Mine Layer

Creature — Dwarf

(1)(Red), Tap: Put a mine counter on target land.

Whenever a land with a mine counter on it becomes tapped, destroy it.

When Mine Layer leaves the battlefield, remove all mine counters from all lands.

legendofa on Card creation challenge

5 months ago

Sapper Team

Creature - Dwarf Artificer


Battalion - Whenever Sapper Team and at least two other creatures attack, you may destroy target nonbasic land.


"Thick walls, deep foundation, carved out of a mountain, we've taken it all down. What do you need?"

Continuing the tradition of Dwarven Miner, Mine Layer, Dwarven Driller, and Dwarven Blastminer. Make things go boom.

Create a multicolored card with Squad.

DreadKhan on Super Shivan

1 year ago

There are some ways to tutor out the Shivan, one is Gamble, another is Magda, Brazen Outlaw. Gamble works well with recursion effects, which is a niche area for White. Zirilan of the Claw is a really weird one, iirc you can get around the exile effect by flickering the Shivan, at which point it's yours forever. Flicker effects are sometimes useful to protect the Shivan, so they're not 1 trick ponies and you could run more than one in a deck without them being superfluous. The worst might be Magda, but there are ways to generate 5 treasures and that's all you need, and some dwarves have amazing tap abilities like Dwarven Miner, a move that will annoy your opponent without really winning you the game, it's using your opponent's lands to dig out Shivan. Another good Dwarf could be Dwarven Blastminer, Dwarven Driller, Storm-Kiln Artist can make treasures too, some maybe options are Axgard Cavalry, Bomb Squad, Dwarven Armorer, and Mine Layer. There are some terrible options but I'm not going to bother with them. If you want a pretty competitive feeling Shivan Dragon deck, you might look up some Magda cEDH lists, that's a fairly competitive way to dig out a non-Legendary dragon.

Green is another great colour to look at if you want to dig out creatures, if you used something like Atla Palani, Nest Tender you can dig out creatures from your deck, guaranteeing access to Shivan eventually (if you run very few creatures you only need to pop a few eggs and you're guaranteed to hit) and she'd give you access to Green, which has it's own power buffing effects that can be quite notable. If you throw in a few cards that shuffle your graveyard back into your library (Green is great at this), you can recur your Shivan through Atla, so it can be pretty resilient.

I'm not disagreeing with Black as an option, just throwing another idea out there for you to think about.

The coolness of this deck idea makes me vaguely curious about a Red heavy Dragon Tyrant Atla Palani deck, just run stuff to make a nutso Dragon Tyrant and take over with your beefy beater.

Balaam__ on Casual Mono Red Dwarf Tribal

3 years ago

Dwarven Miner might find some utility depending on your playgroup. Non basic lands comprise a large part of the mana base of most formats. Along those same lines, Mine Layer can be a big nuisance for your opponent.

Lhurgyof on The War to end all Wars

4 years ago

Really like the idea behind the deck! As far as theme goes, I think Goblin Sharpshooter (Onslaught for the art), Mine Layer, Alaborn Musketeer, and Goblin Trenches would be cool.

As far as functionality goes, I'd think you could use a little more ramp. Wayfarer's Bauble is amazing for non-green decks, along with Mind Stone, Marble Diamond, and Fire Diamond.

+1 from me, I like themed decks.

Randomsome1 on Zu wish you conceded

5 years ago

Very Solid. There are some sub-optimal choices imo, but overall, nicely focused.

Shock is just not worth the slot in EDH. Leyline of Lightning is ok, but can be pretty mana intensive to keep using, especially in a land destruction deck, I don't see it being worth it. Guttersnipe is always nice, but with you creature wipes, you might kill it without a big payout. Keep an eye on how many X spells you have too, you might be shooting yourself in the foot, unless you add more artifact ramp, like a Fire Diamond and Ruby Medallion . Treasure Nabber can put everyone between a rock and a hard place if they are using artifact ramp. You'll also need some more card draw so that your single target removal keeps up with the board. Pyromancer's Goggles can help keep you up with 3 other players. If you fall behind, Acidic Soil and Price of Progress might be nice backups. Mana Web , War's Toll , Tectonic Instability might slow everyone down too.

Where is Blood Moon !? If you want to get pricey, Extraplanar Lens with Snow Covered Mountains is just mean with Blood Moon

Red has a huge weakness: Enchantments. You might want to add some enchantment hate, just in case. Even though they are costly Meteor Golem and Spine of Ish Sah are ok. Enchanter's Bane could fit in here real well.

I know you love your goblins, but I think Stuffy Doll is just better than Mogg Maniac . If you really want to anger people, mass land destruction is best: Ruination , Obliterate , Jokulhaups , Decree of Annihilation , and Impending Disaster are the most well known. Even an early game Tremble could be infuriating. If you your deck can get some tokens, or just fodder creatures Shivan Harvest might be fun. Mine Layer would cause a lot of frustration. So would Price of Glory , but it can hurt you too. I personally love Volcanic Offering because it can make someone mad at someone else. Bend or Break can divert some attention from you too.

Burning Earth Fits this deck pretty well. Maybe, Burning Sands too.

You don't need to take any of these suggestions, but they might be nice ideas for a sub theme, or a different way to think about how the deck could be run. I am not looking forward to this monstrosity lol

yodazach on depala vehicle

6 years ago

Heart of KiranDecent coz u have a bit of planeswalkersPeacewalker ColossusReally decent coz it gets rid of crew basicallyFleetwheel Cruiser pretty decentGearshift AceIts okConqueror's Galleon  FlipFlips into a decent card drawFairgrounds WardenGood RemovalMaster TrinketeerCreates tokens to pilotDwarven BlastminerGets rid of those pesky non-basics Dwarven Miner Does the SameJor Kadeen, the PrevailerPumps all ur shitChief of the FoundryGood budget pumpMine LayerGood old land destruction goodness!Metalwork ColossusEasy to get out, reks faceGuardian IdolCan be a creature and taps for manaScourglassGood one sided board wipeThunder TotemCreature and ManaAura of SilenceStops the group from playing dem noice artifactsMishra's FactoryTurns into creature to crew ur freakin vehiclesMask of MemoryGood Card Draw!

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