Metallic Rebuke

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Metallic Rebuke


Improvise (Your artifacts can help cast this spell. Each artifact you tap after you're done activating mana abilities pays for .)

Counter target spell unless its controller pays .

jonjonhholt on Knack Combo

5 months ago

I think with all the low cmc artifacts as well as the artifact lands Steelfin Whale should probably be a 4 of. Also you might consider Metallic Rebuke to give you a little bit of protection for the combo

K4nkato on death by 1000 papercuts

7 months ago

Some thoughts:

1) Troll of Khazad-dum should be in some of your land slots to fix your mana. He should be fetching Geothermal Bog

2) The deck doesn't have a timely win condition. I ran some test games with your list against Goblin Combo, Grixis Affinity and Mono Blue Faeries. If a creature deck plays out a creature every turn then your removal absolutely runs them over at first, but there comes a point around turn 7 or 8 where you simply run out of cards. There's no draw cards in this list. It can wipe every card drawing Ninja, Faerie and Myr that hits the table but those decks will draw an addition 2, 3, even 5 cards over the game. Faeries wins out by holding all their Ninjas until the middle game, casting Of One Mind for full price to pull ahead, then casting a single Ninja and attacking into an empty board. Goblins wins by doing nothing until they have the whole combo in their hand / graveyard then they just win on the spot. Affinity draws cards until they can play two/four Myr Retrievers in one turn and defend them with Metallic Rebuke.

Fang Dragon costing seven mana puts him too far into the future to cast as a timely threat. By the time this deck reaches seven lands your opponent will have a removal spell, counter spell or other answer waiting for him. Gurmag Angler is big but most top decks can answer him. Thorn of the Black Rose refills your hand if you can watch the throne, but attacking for 1 isn't a reasonable clock.

I think Ichor Drinker is a good choice for the deck. It gives you a reasonable early turn play & some recursion post-board wipe, but I wonder if something like Nested Shambler, Persistent Specimen or Putrid Goblin would be a stronger choice for a threat. They naturally replace themselves on their own.

3) You aren't running enough support for You Are Already Dead in my opinion. I'd love to brew a deck built around these removal spells but they need a lot of support going for them. Someone else has recommended Crypt Rats but if you're looking for an interesting card with a lot of potential, have you considered Cuombajj Witches? One damage to any target, then you immediately pick it off. Fits the deck, provides a win condition, etc.

SufferFromEDHD on An Affinity For Affinity

1 year ago

Haha! not into counterspells? Running Counterspell. That's the only reason why I suggested the artifact based Metallic Rebuke.

SufferFromEDHD on An Affinity For Affinity

1 year ago

With 27 artifact creatures, 18 artifacts and 4 artifact lands I'm confident your commander will always cost 2.

Metallic Rebuke the affinity Mana Leak

Slow Motion and Cessation potential upgrades to your aura creature control theme. The return to hand clause is very powerful.

wallisface on Do I Need Eight Loci …

1 year ago

Yeah I agree with everything shadow63 has said here.

Chromatic Lantern is a slow/clunky card that any deck should be looking to avoid. There are better options that have already been mentioned.

Metallic Rebuke is better than Stoic Rebuttal.

26 lands feels like 2 too many, but also you need more Locus for them to be useful.

It feels like the deck is going to be doing nothing if you can’t get the locus down asap - but you have no way to grab them quickly.

The creature choices confuse me.

wallisface on U Artifact Affinity

1 year ago

The deck should be winning the game on turn 4/5, or earlier, and when it’s not, something disastrous has likely happened.

The meta list here looks like its running a few Metallic Rebuke for protection, which might be good here

Potosyntesis on Lots of Clues

2 years ago

Into the Roil, Druid's Deliverance and Sundering Growth seems to be a good fit for sideboard, I think counters should be sorted with Metallic Rebuke and Disallow in the main board, however the cost effectiveness of AEtherize and Aetherspouts dont really fit

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