Majestic Myriarch

Creature — Chimera

Majestic Myriarch's power power and toughness are each equal to twice the number of creatures you control.

At the beginning of each combat, if you control a creature with flying, Majestic Myriarch gains flying until end of turn. The same is true for first strike, double strike, deathtouch, haste, hexproof, indestructible, lifelink, menace, reach, trample, and vigilance.

Gidgetimer on Do sliver abilities work as …

1 week ago

Correct, both Akroma, Vision of Ixidor and Majestic Myriarch will see the Slivers as having the abilities granted to them.

ArmchairRuler on Do sliver abilities work as …

1 week ago

I am trying to spice up a sliver deck with some off type creatures that interact with having multiple keywords in play. I wanted to include Akroma, Vision of Ixidor and Majestic Myriarch to capitilize on the different abilities that slivers can bring. If I had Akroma and Majestic Myriarch on the battlefield with Cloudshredder Sliver and Lancer Sliver, would Akroma give any additional +1/+1 counters and would Majestic Myriarch get any bonus abilities from the slivers?

rwn1971 on Buttercup: Princess Bride

8 months ago

Personally i just do not like having my opponent drawing extra card. You still got 8 deathtouch creatures plus insects from Hornet Nest and you got Spark Double Majestic Myriarch Nashi, Moon's Legacy Odric, Lunarch Marshal Eater of Virtue Agent's Toolkit . And being a Monarch for that extra draw you do not need when you got Damia, Sage of Stone Staff of Compleation Garruk's Uprising Glissa Sunslayer Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain Kenrith, the Returned King Leinore, Autumn Sovereign Reki, the History of Kamigawa and Shanid, Sleepers' Scourge . But you also have Kaya, Geist Hunter in your maybe board if you really want deathtouch .

Darb_the_Bard on Buttercup: Princess Bride

8 months ago

I like Garruk's Uprising a lot and have it in multiple decks. I have mostly used it for card draw, which means it's a natural fit in a deck with many creatures with power 4 or greater. For the current Buttercup list, I'm counting 8 total creatures that naturally have power of at least 4, but you could say 10 since Buttercup and Majestic Myriarch will almost always be at least that big. That number would normally not get me excited. However, since both our commander (Buttercup) and our companion (Jegantha) will normally trigger it, we should almost always draw a card when Garruk's Uprising comes into play. So at worst it's a 3-mana cantrip with the upside to draw at least another card or two during the game. Notably, the card draw activates when a creature "enters the battlefield" instead of upon cast. That's awesome with Buttercup as it means any creature we tutor for with power 4 or greater will also trigger the card draw. Most of the creatures we most likely want to tutor for meet the criteria, including Inigo (Samut, Voice of Dissent), Atraxa, Praetors' Voice, and Jodah, the Unifier. For that reason, I think Garruk's Uprising would be a great include. I was already thinking I wanted more card draw, so I may definitely have to find room for it...

The thing I haven't mentioned yet is that Garruk's Uprising also gives trample to all our creatures, which as I have said before is great with all our deathtouch creatures. Usually that has been an afterthought when I've played Garruk's Uprising in the past, but in this case it's perhaps even more powerful than the card draw aspect.

I've also realized after doing a bunch of playtesting/goldfishing, that I almost always want to tutor for Inigo and Odric to get the keyword soup synergies going, which seems to make it less important to have multiple deathtouch craetures in play. The main thought here is that I only need a single deathtouch creature (Westley himself does the trick!) and then Odric gives deathtouch to everything else. Because of this, I'm thinking of cutting some of the lower-power deathtouch creatures to add a couple more 2-mana ramp spells to help me get to Buttercup/Jegantha sooner.

Ramping on turn 2 feels really important in this deck since we have a 3-mana commander and it costs 3 mana to put our companion in our hand. If we can ramp on turn 2, we have two powerful play patterns:

  1. Play Buttercup on turn 3, and then tap for Buttercup's ability to tutor on turn 4. This is quick and allows us to get the best cards from our deck really early.
  2. Put Jegantha into our hand turn 3, then play Jegantha on turn 4. This is much slower, but on turn 5 we now have 10+ mana available (five from Jegantha assuming we have enough colored pips to utilize it, and six mana if we've hit each land drop in addition to the ramp on turn 2). We can use that 10+ mana to play Buttercup and other stuff from hand, setting ourselves up for a more impactful tutor on turn 6.

Whether I go for Buttercup or Jegantha likely depends on if I need Jegantha to get my five colors, although I'll say the deck feels way more powerful with Jegantha in play. Waiting for Jegantha is slower initially, but you'll be playing 2+ cards per turn sooner, which could lead to a quicker victory. The ultimate decision on which route to go likely depends on the match-ups and board states at the time.

