Mass Appeal


Draw a card for each Human you control.

austintayshus on Humans 5 color

5 years ago

Mass Appeal could be fun in this deck.

kamarupa on The C-Team

5 years ago

Since your deck is so close to mine, I know it's good!

Tezzeret's Gambit is awesome and I highly recommend it. I cast it for 3 all the time and just take the 2 damage. (totally worth it!) When I first added it, I didn't even include any blue mana producing lands. Mass Appeal is a pretty good draw card option, too, but the Proliferate with the Gambit is just unbeatable. Even without lands available to play creatures drawn with the Gambit, the Proliferation alone can sometimes be enough for a win. I was so sad when Grateful Apparition wasn't a Human, lol. Both the Gambit and Appeal, IMHO, are better than Mentor of the Meek , which I consider slow and too costly CMC-wise.

kamarupa on Cocaine

5 years ago

Tezzeret's Gambit is super good here. I've also considered Mass Appeal, but the proliferate and phyrexian mana cost with TG makes it more viable. Also, it's practically impossible to get cocaine that isn't "cut" with something.

the__odysseus on Esper Humans Control

5 years ago

Mass Appeal seems like a card a blue humans deck wants to play.

Akujiki on Ten Piece (Pirate Tribal)

5 years ago

Have one of my deck tech : since alot of pirate are humans I use Mass Appeal for card draw.

I also have some fun stuff like Ghirapur AEther Grid and Inspiring Statuary to have extra use for my treasure.

if you want to check it my Pirate EDH list here you go Treasures of Ixalan

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