Maralen of the Mornsong

Legendary Creature — Elf Wizard

Players can't draw cards.

At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player loses 3 life, searches his or her library for a card, puts it into his or her hand, then shuffles his or her library.

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RiotRunner789 on All the combos

2 days ago

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Pestermite or Zealous Conscripts for infinite attackers. Also. Kiki can copy other combo pieces and each piece is useful on its own.

Grenzo, Dungeon Warden + Timestream Navigator + Ascend and at least 6 mana for infinite turns.

Stranglehold + Maralen of the Mornsong locks opponents out of card draw and tutoring. Maralen can also tutor for the other piece or other combo piece but opponents will probably tutor for answers.

Demonic Consultation + Thassa's Oracle for instant win. Demonic can also just be used to grab another combo piece.

Smothering Tithe + Stasis for a lockout.

Teferi's Protection or some indestructible spell + Jokulhaups for a hard opponent reset. Teferi and Apocalypse or some other degenerate red board wipe also works.

Mana Vortex or some other land destruction like Armageddon + ability to play lands from grave like Crucible of Worlds for a combo people will hate you for.

There are a million combos, so it's probably best to pick ones that work with your commander or contain pieces that work on their own. Or, at least have a few defensive pieces (board wipes, stax, Propaganda, counters, etc.) to hold off your opponents.

Abaques on WOTC announcement - All Commanders …

1 month ago

For a fun one, Jegantha, the Wellspring and Progenitus.

Or how about going with Sliver-geddon and running The First Sliver and Sliver Overlord.

Or, because Urza, Lord High Artificer really needs access to all five colors, run him with Urtet, Remnant of Memnarch

Or perhaps you're just an evil person and you run Sakashima the Impostor so you can get a second Grand Arbiter Augustin IV on the battlefield.

Another pairing for those who hate their friends would be Maralen of the Mornsong and Ob Nixilis, Unshackled.

DreadKhan on Sisay's Horny Spaceship

11 months ago

Not sure if she's up everyone's ally, but Maralen of the Mornsong is an interesting card, especially if you tutor it up on the end step before your turn, you can then dig out Opposition Agent to make Maralen way more interesting. You might want to protect Maralen, but she's a fairly strong thing to tutor out if you're willing to stop opponent's from drawing cards. Oh, and if Maralen and Oppo survive a cycle, you can dig out Teferi's Puzzle Box if you want to clear out opponent's hands with a nice looking lady.

I like Seedborn Muse's outfit, she seems classy and is very good with 5C Sisay.

I noticed you're fairly heavy on Blue, have you thought about Neurok Stealthsuit to protect key creatures? If people use a lot of targeted effects it can be very powerful.

I feel like Sol Ring is a better thematic fit for your deck than the Pride Sol Ring, ymmv naturally.

I'd love to suggest New Frontiers and Collective Voyage, but I'm not sure you have the basics!

legendofa on Do you think The One …

1 year ago

Possible answers, non-exhaustive and in no particular order:

Exiling: Shattering Blow, Cast into the Fire, Tear Asunder, Resculpt, Anguished Unmaking, Despark, Prismatic Ending, Rite of Oblivion

Countering and discard, the usual array

Draw prevention and punishment: Narset, Parter of Veils, Maralen of the Mornsong, Spirit of the Labyrinth, Orcish Bowmasters, Sheoldred, the Apocalypse

Most of these are sideboard material at best, but some are general enough to hold up in a fringe deck, or specific enough to be in most sideboards. (What an insightful comment. Some of the possible answers are bad, some are okay, and some are pretty good. Watch out, analysts, here I come.)

So I would say that if The One Ring takes over, Esper Control might wander back into the upper ranks (while using The Ring itself), Burn and Hammer just kind of ignore it and work around the turn of protection, and Raggy-Reggie-Ragey decks might slip a little bit.

I haven't faced or used The One Ring in action yet, so this is me eyeballing and speculating, but I'm leaning toward not banworthy. The One Ring is two-thirds of a control deck in a single card, with the protection and draw, but control could use a hand. And it looks like Omnath is already locking it in. Which will get banned first, The One Ring or Omnath-4? It'll fill in a few more decks, maybe become the centerpiece of its own deck with Voltaic Key turbo-draw or Escape Protocol perma-protection, but it's not going to explode Modern unless something happens in Caves of Ixalan or whatever.

And if I'm wrong, it's another card for my banlist-only deck, so there.

mlequesne on Unwilling sacrifice *black control*

1 year ago

Since you're running Maralen of the Mornsong you can run Opposition Agent for the combo, and it's also another great way to control un black.

Nice deck friend :)

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Demons Are a Girl's Best Friend

1 year ago

Since you are running both Ob Nixilis, Unshackled and Opposition Agent, you could consider running Maralen of the Mornsong in place of Varragoth as the commander or just in the 99. I know she isn't a demon, but Maralen still tutors for you and can be really nasty with the aforementioned cards.

legendofa on Salty Commanders!

1 year ago

My main thought on my Nath of the Gilt-Leaf deck is that it didn't capture the Sadistic Hypnotist combo. The power level, salt, and threats look right, and it captures Chain of Smog + Professor Onyx and Maralen of the Mornsong + Opposition Agent. It has a preference for hard locks and wincon combos. This isn't really wrong, especially when measuring salt levels, but it's something I noted.

The analysis of my Dromar and Xantcha lists look pretty much perfect. Good work!

One more for fun: Above such mortal concerns

ebillips2003 on 93 Swamp Commander

1 year ago

This deck is made to win on turn five with one combo. If this combo fails or you misplay, you are about 99.9999% likely to lose the game, but that's all part of the fun. Here's the combo: Play Maralen of the Mornsong on turn 3, tutor for Ad Nauseam on turn 4, and then tutor for Culling the Weak on turn 5. Once you have Culling the Weak, cast it and sacrifice Maralen of the Mornsong. If you don't cast Culling the Weak first, you won't have enough mana to fuel the combo. Tap all your swamps so your mana is in float, and play Ad Nauseam. I like to do this now because you'll need all of your mana in float before you play Rain of Filth. Next, cast contamination. This helps ward against counters. Then cast Dark Ritual and Rain of Filth. This should leave you with enough mana to play The Golden Throne followed by Sickening Dreams. Discard all the cards in your hand as the additional cost and enjoy.

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