As I alluded to before, the bummer with 3-mana ramp is that it gets in the way of both our commander and companion, which means the soonest we could tutor with Buttercup is turn 5 (ramp turn 3, play Buttercup turn 4, then she can tap turn 5). But at this point we haven't used our ramp at all, so the only benefit is perhaps color fixing. The Jegantha route is delayed until turn 7 (ramp turn 3, get Jegantha in hand on turn 4, play Jegantha turn 5, play Buttercup turn 6, tutor turn 7). Both routes are more awkward because you are forced into not utilizing all your mana for multiple turns in a row. Because of that I'm wondering if Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, and Relic of Legends are worth it. They still may be just for the color fixing aspect, especially since I'm running a very budget mana base, but it's something to consider.

Also, since it came up before, I'll say that Majestic Myriarch has felt great in my hand when I've been able to cast it on the same turn I tutor for Inigo and get him into play. The Myriarch instantly has double strike, vigilance, and haste from Inigo, plus it often has deathtouch and flying from other creatures on board. Even if I only have 5 creatures (Buttercup, Jegantha, Inigo, the Myriarch itself and one other thing) then it's hitting for 20 damage the turn it drops. Nice!

Darb_the_Bard on Buttercup: Princess Bride

8 months ago

Garruk Wildspeaker would also make Jegantha illegal as a companion. Or perhaps you meant a different Garruk? Chromatic Lantern would be a good choice. I'm honestly not confident about the mana base as is, so another way to get all the colors could be very helpful. My current list has a lot of basics for budget reasons and I'm planning to rely on green mana ramp like Cultivate and Farseek, along with Jegantha, to get the colors I need. I expect I may be making swaps once I have the deck in paper and am able to play it a few times.

And swapping in Surrak Dragonclaw for Majestic Myriarch seems like a fine choice. I am personally excited to try out the Myriarch so I expect to keep it in for at least the first version of this deck. I view it as a backup to Odric to still take advantage of all the keywords if/when Odric gets removed. But it doesn't contribute much otherwise since, other than having huge stats (assuming I have a lot of creatures in play), it really doesn't do anything while Odric is also in play. Plus it's not legendary and thus doesn't synergize with Buttercup. So Surrak may very well be stronger. Like I said above, I think Surrak is a solid choice and I may very well add him myself at some point.

Dazard on Who wants some keyword soup?

1 year ago

@ bushido_man96 : Thanks for your response. Currently i am running 36 lands: the custom categories are a bit confusing as i added some other lands to "ramp" and "reanimate". Still not sure if that's enough.

Majestic Myriarch has performed really well so far. It just takes two other creatures to make it a 6/6 already. Considering all the keywords it usually should have (esp. hexproof, indestructible and double strike) this becomes a thread rather easily and it has the potential to grow even bigger during the game.

Another story is Cairn Wanderer. A 4/4 for 5 mana feels a bit unsatisfying from the start and i never really need him. Either i have no keywords in my graveyard so there is no real reason to bring him. But if i have the desired creatures in my graveyard i rather play my commander for that 5 Mana and start all the flickering shenanigans afterwards instead of dropping another 4/4 body. Cairn Wanderer will be cut for Hydra Omnivore, when it finally arrives at my mailbox ;)

Odric, Lunarch Marshal is a must have, i'd say. Once you have indestructible and vigilance out you can attack with all your creatures with basically no downside for you. It even gets better, if one of your creatures has lifelink and/or deathtouch. he just gives an enormous buff to all your creatures and even tho he has no keywords on his own, i'd never cut him from the deck ;)

Wasteland Viper is another interesting one as you described and can give me some more "political influence" on the game. I think i might try it out as well.

bushido_man96 on Who wants some keyword soup?

1 year ago

Hey, saw your message so having a look!

I think you need more lands. 32 is way low, and you don't have quite enough ramp to back that up.

I like the changes you've made, and I think you've really improved the deck. I'm curious about the performance of cards like Majestic Myriarch and Cairn Wanderer. Do you ever have enough creatures on the board to benefit from them? If so, great. I cut them from my list, along with Odric, to make room for more creatures that actually have keywords on them. But if you find them working out well for you, then by all means, keep them in.

Here's a little gem that I found for removal: Wasteland Viper. Easy to get to the graveyard, with a relevant keyword on it. And, you can use it as a combat trick to get rid of a pesky creature that isn't even coming at you in combat. If an opponent attacks another opponent with some problem creature, and someone decides just to chump block it, you can end up getting a two-for-one out of the deal, all the while advancing what your deck wants to do in the first place.

Keep up the good work, this is looking better and better!

redben346 on [Primer] Rainforest Shmainforest: Not For Hippies!

2 years ago

Thunderous Orator and/or Majestic Myriarch?? It does have the same thing as Odric.

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