Mageta the Lion

Legendary Creature — Human Spellshaper

{{2,WW}}, Tap, Discard two cards: Destroy all creatures except for Mageta the Lion. Those creatures can't be regenerated.

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Gravel Slinger
Tonic Peddler
Icatian Lieutenant
Jasmine Seer
Netter en-Dal
Charm Peddler

Metalcop on Dennick

1 year ago

Hi igniteaxiom

Would you consider Jinxed Idol, Bennie Bracks, Zoologist, Nimble Obstructionist, Lion Sash, Read the Runes, Golden Guardian  Flip or spellshapers like Toymaker, Mageta the Lion... for this deck?

The idol is a cheap sacrifice outlet to put Dennick in the graveyard. On every opponents turn, it assures you creatures going into the graveyard since the other players won't like taking damage for a long time. Plus, if it comes back to you, you can tap it with shimmer dragon and then sacrifice one of your cheap creatures to give it back before taking damage.

@suarkdivad :

Can you unattach an equipment if you don't have another target to equip it? Cause if not, you won't be able to "sacrifice" if Dennick or your creature is alone on the battlefield.

Don't get me wrong. I really love Grafted Wargear but I would rather use Mortarpod here.

legendofa on Lets Shape the Spell

1 year ago

I would suggest an option that includes and , with as a possible third color.

isn't great. Mageta the Lion is a repeatable board wipe, and the other two I would consider are Avenger en-Dal and Devout Witness as targeted removal options.

has a couple of interesting control options. Waterfront Bouncer, Trickster Mage, and maybe Alexi, Zephyr Mage are passable tempo options, Stronghold Biologist and Stronghold Machinist are more color-heavy, and Dreamscape Artist hits color fixing and ramp, unusual for blue.

Spellshapers are generally mana-heavy, but Undertaker gives you a lot of freedom in what you discard, allowing you to switch cards in your hand and graveyard as needed. Notorious Assassin and Greel, Mind Raker are further control options.

offers mostly burn and evasion. Seismic Mage is repeatable land destruction, and Hammer Mage eats artifacts.

is, as always, the best at color fixing, with Greenseeker, Harvest Mage, and Silverglade Pathfinder. Rushwood Herbalist and Dawnstrider protect your creatures, and Jolrael, Empress of Beasts works well with the red options.

Stardragon on Blowing Stuff Up

2 years ago

I made this deck a while ago, it's nether competitive nor maybe even good idk. It theme is have all indestructible creatures than using non-bounce, non-exile, non -1/-1 and non-sacrifice board wipes to be the only one left on the field with creatures. Worldslayer was the inspiration for this deck since i never see it used was a way to make useable somehow and than why not add more Nukes? I could use some tinkering i think any ideas to make it for fun?

Link Board state getting you down? Try Nukes! not a great name but ehh

Boards wipes atm

Starstorm, Myojin of Cleansing Fire, Novablast Wurm, Blasphemous Act, Duneblast, End Hostilities, Kirtar's Wrath, Martial Coup, Star of Extinction, Sublime Exhalation, Supreme Verdict, Wrath of God, Worldslayer and my commander Child of Alara

Was thinking of adding Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Elspeth Tirel, Ajani Vengeant, Doomskar, Kaya's Wrath, Vanquish the Horde, Mageta the Lion and Phyrexian Rebirth thoughts?

the_solitaire on First ever EDH deck... help?

3 years ago

I am really a 60 card deck kind of person, but the group I play with favors 100 card commander deck games.

In the past few days I tried to catch up with the current game (been out for 20 years) and tried to jumble together a few theoretical decks, trying to get to know some of the new cards. With some of that done, I now try to construct a 100 card singleton deck (look here: First attempt BW)

By all means, I tried to set a theme: Discard through spectres and assisting sorceries), then threw in some cards that have some kind of synergy with discarding Megrim Liliana's Caress The Rack

That left me with pretty much (after adding lands) a 60'ish card deck.

So here we go out on a limb. I added white. To get access to Wrath of God and Mageta the Lion as well as an additional tutor card.

I am not yet convinced that this wil lever work, so before I go out and buy a load of cards, maybe someone here would be kind enough to have a look at this jumble of cards and help me make some sense of it.

Ungodlyfreak on

3 years ago



Joe_Ken_ on Mageta the lion

4 years ago

Been wanting to build a mono-white deck for awhile and while recently we have received very good commanders with the new Heliod and God eternal Oketra I was thinking maybe using an older commander could be more fun and put the deck at a more casual level.

What I was thinking of was using Mageta the Lion to keep a board of indestructible creatures / Gideon planeswalkers to try and overpower my opponents while also running as many cards with flashback or other graveyard uses to try and make his tap ability less of a pain to work with. Any help with this would be appreciated.

Zujiry on

4 years ago

Suggestion: Take all the other cards out and put Mageta the Lion in. Ez.

Twilight Shepherd is nice because of all your wraths, but do you have the mana to wrath -> then pay 6 for the Shepherd? (Well reanimation works too)

Urza's Ruinous Blast isn't good enough I think, as it exiles your artifacts and enchantments too.

Field of Souls would be good with True Conviction but also just synergizes with your commander so maybe switch those two?

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