Mana Clash

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mana Clash


You and target opponent each flip a coin. Mana Clash deals 1 damage to each player whose coin comes up tails. Repeat this process until both players' coins come up heads on the same flip.

Maaloufler on Auntie Blyte Boo-urns

1 year ago

Might I suggest Mana Clash as a nice way to ping both yourself and an enemy.

I do suggest putting in the Pristine Talisman over the Patriar's Seal or Quest for Pure Flame.

Since you're running All Will Be One why not add The Red Terror for the combo win?

freezerboy on Sucker Punch Party

2 years ago

More testing and a bit of nonsense. Decided to amp up the draw mechanics and add some more shenanigans in there like Mana Clash to see about adding some spice to the rounds. Even when the deck whiffs, there are still fun interactions to play. Gotta keep refining before updating the primer on it.

mistborn314 on Impulsive Firestorm (Syr Carah cEDH Primer)

3 years ago

Frd123 Think of Mana Clash like mono red's Demonic Consultation . You will shot yourself in the foot every now and again and whiff hard core (no hits at all). However, I have consistently had about 3-5 hits off of every cast. Yes, it's risky and not reliable, BUT for a single R it's pretty decent. By all means, cut it for another Bolt if it's too risky for you.

Frd123 on Impulsive Firestorm (Syr Carah cEDH Primer)

3 years ago

Very nice deck and primer. I play with Syr Carah too. My Syr Carah Deck

A few ideas that I use, that you can try out or not, is:

Karn, the Great Creator - Shut down most of artifact decks or artifact ramp dependent decks. And can get back important artifacts exiled with Syr Carah Ability using it's second loyalty ability.

Finale of Devastation - flashback two cards and add recursion to the deck.

Shreds of Sanity - another recursion to the deck.

Mystic Forge - for assembling Sensei divining top combo kills.

Cloud Key - another cost reduction that occasionally reduce artifacts costs.

Reiterate and cost reducers. I try this infinite mana combo in my deck. But it is currently on the chopping block.

How does Mana Clash works for you?

aponiato on Okaun + Zndrsplt's Flippin' Coin Flips

3 years ago

Looking good! This is a really fun deck type, and I really enjoy playing this combo of commanders. When you hit a hot streak of winning coin flips, it can lead to some really impressive wins and/or memorable games.

One note, though, is that effects that refer to a strict "heads/tails" outcome will not trigger Okaun or Zndrsplt. I had a player in my group point out that only a "win/lose a coin flip" outcome will trigger these commanders.

I learned to be wary of cards such as Molten Sentry, Mana Clash, or Ral Zarek (for example) as it will not proc your commanders' static abilities (since there is no winner or loser for those coin flips).

athurdent on 40 Bolt

3 years ago

what about Spark Elemental? I think this counts as a bolt! Hellspark Elemental as well if you like this idea.

Mana Clash is a turn 1 win... well at least technically

proglover13 on Torbran Burn EDH (Actual)

4 years ago

Nice deck! Have you seen Mana Clash ? Seems like it would fit well here since Torbran's +2 wouldn't be directed out you.

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