Mirror-Sigil Sergeant

Creature — Rhino Soldier


At the beginning of your upkeep, if you control a blue permanent, you may put a token that's a copy of Mirror-Sigil Sergeant onto the battlefield.

DreadKhan on Imperium (Marneus calgar)

8 months ago

Sorry if some of these are pricier than what you're looking for, here are a few cards that are probably pretty good with Marneus. Pack Rat is probably worth a look, even if you use no other rats. Ogre Slumlord is a nice budget source of tokens, since the tokens have Deathtouch you have decent odds of making more tokens if people attack you. Ophiomancer is an interesting way to draw cards, you probably want some sacrifice outlets to draw a card on each turn. Shorikai, Genesis Engine works with or without your Commander, as does Faerie Formation. I think Mirror-Sigil Sergeant is pretty cool if you have your Commander out, you can make quite a few tokens if the Sergeant survives, but each is it's own trigger, so you'll draw lots of cards I think. Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia is an unusual token generator, though it'll max out at 1 token per turn it offers a way for that token to die each turn to make space. Pitiless Plunderer is probably a shoo-in with your Commander, Plunderer + Ashnod's Altar + Marneus = Draw your deck and infinite ETB/Death triggers. Similar to Plunderer but a bit different, Revel in Riches will draw a card each time an opponent's creature dies, and if you can amass enough treasure you just win on the spot.

If you typically have lots of small tokens as your main attack force you could try Meekstone, this type of card can be annoying if you play it without a plan, but most decks care more about untapping large creatures than you do. That said, it may attract some negative attention, something to keep in mind. There are also things like Propaganda, Ghostly Prison, War Tax, and Windborn Muse to consider, there are other similar cards.

russangoat on oops all upkeeps

3 years ago

suarkdivad I thought about adding Sphinx of the Second Sun but I realized Paradox Haze only triggers on the first upkeep so it would effectively be 8 mana for only one extra upkeep.

the clone effects (for creatures) are intended for zur so that I can get multiple enchantments per turn. They are also great with Chronozoa , Herald of Leshrac or Mirror-Sigil Sergeant .

MagicMarc on Favorite non meta creature

3 years ago

From a Vorthos/Creative perspective, a White Blue deck built around Rhinos is funny. Flying Rhinos with Archetype of Imagination. Other good options would be Growing Ranks and Followed Footsteps.

It's not budget but Moat + Archetype of Imagination in play with the Mirror-Sigil Sergeant would make anybody happy. Could budget replace with Island Sanctuary or similar.

Though just Flying Chubby Unicorns works too...

IKILLEVERYONE on Favorite non meta creature

3 years ago

My brothers favorite creature is Mirror-Sigil Sergeant. We had an epic battle once. I had a 13-13 double strike trampel lifelink still couldnt stop him from duplicating. He ended up with hundreds of mirror sigil. Really good creature.

Fatboy26105 on Thieving for Bant!!

4 years ago

EdhOutlaws I finally remembered to order one just now. I replaced Mirror-Sigil Sergeant. Would you have kept him and replaced something else? Also, what do you think of this build. I recently played my RUG version and it was so fun. My meta plays a ton of control style decks so me just copying their strategy was PERFECT.

NetholonTheArchmage on Zedruu's Unwanted Presents

5 years ago

I really do like your approach on the lovely goat-lady Expecially the combination of Transcendence and Aetherflux Reservoir is brutal and something i never thought of... Also you're running Mirror-Sigil Sergeant , an absolute alltime favorite of mine. Unfortuneately he always gets removed as soon as he hits the battlefield in my playgroup :'( Can't blame them though, as this card can win games pretty easily on it's own, exspecially with Paradox Haze on the board. Some suggestions for you might be: Perplexing Chimera , a really funny card that causes chaos and prolongs the game as no one wants to cast his gamewinning spells. Exspecially in combination with Homeward Path , which you are allready running the Chimera can be pretty usefull. If you want to go even further, add Thespian's Stage to the list, copy Homeward Path and watch your opponents despair...

I hope this arouses your interest, maybe you are also interested in having a look at my Zedruudeck ( Zedruu, Enlightened Master ) :)

kelpmerrow on Empyrial Enchantments

6 years ago

Thanks for the advice elgosu1337!

I really like the idea of Hokori, Dust Drinker. I've considered Stasis for the deck before, but Hokori feels so much better since I'm still strangling mana generation, but don't have to play around an upkeep cost

I actually did have Opalescence in the deck with Starfield of Nyx for awhile. The redundancy was useful in theory, but consistently proved to be unnecessary and I really wanted to drop one of them for another card. I ended up deciding to keep Starfield since it can recur enchantments, and doesn't give my opponents an army if Enchanted Evening is out, even if it does blows up their lands at the same time

Emeria Shepherd was in an earlier version of the deck. Though back then I wasn't playing all the enchantress effects, Burgeoning, and Courser of Kruphix, so I might be able to utilize her much better now since I often have ample lands to trigger her landfall

I've looked at Silent Sentinel before, its super tempting, but I always get turned off by that high mana cost. Still, you're right that Mirror-Sigil Sergeant doesn't add much and the Sentinel could be a worthy replacement. The Sergeant's really only stuck around so long since he's such a good "set it and forget it" threat, but I can probably get more mileage out of him in another deck

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