Medomai's Prophecy

Enchantment — Saga

*(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice this Saga after IV.) *

— Scry 2.

— Choose a card name.

— When you cast a spell with the chosen name for the first time this turn, draw two cards.

— Look at the top card of each player's library.

Suns_Champion on Your Cheap Obscure Overperformers?

1 year ago

Bolt Bend. For 1 mana more and $60 less, you get a deflecting swat.

Humble Defector + "I'll give it to you if you give it right back to me." it's the offer people can't refuse. I rarely get fewer than 8 cards if he's played early enough.

Generator Servant. for when you want that big cmc commander 2 turns early, with haste.

Blood-Chin Fanatic in my Korlash, Heir to Blackblade deck. Absolutely blasts people and has become the main win-con.

Canoptek Wraith, the new and second copy of Burnished Hart, another cheap favorite.

Hostile Negotiations. If you're messing with your yard at all, this is like drawing 6 cards.

Fraying Line. Weird little board wipe, can be slow unless you flash it in before your turn...

Medomai's Prophecy. solid lil value engine, draw to cards for casting what you would have anyway, your commander.

Bestial Fury. on anything that wants to deal combat damage, this card presents a tricky choice to your opponents.

wheels47 on Power Sagas

1 year ago

TheoryCrafter Good suggestions, thank you. I've tried both Era of Enlightenment  Flip and Medomai's Prophecy and liked them both. I am committed to Reason / Believe though, most wins go through its third ability.

I've recently been testing dropping black and replacing Binding the Old Gods with The Phasing of Zhalfir. I'm liking that a lot, along with Love Song of Night and Day.

TheoryCrafter on Power Sagas

1 year ago

I theorycrafted a Jeskai Enchantment deck built around Near-Death Experience and a Rakdos Shaman deck built around Hidetsugu Consumes All  Flip using the Power Conduit/Saga strategy. So O'm really liking this deck.

If you can get yourself another copy of the Reality Chip and three copies of any combination of Era of Enlightenment  Flip and Medomai's Prophecy, and then replace Reason//Believe, this can give you some more sagas to work with.

I hope this helps, Happy Hunting!

markbeloit on No 4 Symbol for Sagas

2 years ago

I'm on a thread where people bounce around ideas for cards (low priority, I know).

In your symbol syntax, if you write symbol:saga-3 you get . There does not appear to be a symbol:saga-4, though. Sagas with four stages are rare, but do exist in actual cards, like The Triumph of Anax and Medomai's Prophecy. So could you put in the saga-4 symbol? Or am I just messing this up somehow?


Lhurgyof on The Sagas of Muldrotha and her Mediocre-Friends

3 years ago

How do you feel about Destiny Spinner ? I feel like it would help protect some of your big plays. I think Sphinx of the Second Sun might be cool in here too if you think you could fit it. Another draw and untap is useful, plus you'd trigger your sagas twice a turn. The only downside I can see are cumulative upkeep cards like Elephant Grass and Mystic Remora .

I'd replace Mental Discipline with Compulsion . Compulsion is a straight upgrade in that it costs less and it can sac itself for a card too.

Getting into more expensive stuff, I feel like Squandered Resources would allow for some absolute bomb plays in here. City of Solitude and the much more affordable Dosan the Falling Leaf would protect you quite well, considering you only run two instants I don't think they would hold you back much at all.

As far as cuts go, I would look at Ob Nixilis, the Hate-Twisted , Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage , and Arlinn, Voice of the Pack look/feel weak to me. I don't think they offer much to the deck and while Arlinn does make tokens it feels kind of meh compared to other walkers like Vraska.

Medomai's Prophecy seems pretty weak to me as well, maybe you have different experiences than I do but it feels really weak compared to other sagas. Having to name your next play could be risky too depending on what you have for options in your hand.

+1 from me, really cool take on Muldrotha!

Amoskeag on Faeries and Fireballs - Pioneer

4 years ago

Stormchaser Mage would be a nice addition to this list

Dictate of Kruphix might be a better play than Avaricious Dragon, Rielle, the Everwise is cool but if you lose that your turns are going to be short-handed, more consistent card advantage.

If you end up making is more cycle based, or maybe you really like the discard, Drake Haven could slot in nicely someone in the 75. In the same vein of Draw and Discard Monastery Siege is very versatile and can protect your board from the opponent!

Medomai's Prophecy, helps you gain card advantage for cheap.

If you're going to draw a lot, Psychic Corrosion in the sideboard is a good backup plan if necessary.

- Amoskeag

Quicksilver on Whirlwind of card draw

4 years ago

I admit I'm not too highly experienced with burn decks, so my first plan with the deck was to make sure my burn spells hit the player, rather than hitting creatures, Especially as U/W is so good for wraths and spot removal anyway. That's how I use Mask of Immolation in this deck, I can put it out in the early game when players are putting up their board then ping for no cost at a later point. With a soldier on the field, I can ping 2 for , much like Chandra's Pyrohelix.

Heartfire works well because this deck is littered with small tokens, some that come out at no cost that I can sacrifice easily without losing too much board presence. Lava Coil and Mystical Dispute will definitely go into the sideboard at least, though I don't really want to lean the deck too far towards control.

Dance of the Manse was something I had considered, but the reason against recursion with my enchantments is that The Birth of Meletis becomes less valuable the longer the game goes on for and there are only 4 basic plains in the deck, and Medomai's Prophecy requires 3 turns for it's most powerful ability. Once they've served their purpose, I rarely have any need for them again.

Rhadamanthus on Medomai's Prophecy & multiple chapter …

4 years ago

It will trigger 3 times, once for each of the spells.

The 2nd and 3rd chapters of Medomai's Prophecy are a special kind of ability called "linked abilities". Generally, the relationship between linked abilities is that one provides/generates information for the second one to use, as it is in this example. If the first ability is a triggered ability that resolves multiple times because of getting copied, then the second ability will get information from all of the copies (unless it specifically says something like "the last [thing] chosen").

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