted removal can be questionable, but in this deck it's a little different. If I Swords to Plowshares a creature that cost 5 mana to cast, my opponent might have been saving mana up for a few turns to cast that card, now I just spent 1 mana to nerf it, and ideally Hokori is in play so now they will have to wait several more turns to cast something else, so spot removal turns into huge tempo advantage also. Even better than one-for-one spot removal is board wipe, and repeatable removal.

I've switched in new cards that present threats, draw cards, and remove opponent's cards, they include: Battle Angels of Tyr, Aerial Extortionist, Mass Calcify, Unexplained Absence, Magus of the Tabernacle, Champions of Minas Tirith, and Archon of Coronation.

Trouble in Pairs seems like it could be powerful, but it is also reactionary and conditional upon opponent's doing something advantageous.

carpecanum on azusa *help wanted*

3 years ago

It looks like you need more card draw to take more advantage of Azusa. Something like Nylea's Intervention maybe?

Blackblade Reforged or Strata Scythe with Azusa could be a win-con.

Mishra's Helix could shut people down if you have mana superiority.

ShreddedByCrows on

5 years ago

Oh, I forgot some things. I'll just list there below without any real ordering.

Ward of Bones is an annoying card. Nevermore prevent your opponent casting Vannifar on T4. Suppression Field slows down Vannifar and any other creature's abilities (fine with creatures you're running). Scepter of Dominance is something to consider (even if it's slow, it taps anything each turn). Mishra's Helix (which was one of my favourite card in Hokori stax) is strong alongside Extraplanar Lens and makes a good mana sink that slows down your opponents.

GrimMonolith on Gold-Bordered Card Prices

6 years ago

I have several Gold-Bordered cards from Urza's Destiny, Nemesis, Urza's Saga, and Urza's Legacy. I want to know: how do you price them? I have looked at many websites and they only show (take Grim Monolith as an example) the actual price for the normal card, not the gold-bordered version. In my collection, the cards in question (all Gold-Bordered) are Grim Monolith, Masticore , Mishra's Helix , Phyrexian Colossus, Phyrexian Proccessor (USG), and Tangle Wire.

carpecanum on Meandering with Rosheen

6 years ago

Mishra's Helix was so effective it wasn't fun anymore and I took it out of my Meanderer deck. You can just shut people down on their upkeep and leave them with zero mana for main/combat phase.

umasa87 on Traditional Arcum

7 years ago

I love this deck, I made one just like it, but budget. You should check it out Reduce Reuse Recylce *Budget*

I have a couple suggestions that could really improve your deck:

  • Myr Battlesphere: deal a crap-ton of damage once you build your Myr army with Myr Turbine.

  • Shield Sphere as another 0-drop.

  • Mishra's Helix: just imagine the possibilities when you have leftover mana...

  • Trading Post: useful toolbox kind of card, especially good for retrieving artifacts from the graveyard for you in case your combo is disrupted.

Love what you're doing, keep it up.

umasa87 on Paradox Arcum cEDH

7 years ago

I love this deck, I made one just like it, but budget. You should check it out Reduce Reuse Recylce *Budget*.

I have a couple suggestions that could really improve your deck:

Love what you're doing, keep it up.

HUFFDADDY on EDH - Annihilator: Kozilek, Butcher of Truth

7 years ago

mahdik, Thanks again for the help. Here's what I've decided to do so far:

Added Clock of Omens over Voltaic Key
Added Metalworker over Eldrazi Conscription
Added Darksteel Plate over Myr Retriever, out of your 3 suggestions Darksteel Plate is best suited for this deck.

Dark Depths is fun but not necessary

I didn't add Cloud Key or Semblance Anvil, because like you said they are not that important.

Mishra's Helix is so awesome, I've loved this card for a long time but also not necessary for this deck.

I like Tower of Fortunes and Well of Knowledge, but I don't know what to take out for them, any ideas?

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